Salmos 106:21-23

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 106:21. They forgat God their Saviour, which had done great things in Egypt; wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red Sea. Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy them.

THERE is scarcely any sin more strongly reprobated in the Scripture than ingratitude. In the catalogue which the Apostle gives us of the crimes committed by the heathen world, unthankfulness to God is particularly specified as one of the most heinous and inexcusable [Note: Romanos 1:21.]. And the judgments denounced against one of the most eminent saints for a single instance of it, indisputably prove, how hateful it must be in the sight of God [Note: 2 Crônicas 32:25.]. In improving the instance recorded in the text, we shall,

I. Consider the history referred to—

[The history to which our text alludes is so well known, as not to need many words either to record or explain it. There were mercies vouchsafed to the Israelites in Egypt, such as never had been experienced before from the foundation of the world — — — But they presently forgat their almighty Deliverer, and worshipped a golden calf in his stead. This justly excited the indignation of God, and determined him to destroy them. But Moses, having already fasted forty days and nights, fell down before God, and, during forty more days and nights, neither ate nor drank, but interceded on behalf of this rebellious people. God in answer to his intercession averted the stroke, and forbore to punish them according to their deserts [Note: Êxodo 32:8.]


Apply it to existing circumstances—

[We need not recall to your minds what great things God has lately done for us also in Egypt [Note: This was the first fast-day after Lord Nelson’s victory near the Nile, 1800.]. Except in the history of the Jewish nation, there is scarcely any victory recorded in the annals of the world that was more glorious or complete than that vouchsafed to us. Yet how have we requited the Lord? At first, like the Jews, we were willing to give God the glory, and to sing his praise: but has not the impression worn off? and have we not shamefully “forgotten our Benefactor?” — — — Well might God’s anger wax hot against us, to consume us for such ingratitude — — — Nor can we ascribe it to any thing but the intercessions of God’s people that his wrath has not burst forth against us, as against Korah and his company, to destroy us utterly.]


Deduce from it some suitable observations—


1. The duty of secret intercession—

[We are commanded to pray for all men, and especially for kings and all that are in authority. Yea, even in Babylon, were the Jews taught to pray for the peace and prosperity of their very oppressors: how much more then should we intercede for our native country, where we enjoy every liberty that we can desire! Let it not be said, that our governors do not deserve our prayers; for the injunction to pray for kings was delivered in the reign of Nero, than whom a more wicked prince could not exist. Let us then make a conscience of this duty; for if we know not to intercede for others, we have no reason to think that we have ever yet seen aright the value of our own souls.]

2. The benefit of public fasts—

[The honour God has put upon public fasts is well known to all; and his answers to united supplications have been as signal as the hand of God could make them. The victory given to Jehoshaphat [Note: 2 Crônicas 20:12; 2 Crônicas 20:15.], the respite to Nineveh [Note: João 3:10.], and the deliverance to Peter the very day before his intended destruction [Note: Atos 12:5.], sufficiently evince, that God will hear the united prayers of his people. Indeed, if one man, Moses, so prevailed for the saving of a whole nation, what deliverance should not nations receive, if they would all unite in prayer! If a few individuals alone mourn for the land, they shall have at least some tokens of peculiar favour to themselves, though they should not succeed in averting God’s anger from the nation at large [Note: Ezequiel 9:4; Ezequiel 9:6; Sofonias 3:18.]. But if there be not some to stand in the breach; it cannot fail but that we must be overwhelmed [Note: Ezequiel 21:31.Amós 6:1; Amós 6:6.]

3. The guilt and danger of neglecting Christ—

[Great as were the mercies vouchsafed to the Jews in Egypt, they are not to be compared with the redemption which we have experienced through Christ: as our bondage was infinitely more grievous, so the means used to effect our deliverance, infinitely enhance the value of the deliverance itself; we are bought with blood, and that blood was the blood of our incarnate God — — — What destruction then must not we expect if we should forget “God our Saviour [Note: Hebreus 2:3.]?” — — — Nor is it the intercession of others that shall ever prevail to avert it from us; we must pray, every one of us for himself: not but that mutual intercession may in this respect be productive of great benefits. Let us then “bear his great goodness in remembrance,” and let it be our song in time, as it shall be through all eternity.]

Veja mais explicações de Salmos 106:21-23


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