2 Coríntios 12:10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Coríntios 12:10. When I am weak, then am I strong.

THERE are many things in Scripture which appear inconsistent and contrary to truth. Christ is represented as God, and yet a man; as the Lord of David, and yet his son; as a lion, and yet a lamb. And, as his person is thus variously described, so is his work: he is said to heal us by his own stripes, and to give us life by his death. But, however strange such expressions may seem, they contain many important truths. In the same manner the Apostle’s words, which we have now read, may be thought to imply a contradiction: but they accord with the experience of all God’s people, and justly deserve the most attentive consideration.
In discoursing on this paradoxical assertion, we shall illustrate, confirm, and improve it.

I. Illustrate it—

A part of David’s history will help us to elucidate the words before us—
[When the champion of the Philistines defied, and terrified, the whole army of Israel, David, “a stripling,” without armour, defensive or offensive (except a sling and a stone), went forth against him; and, though unused to war himself, entered into combat with that experienced and mighty warrior. But the weaker he was in himself, the more confident was he in his God; and instead of being intimidated by the threatening aspect and boasting menaces of his adversary, he was as assured of victory, as if he had seen his enemy already under his feet [Note: 1 Samuel 17:45.]

But the context will give the best clew to the Apostle’s meaning—
[St. Paul laboured under a heavy trial, which he calls a thorn in his flesh [Note: ver. 7, 8.]. Apprehensive that this would counteract his usefulness in the world, he cried most earnestly to the Lord Jesus Christ to remove it from him. But the Lord, not judging it expedient to grant him his request, promised him (what was incomparably better) more abundant communications of grace, whereby he should obtain in a more advantageous manner the desires of his soul. Observe the effect—Paul remained as weak as ever; but, being persuaded that Christ’s power should be the more magnified through his weakness, he was satisfied; yea, rather, he made that a matter of joy and triumph, which had just before been a source of the greatest trouble. He was well assured that, however unable he was in himself either to bear his trials, or to fulfil his duties, he could not but succeed, when his Almighty Friend was pledged to succour and support him.]

The Apostle’s assertion being equally applicable to all believers, we shall,


Confirm it—

A sense of weakness necessarily tends to make us strong, inasmuch as it makes us,

1. Watchful against temptations—

[If we conceive ourselves to be strong, we shall be fearless of temptation; and by exposing ourselves to it, shall be in greater danger of falling: whereas, if we feel our utter weakness, we shall not only pray, “Lead us not into temptation,” but shall carefully shun the places, the books, the company, that may ensnare us. Like Joseph, we shall not parley with the tempter, but flee in haste: or, if we cannot flee, we shall oppose our enemy at first; and thus vanquish that, which, if it had time to gather strength, would soon vanquish us.]

2. Importunate in prayer—

[It is the sick alone who calls for a physician; they who are strong in their own conceit, will never pray in earnest; but he who feels his need of divine assistance will seek it at a throne of grace. Now if we do not pray for God’s aid, we cannot receive it; and therefore in the hour of trial shall surely fail. But, if we pray with importunity and faith, we shall obtain the things we ask for; and consequently shall be upheld, while others fall. It was by this means that Paul obtained strength; “he prayed to the Lord thrice:” the answer vouchsafed to his petition dissipated all his fears, and strengthened him with might in his inner man: and similar means will always be attended with similar success.]

3. Dependent on the Lord Jesus Christ—

[In proportion as we fancy ourselves strong, we must of necessity confide in our own strength; the consequence of which may be sufficiently seen in the repeated falls of Peter. Being strong in his own apprehension, he proved himself lamentably weak. But, if we are conscious that we are wholly without strength, and can do nothing of ourselves, we shall be more simple and uniform in our dependence on Christ. Now Christ will never suffer those who trust in him to be confounded. He would consider it as an impeachment of his own veracity, if he did not give them “grace sufficient for them;” consequently we never are so truly strong, as when we are deeply convinced of our own utter impotence.]

This truth enters deeply into the experience of all the Lord’s people: we shall therefore endeavour to,


Improve it—

Among the various lessons which it teaches us, let us especially learn two:

1. Not to be too much elated on account of any manifestations of the Divine favour—

[Paul was caught up into the third heavens; but soon afterwards we behold him crying, with much anguish of mind, under a severe affliction. Thus it may soon be with us. Indeed the seasons most distinguished by God’s favour to us, are often most distinguished also by Satan’s malice. It was immediately after they had received peculiar tokens of God’s love, that he assaulted Paul [Note: ver. 4.], and Peter [Note: Mateus 16:17; Mateus 16:23.], and Christ himself [Note: Mateus 3:17; Mateus 4:1.]. Let us then, when most highly favoured, “rejoice with trembling [Note: Salmos 2:11.],” and not while harnessed, boast as if we had put off our armour [Note: 1 Reis 20:11.]

2. Not to be too much dejected on account of our manifold infirmities—

[Jacob was lamed by God himself, that he might know he had not prevailed by his own strength [Note: Gênesis 32:25.]. And Paul had a thorn in the flesh given him, “lest he should be exalted above measure.” Now our infirmities are very painful: but they are necessary, in order to keep alive in our minds a remembrance of our own weakness and vileness: and, if we do but carry them to God in fervent prayer, he will glorify himself by means of them, and “perfect his strength in our weakness.” “Let the weak then say, I am strong [Note: Joel 3:10.];” let them “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might [Note: Efésios 6:10.];” and, doubtless, they shall receive that effectual succour which believers, in all ages, have experienced [Note: Hebreus 11:34.], and shall invariably find their “strength according to their day” of trial [Note: Deuteronômio 33:25.]

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