Provérbios 16:3

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Provérbios 16:3. Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.

WE all believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, and in a general way acknowledge his agency in the government of the world: but his particular care of us individually we find it extremely difficult to imagine. This, however, is most clearly revealed in the Holy Scriptures; and our duty is so to realize it, as, under all circumstances of trial and of difficulty, to look to him for his gracious interposition, and to expect from his hands whatever shall most conduce to our real benefit.
In the words before us we see,

I. A state supposed—

[It is here supposed that we may be in a state of great perplexity, so as not to know what to do for the best. This is often the case with nations, especially when menaced by a potent enemy [Note: Isaías 7:2 and Joel 2:6; Joel 2:10.] — — — Nor is there scarcely an individual to be found, who does not, at some time or other, experience an oppression of mind, arising out of difficulties with which he has to contend, and troubles which he knows not how to avert — — — Even in relation to men’s spiritual concerns, the same trials are felt. Many, in a season of deep conviction, have poured out their complaints like Israel of old [Note: Isaías 59. from the middle of ver. 9. to 12.] — — — And many, under grievous temptation, have been reduced to the desponding frame of David [Note: Salmos 77:6.] — — — At such times their thoughts are altogether distracted; and they are, like the persons so beautifully described in the 107th Psalm, brought, as it were, “to their wit’s end.”]

But in all such cases there is abundant consolation, if only we use,


The remedy prescribed—

The remedy is both simple in itself, and invariably efficacious: “Commit your works unto the Lord”—
[Believing that God both knows your trials, and is willing to afford you the help you need, carry them to him, and spread them before him, as Hezekiah did the letter of blaspheming Rabshakeh [Note: Isaías 37:14.]. Then plead his promises, which are so “exceeding great and precious:” and “roll on him [Note: See the marginal reading.]” your entire burthen, assured that “he will sustain you [Note: Salmos 55:22.],” and accomplish your most enlarged desires [Note: Salmos 81:10.]. This is the direction given to every living man [Note: Salmos 37:5 and the margin there.]: and.]

In the performance of this duty you will find effectual relief—
[Nothing can be more fluctuating than the thoughts of men, especially in seasons of great embarrassment. But the very instant we commit our works to God, “our thoughts” become composed, and peaceful, and “established.” God has taught us to expect this [Note: Filipenses 4:6 and Isaías 26:3.]: and to what an extent he fulfils his word, we may see in Hezekiah; who, from a state of the most extreme distress, was filled in an instant with the liveliest joy and most confident exultation [Note: Isaías 37:3; Isaías 37:22; Isaías 37:33. See also Salmos 40:1.] — — —]

Observe, then, with humble and adoring gratitude,

How exalted are the privileges of the true Christian!

[It is your privilege, Brethren, to be “without carefulness [Note: 1 Coríntios 7:32.],” both in relation to your temporal concerns [Note: Mateus 6:25.], and even in respect to your immortal souls [Note: 2 Timóteo 1:12.]. All your care, whether for the one and the other, should “be cast on God, who careth for you [Note: 1 Pedro 5:7.].” Then, though you will have many trials to bear, you shall be able to say with Paul, “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken: cast down, but not destroyed [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:8.].” Be your trials what they may. “you shall be more than conquerors over all.”]

2. How marvellous is the condescension of our God!

[From low thoughts of God, we are apt to fear that he will not exert himself for us. But he will attend to us, if we trust in him, as much as if there were not another creature in heaven or on earth to attract his notice. Nor is it in great things only that he will interpose for us, but in the smallest that can possibly be imagined. In fact, there is nothing great or small with him; nor indeed is there any thing small as it respects us. Let any one see in Scripture what good arose from the accidental opening of some national records by King Ahasuerus, or what evil arose from David’s accidental glance at Bathsheba, and we shall see that we need the divine care in every thing: and in every thing it shall be afforded us, if only we commit our ways to God, and place all our confidence in him. Not so much as a hair shall fall from the head of any of his saints, but according to his all-wise appointment; nor any circumstance occur which shall not be overruled for their everlasting good [Note: Romanos 8:28.]

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