Êxodo 12:41-42

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Êxodo 12:41. It came to pass at the end of four hundred and thirty years, even the self-same day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt. It is a night to be much observed unto the Lord, for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the Lord to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations.

THE Lord, for wise and gracious reasons, often delays the execution of his promises; till we, in our impatience, are almost ready to think he has forgotten them. But, however long he may appear to neglect us, “he is not slack concerning his promises, as some men count slackness [Note: 2 Pedro 3:9.].” He has fixed a time, beyond which there shall be no delay [Note: Habacuque 2:3.]: and at the appointed hour he will shew himself “mighty to save.”

To Abraham and his seed God promised to give the land of Canaan. But behold, no less than four hundred and thirty years were ordained of him to pass, and a great portion of that time in extreme suffering, before his seed were permitted to see the long-wished-for period. But at the time fixed from the beginning in the divine counsels, “even the self-same day it came to pass,” that all the hosts of Israel were brought forth out of Egypt; and God’s promises to them were fulfilled.
In like manner it was promised to Adam that “the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s head.” But four thousand years were suffered to elapse before that promised Seed was sent into the world. “When, however, the fulness of time was come, God sent him, made of a woman, made under the Law, to redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of sons [Note: Gálatas 4:4.].” In effecting this great work, the Messiah was to die [Note: Hebreus 2:14.]. But “he was not to see corruption [Note: Salmos 16:10.].” On the third day he was to rise again [Note: Mateus 12:40.]. To prevent this, every expedient was resorted to, that human ingenuity could contrive. But at the appointed moment the Saviour rose; and thus completed the deliverance of a ruined world.

These two events are referred to in the text; the one, historically; the other, typically.

To these events I will first call your attention—

Great was the deliverance of Israel from Egypt—
[Sore, beyond conception, was the bondage of the children of Israel; insomuch that “God himself was grieved at it.” But, through the judgments executed on their oppressors, Pharaoh was at last prevailed on to dismiss them. The last great judgment that was inflicted on their enemies was the destruction of their first-born throughout all the land of Egypt; from which the Israelites were protected by the blood of the paschal lamb sprinkled on their dwellings. This was altogether a wonderful deliverance, such as never had been vouchsafed to any other nation under heaven [Note: Deuteronômio 4:32.].

The end of that deliverance rendered it yet more glorious; because they were now consecrated to the Lord as “a special people above all people upon the face of the earth:” and they were led forth under the immediate guidance and protection of God himself, to “a land flowing with milk and honey,” “a land that was the glory of all lands.”
This was a redemption which might well be remembered by them, in all future ages, with wonder, and gratitude, and praise.]
But infinitely greater is the deliverance that has been vouchsafed to us—
From how much sorer bondage are we rescued, even from the bonds of sin and Satan, death and hell! — — — And how much more wonderful is the means of our preservation, even the blood of God’s only dear Son, once shed on Calvary, and now sprinkled on our souls! — — — To how much higher a state too are we raised, not nominally, but really, the sons of God, and the inheritors of the kingdom of heaven! — — — What shall we say of this? It surpasses the utmost conception both of men and angels: and has a height and depth, and length and breadth, that is utterly incomprehensible.]

Let me next commend to your special observance this [Note: Preached on Easter Day.] day, on which these great events are commemorated—

They deserve well to be commemorated by the whole human race—
[The deliverance from Egypt will be a standing memorial of God’s power and grace to the very end of time. But what shall we say of the redemption which that event typified? Should not that be held in remembrance by us? Should not that be annually commemorated with the devoutest acknowledgments? Verily, “it is a day much to be observed unto the Lord,” even unto the latest generations.

And here I cannot but regret that the stated remembrance of these wonderful events is by a great multitude of religious professors utterly disregarded. Under an idea of avoiding Popish superstition, many have run to an opposite extreme, and cast off the very semblance of gratitude, and put from them the most effectual means of exciting it in the soul. That such memorials may degenerate into form, I readily acknowledge; but that they may be subservient to the greatest spiritual elevation, I have no doubt: and I cannot but lament, that, through a licentious zeal for what they call liberty, many deprive themselves of most invaluable blessings. To us of the Established Church, I thank God, these privileges are preserved: and I would recommend to every one of you a conscientious and devout improvement of them. Nor can I doubt, but that as the memorial of our Lord’s death continued to us in the Sacramental Supper is found a blessing, so will the stated remembrance of our Lord’s birth, and death, and resurrection, on the days on which they are commemorated, prove a blessing to all who will consecrate the time to a special consideration of those stupendous mercies.]
The way in which they should be observed may be learned from the history before us—
[The Israelites, to their latest generations, were on that day to eat of the paschal lamb, and to renew their dedication of themselves to him as his peculiar people. And in this way should we employ this holy day.
Let us this day keep a feast unto the Lord [Note: 4.]. Let us eat of the Paschal Lamb, and feed on that adorable Saviour who shed his blood for us, to redeem our souls from death — — — But let us “eat it with the bitter herbs” of penitential sorrow, and “with the unleavened bread” of sincerity and truth [Note: with Deuteronômio 16:1.]. Nor is this a suggestion of man; but of the Lord himself, who has given us this very command [Note: 1 Coríntios 5:7.]. Mark well, I pray you, these peculiar circumstances, which alone will ensure a favourable acceptance of your services before God: for without deep penitence and guileless sincerity your services will be only an abomination to the Lord — — —

Let us also dedicate ourselves to him as his peculiar people [Note: Êxodo 13:2 with Números 8:17.]. We are not our own: we are bought with a price: we should therefore glorify our God with our bodies, and our spirits, which are his [Note: 1 Coríntios 6:19.]. Remember how entirely the people of Israel were now separated from the world, and how completely they were made dependent on their God. Remember too, that they had but one object in view, namely, the attainment of the promised land. Thus in spirit should we be: in spirit, I say; because we have offices to perform, which preclude a possibility of entire separation from the world. But if, whilst we fulfil the duties of our respective stations in the world, we attain in heart what the external situation of Israel was designed to represent, we shall do well. This should from henceforth be our one labour. Behold them, and God himself at their head—he theirs, and they his! So let us consecrate ourselves this day to him, that “we may be his people, and he our God, for ever and ever.”]

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