Isaías 41:17-18

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 41:17. When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.

THE word of God is an inexhaustible source of instruction and comfort: there are passages in it suited to persons in all states and conditions; but it is calculated more especially for the afflicted and contrite. The passage before us is peculiarly adapted to a desponding soul [Note: God, in ver. 8. reminds his people of his relation to them; assures them of his presence, and promises them strength, ver. 10; victory, ver. 14, 15. (“thou, a worm, shall thresh the mountains;”) and triumph, ver. 16. Not that they are to expect a continued series of prosperity: they may be reduced to great straits; but in their lowest state they shall still have ground for the richest consolation.]: in its primary sense it is an encouragement to the Jews to trust in God; in its spiritual meaning it extends to the Church of God in all ages.

I. An afflicted case described—

The people of God are for the most part in a low and afflicted state—
[All men, if they knew their state, are indeed “poor and needy:” but the generality think themselves “rich and increased with goods.” God’s people, however, feel their poverty and need. They are deeply sensible how destitute they are of wisdom, strength, &c.]

They ardently desire to be endued with holiness and comfort—
[Water, as having a cleansing and refreshing quality, may well be understood to mean holiness and comfort; and these are the chief objects of a Christian’s pursuit. They long to be “delivered from the body of sin and death.” They desire to be walking always in the light of God’s countenance. They leave no means untried for the accomplishing of their wishes.]
But they often seem to be labouring in vain; “they seek water, and find none”—
[They strive for victory, but the conflict remains: corruptions still at times harass and defile their souls; deadness and darkness still occasionally return upon them; and the blessedness they pant after seems as distant as ever.]
Their frequent disappointments create much dejection of mind; “their tongue faileth,” &c.—
[“Hope deferred maketh their heart sick.” They faint, as a traveller after a long and fruitless search for water. They begin to conclude that God will not hear their prayers. They fear that he “has forsaken and forgotten them.” Such diligence, disappointment, and despondency were not unknown to David [Note: Salmos 42:1; Salmos 42:7; Salmos 42:9 and Salmos 88:1; Salmos 88:3; Salmos 88:6; Salmos 88:14.]

But in the text we have,


Suitable consolation administered—

A desponding person could not dictate more suitable matter of consolation. The character here given of God is not without great force—
[The desponding person thinks his case too hard to be remedied, and his sins too heinous to be forgiven. He is here reminded what a God he has to deal with. God is “the Lord” and with whom nothing is impossible [Note: Jeremias 32:27.], whose mercy is infinite [Note: Êxodo 34:6.], whose love is unchangeable [Note: Malaquias 3:6.]. He is “the God of Israel [Note: This title is very significant: it is as though God laid ‘Remember my servant Jacob, to what a distressing state he was reduced, how he wrestled with me all night in prayer, and yet did not prevail: remember, how I made as though I would leave him; yea, how I lamed him, and thus apparently increased his calamity. But he would not let me go, unless I blessed him. I therefore not only blessed him, but changed his name, and conferred a singular honour upon him by calling my church after his name. Thus did I shew myself his God; and thus will I be, yea, thus I am the God of all who call upon me after his example.’ Or perhaps it refers rather to Êxodo 17:1. where his supplying of Israel with water is mentioned.],” who, however long he may try his people, will certainly bless them at last. Thus do these titles of God justify that consoling declaration [Note: Lamentações 3:32.]

The promises here made by God are exactly suited to the case [Note: The subject of the soul’s complaint is the very subject of God’s promise. The soul laments ‘God will not hear me; he has utterly forsaken me; it is absurd for me to cherish a hope; I might as soon expect to find rivers on a lofty mountain, as to possess grace and peace in my soul.’]—

[“I will hear:” what an encouragement to continue in prayer! “I will not forsake thee:” what can the fainting soul desire more [Note: Here is a particular reference to the promise made to Jacob, Gênesis 28:15. which he afterwards pleaded with God, Gênesis 32:12 and which is renewed to us, Hebreus 13:5.]? “The most discouraging circumstances shall be no bar to my favours.” “Apparent impossibilities shall be surmounted by me [Note: Though the heart be as a dry and barren wilderness, it shall be refreshed, “I will open rivers in high places.”].” “Nor shall my communications to you be either small or transient [Note: They shall be plenteous as “pools and rivers,” und incessant as “springs and fountains.”].”]

Every one who relies on these promises shall experience consolation from them—
[David bears his testimony that his cries were not in vain [Note: Salmos 34:6.]; and all who plead like him, shall find reason to make his acknowledgments [Note: Salmos 30:8.]


Those who are unconcerned about the blessings of salvation—

[The generality know but little of spiritual troubles; but their exemption from them is by no means to be desired. They at the same time have no interest in these precious promises: they taste not the rich consolations of the Gospel; and how will “their tongue fail for thirst” in the eternal world! Let all then seek to know their spiritual wants. Let them obey the invitation of our blessed Lord [Note: João 7:37.]. Let them take encouragement from that gracious offer [Note: Apocalipse 22:17.]

2. Those who are fainting for want of them—

[Many, eminently pious, have been in your state, but none ever waited upon God in vain. These promises cannot possibly fail of being accomplished. From them, as “from wells of salvation, you may draw water with joy.” They shall certainly be fulfilled to you, both here [Note: Salmos 36:8.], and for ever [Note: Salmos 16:11.]

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