Salmos 102:25-28

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 102:25. Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the work of thy hands: they shall perish, but thou shalt endure; yea, all of them shall max old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. The children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed shall be established before thee.

AMONGST all the Psalms, there is none more full of mourning and lamentation than this: but whether the Psalmist speaks in his own person, or in the person of the Church which was in the most desolate condition, is not certain. But though written at the return of the Jews from the Babylonish Captivity, and referring primarily to the restoration of the Jewish Church and polity, it evidently has respect to the Messiah and the establishment of his Church on the face of the whole earth: since it is said, that “the heathen shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth his glory [Note: ver. 15.].” Indeed the words of our text are expressly applied to Christ in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and are adduced to shew the infinite superiority of Christ above all the hosts of heaven [Note: Hebreus 1:10.]. With this infallible guide to direct us, we proceed to point out,

I. The perfections of Christ—

The description here given of our Lord Jesus Christ proves beyond all doubt his proper Deity. Observe,

1. His eternity—

[He it was who made the universe: the highest angels derived their existence from his all-creating hand [Note: Colossenses 1:16.]. “All things were created, not only by him, but for him [Note: Colossenses 1:17.]:” which could not be, if he himself were a creature. Suppose him ever so high above all other creatures, if he himself was a creature, he could not have created all things, seeing he himself must have been created by another. But he was the eternal God: “he was with God, and was God: and without him was not any thing made that was made [Note: João 1:1.].” Yes, that adorable Saviour, who at the appointed season assumed our flesh at Bethlehem, was the eternal God; “his goings forth were of old, from everlasting [Note: Miquéias 5:2. The same truth is generally supposed to be declared in Provérbios 8:22.].”]

1. His immutability—

[The material creation is formed only as a theatre for the display of the Creator’s glory: and, when it shall have answered its destined end, it will be destroyed by fire [Note: 2 Pedro 3:10; 2 Pedro 3:12.]: the Creator will dissolve it with as much ease as a man “folds up a garment” for which he has no farther use. But the Lord Jesus Christ will exist for ever. As he is the eternal, so is he the immutable Jehovah: “He is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever [Note: Hebreus 13:8.].”]

Not to dwell on a point which requires neither confirmation nor discussion: we proceed to mark more distinctly,


The aspect of those perfections on the welfare of the Church—

In the verso before the text, the Psalmist may be speaking personally of himself, just as Hezekiah did when apprehensive of speedy dissolution [Note: Isaías 38:10]: but in the close of the psalm he indisputably speaks of the Church, and, represents as depending upon Christ,

1. The stability of the Church at large—

[The seed here mentioned are the Church of God, the company of the faithful in every age [Note: Salmos 69:36.]. It might be supposed that these, surrounded us they are by enemies on every side, must be utterly destroyed: and, in fact, the Church has at times been reduced so low, as scarcely to have, except in name, any existence upon earth. But our Lord has founded it upon a rock; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Other things, however stable in appearance, shall vanish away: but this shall stand for ever and ever [Note: Isaías 51:6.]. The different individuals are successively removed by death: but children shall be born to God through the instrumentality of his Gospel, and the Church “continue” to the end of time.]

2. The final salvation of every true Believer—

[It is a miracle, considering what difficulties the Believer has to encounter, and how unable he is of himself to do even the least thing that is good, that any one should finally attain the promised inheritance. But Jesus lives, and therefore all who trust in him shall live also. In his word he is as immutable as in his essence: and “of that word not one jot or tittle shall ever fail.” “Never will he leave them; never, never will he forsake them.” “He is able to keep them from falling;” and, “Of those whom the Father has given him will he lose none.”]


Is there amongst you any tempted soul?
[Methinks some may be in the state of the Psalmist, “eating ashes like bread, and mingling their drink with tears” — — — But let not any one be so bowed down with afflictions, as to say, “There is no hope.” Whilst your Redeemer lives, you have a sure refuge: and, whatever trials you may have to sustain, “his grace shall be sufficient for you” — — —]
To those who are maintaining their steadfastness in the Gospel—
[We would say, Remember to whom you are indebted for your stability: “He that hath wrought you to this self-same thing; is God.” O think, what had been your state times without number, if your Almighty Saviour had not interposed to rescue you from the jaws of that roaring lion that seeketh to devour you — — — and let all your confidence be in him alone — — —]

Veja mais explicações de Salmos 102:25-28


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