Mateus 22:41,42

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 22:41. While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, saying, What think ye of Christ [Note: Before a congregation where less critical accuracy is required, this subject may be treated thus:

I. Propose the question—

What think ye—1. Of his person (he is God, as well as man). 2. Of his sufferings (they were altogether vicarious and expiatory). 3. Of his glory (he is in heaven as a public person, our Advocate, our Head, our Forerunner).

Shew the importance of it—

On our thoughts of him must depend—1. Our devotion to him (which will be proportioned to our admiration of his character). 2. Our interest in him (which can arise only from our knowledge of him, and our faith in him). 3. Our acceptance with him in the last day (if we have low thoughts of him now, he will have low thoughts of us then. Marcos 8:38.).]?

THEY who are prejudiced against the Gospel, are ever studious to ensnare the preachers of it with captious, or, as they think, unanswerable questions. To such cavillers we should answer warily, and with meekness of wisdom: nor will it be unuseful, on some occasions, to propose to them in return some question, which shall lead their thoughts into a better channel. Our blessed Lord adopted this method after he had been successively interrogated by Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes [Note: Master, what thinkest thou of paying tribute to Cζsar? ver. 15, 17; of the resurrection of the body? ver. 23–28; of the commandments? ver. 35, 36.]. He returned to each a satisfactory answer, and silenced them at last by proposing to them a difficulty, which, with all their boasted wisdom, they were unable to solve.

Certainly the difficulty of reconciling these two characters of the Messiah was great: yet, if the Pharisees had been duly attentive to all the prophetic representations of the Messiah, they would have known, that there was to be in him an union of the most opposite states, of life and death, of sufferings and glory; and that, consequently, the humble state of Christ, at which they took offence, was no reason at all for their disbelieving his divine mission. To shew them this, was the precise object of our blessed Lord in the question he put to them; and, in accordance with that design, I will shew,

I. That the discordancies of Scripture are no bar to our believing in Christ—

There are, no doubt, in Scripture, very discordant representations of the Messiah—
[Of his person: he was to be the root, and yet the offspring of David, a little child, and yet the mighty God [Note: Isaías 9:6; Mateus 22:43.Apocalipse 22:16.] — — — Of his reception in the world: he was to be an object of universal contempt and abhorrence; and yet to be universally admired and adored [Note: Isaías 53:3; Isaías 49:7; Salmos 22:6. with Salmos 72:8; Salmos 72:10.]. Of his end: he was to die an accursed death, and yet to live for ever and ever — — — But the Pharisees noticed only those passages of Scripture which flattered their pride, and raised their expectations of temporal grandeur; and therefore they were “offended” at Jesus, whose condition in the world was poor and mean, and, as they thought, irreconcileable with the office which he professed to bear.]

Yet were these discordancies no just reason for their rejecting of Christ—
[In fact, if these discordancies had not been found in him, he could not have been the Messiah predicted in the Scriptures. Their union therefore in him was rather a reason why the people should believe in him; since it fulfilled every part of the inspired records, and gave to him a claim, which no other person ever did, or could, possess. The miracles which he wrought were such a demonstrative proof of his divine mission as no reasonable being could withstand. And these miracles, taken in connexion with the strict accomplishment of so many, and so apparently opposite, predictions, left no room for doubt on any rational and candid mind, that Jesus was indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.]
But my text leads me further to shew,


That the union of these discordancies in Christ Jesus is the very foundation of all our hopes—

If he had not been man, he could not have lived and died for us; as the Apostle says; “He was made lower than the angels for the suffering of death, that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man [Note: Hebreus 2:9.].” On the other hand,

He must have been God, else nothing that he either did or suffered could have been available for our salvation—

[Supposing him to have been a mere creature, his obedience could not merit any thing for us: for, “all that he could do would be no more than his bounden duty; and, having done it all, he would be only an unprofitable servant.” Nor could his sufferings make any atonement for our sins: for there is no proportion whatever between the sufferings of one creature for a time, and the sufferings of countless millions of creatures to all eternity. However exalted the creature might be; his blood could no more be available for the salvation of the whole world; than the blood of bulls and of goats; of which; we are told; it is not possible that it should take away sins [Note: Hebreus 10:4.].” Nor could his intercession be of any avail for us; seeing that he would have no effectual plea to urge in our behalf. Nor, in fact; could his appointment to govern the world secure to us the blessings we stand in need of; since; without omniscience; he could not know all our necessities; nor; without omnipotence could he supply them.]

But; being God as well as man; he is equal to the work he has undertaken for us—
[His duty gives an infinite value both to his obedience and his sufferings; insomuch that his sufferings were a sufficient atonement for the sins of the whole world; and his obedience formed a sufficient righteousness for the justification of all who should be clothed with it. His intercession too; founded as it is in the efficacy of his atonement; is sure to prevail in our behalf; whilst; as Head over all things to his Church, he can supply out of his own fulness all who call upon him. In him; as God-man; there is such a sufficiency; that no man; however desperate his condition; has any reason to despond; nor; if with a penitent and believing heart he apply to Jesus; has he any reason to fear: for; Jesus “is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him.”]


In the parable of the Sower, our Lord said; “Take heed what ye hear;” and; “Take heed how ye hear.” Thus; in reference to my text; I would ask;

1. “What think ye of Christ?”

[Many alas! think not of him at all. Notwithstanding they call themselves Christians; Christ is as much banished from their conversation and from their minds; as if he had never come from heaven for them; and never borne their sins in his own body on the cross. God; as a Creator, is sometimes acknowledged; and sometimes; under particular providences; as the Governor of the world: but Christ, as a Redeemer, seems quite forgotten: and the very mention of him under that character is sufficient to cast a damp upon all social hilarity; and to bring reproach upon his advocate as an unmannerly enthusiast. But; beloved brethren; we should make ourselves acquainted with the character of Christ as revealed in the prophecies of the Old Testament; and as exhibited in the records of the New Testament. We should view him as “God manifest in the flesh,” and “purchasing the Church with his own blood.” We should view him in his person, work, and offices: for if we know him not as he is delineated in the Scriptures of truth, we can never truly believe in him, nor can we ever finally be saved by him. I charge you then, brethren, to inquire carefully what ye think of Christ, and to compare your thoughts with the revelation of God concerning him.]

2. How think ye of Christ?

[Do you think of him as you ought to think? Do you think of him with an application of him to your own soul? It is of very little use to entertain theories in your head, if you do not get them realized in your heart. You will never know him to any good purpose, unless you apply to him under all his characters for the mercies you stand in need of, and make him all your salvation and all your desire.

I ask yet further, Do you think of him with the adoring gratitude which he deserves at your hands? This is what God requires; and nothing short of this will constitute you Christians indeed. See how the redeemed honour him in heaven: they are singing incessant praises to him as having “loved them, and washed them from their sins in his own blood, and made them kings and priests unto God and the Father: yea, to him they ascribe all glory and dominion for ever and ever.” And such should be your state on earth; yea and such will it be to a considerable extent, if you are walking in any measure worthy of your high calling. Begin then this course, if you have not already begun it, and prosecute it with ever-increasing diligence, if you have: so will you be filled with unutterable and abiding joy [Note: 1 Pedro 1:8.]; so will you also be transformed into your Saviour’s image [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:18.], and be rendered “meet for the inheritance of his saints in light.”]

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