2 Reis 2:14

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Reis 2:14. Where is the Lord God of Elijah?

WHEN bereft of those whom we love, and with whose continuance in the world our welfare was intimately connected, we are ready to think that our all is gone. We forget that, while Jehovah liveth, he can repair our breaches, and make up to us all our losses. When Elijah was taken up into heaven, Elisha cried, “My father, my father! the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof!” He supposed that Israel’s defence was utterly departed from them. But he soon found, that God had mercy in store for Israel; and that the spirit of the departed prophet now rested upon him. Recovering therefore from his desponding fears, he took up the mantle which had fallen from Elijah, and, in full expectation of seeing the waters of Jordan separated by means of it, as they had just before been, he smote them with it, and said, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?”

From these words we shall take occasion to shew,

I. By what means God shewed himself to be the God of Elijah—

The whole history of Elijah might be adduced to illustrate this point: but, to avoid needless prolixity, we observe, that God shewed himself to be his God,

1. By the communications of his grace—

[Elijah was eminently endued with grace: he was pious in the midst of a general affection; he was courageous under the most cruel persecution. The whole nation of Israel were become idolaters: but he dared to stem the torrent of iniquity, and to confess Jehovah as his God. There were indeed seven thousand persons who had not conformed to the worship of Baal; but as they were totally unknown to him, the effect, as far as it related to him, was the same as if there had not been one; because he derived no comfort from their countenance or example. But he was not contented to do what was right himself, without bearing his testimony against what was wrong. He therefore reproved with boldness and severity the king himself: and though on one occasion his courage seemed to fail him [Note: 1 Reis 19:3.], yet on the whole he was an undaunted champion for his God, and an invincible sufferer for the truth’s sake.

As for the spirit of prophecy which he had, or his power to work miracles, these were no proofs that God was his God; for then God must have been the God of Balaam, who was a prophet; and of Judas, who wrought miracles. But the graces which he exercised and maintained in the midst of a wicked generation, incontestably shewed, that he was elevated in God’s esteem far above the generality of mankind.]

2. By the interpositions of his providence—

[Such was his interest with God, that by his prayers he shut up the heavens for three years and an half, and then opened them again by the same means [Note: Tiago 5:17.]. When he lifted up his voice to God, instantly came fire from heaven to consume his sacrifice [Note: 1 Reis 18:37.]; yea, to consume also, and that repeatedly, the enemies who were sent to apprehend him [Note: 2 Reis 1:10.]. While all the surrounding nations, together with Israel, groaned under the calamitous effects of a drought, he was miraculously sustained with bread and meat, twice a day for a long time together, by ravens at the side of the brook Cherith [Note: 1 Reis 17:3.]. When that brook failed, he was supported by a poor widow, whose barrel of meal never decreased, nor did her cruse of oil fail, till a return of rain brought plenty to the famished land [Note: 1 Reis 17:9.]. On another occasion (when perhaps he could least of all expect such an interposition) an angel was sent to feed him [Note: 1 Reis 19:4.]; and on taking a second meal of the food provided, he was enabled to go in the strength of it for forty days. Waving all mention of visions imparted to him [Note: 1 Reis 19:11.], or miracles wrought by him [Note: 1 Reis 17:19 and 2 Reis 2:8.], let us pass on to the period of his departure from the world. Then we see not only the sting of death taken away, but the law relating to the dissolution of our bodies cancelled; and the man of God taken in body and soul into heaven without ever tasting of death [Note: 2 Reis 2:11.]; the only person thus honoured in the new world, as Enoch had been in the old world. Can we doubt but that the person for whom God so interposed both in life and in death, was a distinguished favourite of Heaven?]

Yet were not these favours from God so peculiar, but,


That believers at this time may expect similar tokens of his regard—

We readily grant, that no one at this day is warranted to expect a miracle; but yet every believer,

1. Shall have God for his God—

[God has been the God of his people in every age. He is called “The Lord God of Shem [Note: Gênesis 9:26.]:” and it is needless to say how often he is spoken of as “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” That this honour was not confined to a few eminent saints, is manifest; for he is called by no name more frequently than “The God of Israel.” Indeed he has expressly covenanted that he “will be the God of his believing people [Note: Jeremias 31:33.],” or, as that term is varied and explained in the Epistle to the Hebrews [Note: Hebreus 8:10. See also 1 Crônicas 17:24.], He “will be a God unto them,” and do every thing that an Almighty Being can do for their benefit. As “he was not ashamed to be called the God of his people” of old [Note: Hebreus 11:16.], so neither will he be ashamed to be called our God.]

2. Shall have all the proofs of it that can conduce to his welfare—

[Think of any thing that a believer can need, for body or for soul, for time or for eternity; and we do not hesitate to affirm, that God has made it the subject of a special promise, and that it is the believer’s privilege to expect it at his hands. Do we need temporal blessings? God has said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you [Note: Mateus 6:33.].” Are our privations accompanied also with great dangers? “Our place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks; bread shall be given us, and our water shall be sure [Note: Compare Isaías 33:16 with 2 Reis 1:10 and 1 Reis 17:3.].” Do we desire that our petitions may be heard? We are reminded that “Elijah was a man of like passions with us;” and are taught to conclude from the answer given to his prayers, that “the prayer of every righteous man availeth much [Note: Tiago 5:16.].” Do we need to be strengthened for our manifold trials and conflicts? “His grace shall be sufficient for us [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9.];” and “as our day is, so shall also our strength be [Note: Deuteronômio 33:25.].” True, we shall not be exempt from death, or carried in a fiery chariot up to heaven: but the sting of death shall be taken away; and we shall be “carried by angels into Abraham’s bosom [Note: Lucas 16:22.].” In a word, if only we seek God as our God in Christ, “he will give us grace and glory, and withhold no good thing from us” either in time or eternity [Note: Salmos 84:11.].

What then had Elijah more than this, or what can we desire more?]

Having proved our point, we come to recommend the confident expectation expressed in the text—

[Believer, art thou just called forth, like Elisha, to face a frowning world? Fear not: take up Elijah’s mantle, and smite the waters that obstruct thy path, and expect Elijah’s God to open thy way before thee. Think “not any thing too hard for God.” Remember that he is thy God, as well as Elijah’s: and as “his ear is not heavy, that he cannot hear; so neither is his hand shortened, that he cannot save [Note: Isaías 59:1.].” See what confident expectation was manifested by God’s Church of old: “Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old! Art thou not it which hath dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep; that hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over [Note: Isaías 51:9.]?” Thus must you call upon your God. You cannot ask too largely, nor expect too much at his hands. If difficulties are to be surmounted, or wants to be supplied, or lusts to be subdued, go forth and say, “Where is the Lord God of Elijah?”

Even to unbelievers methinks this subject is not without its appropriate use: for, who was Elijah more than others? Was not he once “a child of wrath even as others?” and may not those who are now children of wrath, become even as he? Yes, there is a cloud of witnesses to prove, that, though Elijah is gone, Elijah’s God remaineth, and that he is the same gracious, merciful, loving, and almighty Friend as ever. O seek him then as your reconciled God in Christ; and you shall soon be able to say, “He is my God, and I will praise him; my father’s God, and I will exalt him [Note: Êxodo 15:2.].”]

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