Mateus 10:8

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 10:8. Freely ye have received, freely give.

COMPASSION for the wants and miseries of men is a very distinguished feature of the Christian character. It is a lovely grace, even when it has respect only to the temporal necessities of mankind: but it is of a far higher stamp, when it is called forth by a view of their spiritual wants, and seeks to administer to their eternal welfare. Such was the feeling which our blessed Lord and Saviour chiefly manifested on the occasion before us, and sought to diffuse amongst those who were to be his more immediate followers and servants: “When he saw the multitudes,” we are told, “he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd. Then said he unto his Disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest [Note: Mateus 9:36.].” Then having, on the following day, called his twelve Apostles, he bade them go out and preach, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand;” and, in confirmation of their word, to work the most benevolent miracles; that so the people might have, in the healing of their bodily disorders, an emblem and a pledge of what He was come to effect upon their souls [Note: ver. 7, 8.] Then, reminding them how sovereignly he had acted in selecting them to this high office, he added, “Freely ye have received; freely give.”

This direction of his to the Apostles will afford me a fit occasion to set before you,

I. The blessings which God has freely communicated to us—

Those which had been conferred upon the Apostles were great—
[The Apostles had been called, from their several occupations, to wait upon their Lord; and had been drawn with a power which they were not able to withstand. They had been selected from all the people of Israel, to be more especially instructed by their Lord in the nature of his religion, which he was about to establish: for to them did our Lord explain in secret the truths which he had delivered only in parables to his public auditories. To them also was given an experience of what they knew, by an operation of divine grace upon their souls; and an authority also was vested in them, to proclaim to others the truths which had been so far revealed to themselves. They were empowered, also, to work the most astonishing miracles in confirmation of their word: and, ultimately, to become instructors, yea, and instruments of salvation also, to millions of the human race. Finally, their names were written in the Lamb’s book of life; and they were taught to look forward to all the felicity of heaven, as their sure and everlasting inheritance. No one of these things had they merited: no one of these things had they purchased or procured to themselves: all these blessings, whether official or personal, had been freely given to them, as an act of sovereign grace on the part of their Lord and Saviour: and, in reference to every one of the mercies, our Lord could say, “Ye have not chosen me; but I have chosen you [Note: João 15:16.].”]

Nor are the blessings which have been vouchsafed to us less worthy of notice—
[True, we are not called to be Apostles, or to receive truth by inspiration, or to work miracles: but if we fall short of them in what relates to their official character, we are not a whit below them in all that is personal. “To us it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven;” whilst the great mass of mankind are yet lying in heathen darkness, without so much as one ray of light to guide them into the way of peace. I may add, too, that a faithful ministration of the Gospel is no small mercy, of which millions of those who possess the Christian Scriptures arem yet destitute. But what, if we can say that our eyes have been opened to behold the truth, and our hearts opened to embrace it? What, if we can say that we have been “quickened from our death in trespasses and sins;” and that we have been enabled to give up ourselves to Christ, as his stated and avowed followers? What, if we have a good hope that “our names are written in heaven” and that we have been “begotten again to an inheritance that is incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for us?” Have not we reason to bless our God?

Then, as to the freeness of these gifts; what have we ever done to merit them? Must we not acknowledge, in reference to every one of them, that God has prevented us with the blessings of his goodness? and that, in reference to them all, “He was found of them that sought him not, and made known to them that inquired not after him [Note: Isaías 65:1. with Romanos 10:20.]?”

Know ye then, brethren, that as to the external ministration of the Gospel, it is what “ye have freely received;” and if ye have been made partakers of an inward experience of its power, for that also ye are altogether indebted to the free and sovereign grace of God.]

Let us, then, proceed to consider,


The obligation which he has thereby entailed upon us—

The Apostles received not their gifts for themselves only, but for the good of others: and in like manner must we consider the benefits which we have received, as talents to be improved by us for the honour of our God, and the welfare of our fellow-creatures. This is true, even in relation to our faculties, our property, our influence in the world; but much more is it true in reference to the possession of divine knowledge, which is so distinguishing a mercy, and of such infinite importance to every child of man. To all, then, I say, “Freely give;” for,

1. The call on us is as urgent as it was on the Apostles—

[Were the bulk of the Jewish nation ignorant; what must the heathen be, who possess not one of their advantages? Cast an eye over a map of the globe, and see how small a part of the world is enlightened with divine truth. Not so much as the very name of Jesus is known to more than one-sixth part of the world; or, if known, is known only to be hated and abhorred. Go through the world, as the Apostles went through Judζa, and say whether you will not find the souls of men diseased and leprous, and under the power of Satan, as much as ever their bodies were whom the Apostles were authorized and empowered to heal. Yes, verily, “the whole world lieth in wickedness,” and “under the power of the Wicked-one [Note: ἐν τῷ πονηρῷ.];” and it is the Gospel only that can heal them. I therefore call upon you to send forth the Gospel, by any means in your power. Individually, I well know, you can do but little; but in concert you may do much. What might not the Christian world effect, if they all felt their obligations to the extent that they ought, and laboured to fulfil them to the extent that they might? At all events, do ye rise to the call of duty; and give as liberally as ye have freely received.]

2. The obligation, too, is as great on us as on them—

[We are not to “hide our talent in a napkin:” or, if we do, we must expect to be condemned as “unprofitable servants.” We must give an account of our stewardship, and answer for every talent committed to our charge. On the score of responsibility, therefore, we are as much bound to exert ourselves as ever the Apostles were. But I am ashamed to urge such an argument as that. Shall those who have been redeemed by the blood of God’s only dear Son, and been renewed by his Holy Spirit, want any other motive to exertion than gratitude, especially when called to such a service as this? Should not “the love of Christ constrain them” to do all that they can in this blessed work? Let me hope that you need no other impulse than this; and that now, with one heart and one hand, you will combine in aiding the society whose cause I plead.]

3. The opportunity, also, is as favourable as ever theirs was—

[Was there at that time an expectation of the Messiah’s advent? So is there now, to a vast extent, both amongst Jews and Gentiles. An idea seems to be pervading gradually the whole world, that one great religion is about to be established, to which all others will give way. And the Christian world, in particular, is beginning, and to an extent never known before, to feel its obligations, and to fulfil its duties in this respect. The diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in the different languages of the earth; the sending out of missionaries from almost every different church in Christendom; the zeal that is spread amongst all classes of society; and the liberality that is exercised; all augur well respecting the success of our endeavours: for, beyond all doubt, this zeal and liberality proceed from God: and what he has thus been pleased to excite, we may reasonably hope he will accompany with his blessing [Note: This being preached in behalf of the Missions of the United Brethren, called Moravians, it was here shewn, that they have claims upon us of no ordinary kind: they are an Episcopal Church, like ourselves: they have, amongst Protestants, taken the lead in the establishment of Missions, and are universally acknowledged as the brightest patterns of Missionary exertions: they have selected the places most difficult of access (Greenland—the Coast of Labrador—the North-American Indians and Cherokees—the West-Indian Islands, among the Negroes—the Calmucs in Russian Asia—the Hottentots at the Cape, &c.) Their self-denial has been great, like that of the Apostles, ver. 8–10: their preaching simple, ‘the cross of Christ) like theirs, ver. 7: their success wonderful; (twenty-eight thousand in the West Indies and two thousand among the Hottentots, besides thousands elsewhere); so that the number of their converts exceeds that of the members of their own communion: their necessities urgent, for their own people are poor, and not able to raise more than one fourth of their annual expenditure; and their economy most remarkable; for, with thirty-three stations, and one hundred and seventy Missionaries, including their wives, they expend only 8000l. a year. Are not such persons deserving of the aid of every Christian Church?].]

Veja mais explicações de Mateus 10:8


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