Hebreus 6:17,18

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Hebreus 6:17. God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.

THE multiplying of oaths is a dreadful snare to the consciences of men; and a light method of administering and of taking them is amongst the most heinous of our national sins. But they run to a contrary extreme who affirm all oaths to be sinful: on many occasions they were prescribed to the Jews by God himself: the most eminent saints also, under the Christian dispensation, as well as under that of the Jews, have, on many occasions, appealed in the most solemn manner unto God. In the passage before us God sanctions the use of oaths in concerns which are of great moment, and which cannot be settled in any other way. We are even assured that God himself has condescended to adopt this very method of confirming and establishing the minds of his people. From the Apostle’s account of this astonishing transaction, we shall be led to consider,

I. The description here given us of God’s people—

They are described by,

1. Their state—

[They once “were, like others, children of wrath [Note: Efésios 2:3.]:” but they have been regenerated by God’s Spirit, and adopted into his family. “Being thus his sons, they are also heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ [Note: Romanos 8:17.].” The promises, temporal, spiritual, eternal, are their inheritance. Hence they are justly called, “the heirs of promise.” To this happy state they have been brought in consequence of God’s eternal counsels [Note: 2 Timóteo 1:9.]. But they have nevertheless attained to it in the use of means [Note: Ezequiel 36:37.]

2. Their conduct—

[Eternal life has been set before them in the Gospel; and Christ has been declared to be the only way in which that life can be found [Note: 1 João 5:11.]. This record they have believed: and, feeling their utter need of mercy, they have sought it in Christ [Note: Gálatas 2:16.]. They have regarded him as the city of refuge, in which the man-slayer found protection from the avenger of blood; and have fled to him with holy earnestness as their only hope [Note: Números 35:11.]. In this way they have “laid hold” of God’s promised mercy; and have attained to that state in which they may assuredly expect it.]

That these are the most highly favoured of all people will appear, if we consider,


The regard which God manifests towards them—

He wills that they should enjoy “strong consolation”—
[He would not that they should be held in doubtful suspense, or be harassed by fluctuations of hope and fear. He wishes rather that they should enjoy the privileges of their high station. Though they have in themselves much cause to fear, yet in HIM they have reason to exult and triumph. They should “know in whom they have believed, and that he is both able and willing to keep what they have committed to him [Note: 2 Timóteo 1:12.].”]

In order to this he would have them persuaded of “the immutability of his counsel”—
[Nothing more contributes to the comfort of God’s people than a view of every thing as subjected to his unchanging will and irresistible controul. If only they learn to refer every thing to his overruling agency or righteous permission, all cause for disquietude will cease. Do the dispensations of his providence appear dark? the soul will be satisfied when it can say, This hath God done [Note: 1 Samuel 3:18.]. If events seem to contradict the promises, the reflection that God’s ways are unsearchable will silence every murmur, and dispose us to trust God, till he shall be pleased to unfold his purposes to our view [Note: Hebreus 11:17. Abraham’s faith as described in these verses will admirably illustrate the subject.] — — — “Who shall separate me from the love of God?” is the triumphant challenge that will be given to all our enemies, as soon as ever we see God appointing every thing with immutable and unerring wisdom [Note: Romanos 8:33.]

For this purpose God confirms his promise with an oath—
[His promise could not be made more sure. But we are prone to unbelief. On this account he condescends to consult our weakness, and to swear by himself, that we may be the more firmly persuaded of his veracity. Even though God had not sworn, he never could have receded from his engagements, seeing “it is impossible for God to lie.” But his oath is calculated to satisfy the most fearful mind; and must convince us, beyond a possibility of doubt, that he will never leave us nor forsake us [Note: Hebreus 13:5.]


How astonishing is the condescension of God!

[That God should voluntarily lay himself under any obligations at all to us, may well excite our astonishment. But that he should so far indulge those who doubt his veracity, as to confirm his promises with an oath, with a view to their more abundant consolation and encouragement, is a condescension of which we could have formed no idea. In this He has cast a reflection, as it were, upon his own character, in order that he might silence their unreasonable doubts. But he is God and not man, and therefore He could submit to such a degradation. O let all of us admire and adore him! And let us be careful that we “receive not this grace of God in vain [Note: 2 Coríntios 6:1.].”]

2. How great is the sin of unbelief!

[Unbelief says, in fact, not only that “it is possible for God to lie,” but that He is indeed “a liar [Note: 1 João 5:10.].” How would such an indignity be borne by us, especially if we had never given. the slightest occasion for it, but had fulfilled every promise that we had ever made? No doubt then God must be displeased whenever we cast such a reflection upon him. And if now, after that he has confirmed his promise with an oath, we disbelieve him, the affront will be aggravated in a tenfold degree, and our guilt be proportionably increased. Let us know then, that “not one jot or tittle of his word can fail;” and rest assured, that, if we trust in him, we shall never be confounded [Note: Isaías 45:17.]

3. How wide is the difference between God’s people and the world at large!

[There may be but little visible difference between them: but they do differ very widely; nor is the difference the less real because it is invisible. The godly have fled for refuge to Christ as their only hope: they make the promises of God in Christ their boast, and their inheritance: and, while God regards them as his heirs, he fills them with a peace that passeth all understanding. But what hope have the careless and ungodly world? What consolation have they from the immutability of God? All their comfort is founded on the hope that God may lie — — — Hence, instead of children and heirs of God, they are children of the wicked one, and inheritors of his portion. Let these awful truths sink deep into our minds. And “let us not be of those who turn back unto perdition, but of them that believe to the saving of their souls [Note: Hebreus 10:39.].”]

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