Isaías 60:8

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 60:8.—Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

THERE is much spoken in the Holy Scriptures respecting the glory of the latter day. This whole chapter is occupied with the subject. The predictions contained in it have never yet been verified. Great as was the spread of the Gospel in the apostolic age, it was nothing in comparison of that to which we are taught to look forward at a period that is now fast approaching. The prophet, whilst occupied in the contemplation of that day, saw it, as it were, already commenced, and the whole Gentile world flocking to Christ, even as doves to their windows. The language in which he depicts that day is suited to the time at which he wrote. Jerusalem was then the centre of union to all the tribes. Thither all the males went up thrice a year: there the sacrifices were offered: and thither all Gentile proselytes also came to present their offerings to the Lord. But all these things were typical of the Christian Church, which shall be established on the face of the whole earth, and of the spiritual sacrifices which all who come up to our Zion shall offer there.
I propose to consider our text,

I. In reference to the millennial period—

The question is evidently the language of surprise and joy: and the answer to it is given in the whole context. Let us attend to,

1. The prophet’s own description of that day—

[Then shall light burst forth, almost as at the first creation, when “God said, Let there be light; and there was light.” The gross darkness which at present covers the whole earth will be dispelled by the rising of the Sun of Righteousness, and “all flesh will see the salvation of God [Note: Lucas 3:6.].” “The Gentiles, from one end of the earth even to the other, will then come to Zion’s light, and kings to the brightness of her rising:” and with them they will bring whatsoever they have whereby they may glorify their God; their whole land, as it were, being covered with their retinue. “The multitude of camels shall cover thee,” says the Lord, “the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah: all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense: and they shall shew forth the praises of the Lord [Note: ver. 2–6.].” The very cattle shall feel, as it were, impressed with a holy zeal to honour God, and come up voluntarily, ambitious of the honour of being offered in sacrifice upon his altar: “All the flocks of Keder shall be gathered together unto thee; the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar; and I will glorify the house of my glory [Note: ver. 7.].” All this Jehovah revealed to the prophet, and made to pass, as it were, before his eyes; assuring him, that the isles of western Europe should take the lead in this glorious work: “Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, (O that our happy isle might have this distinguished honour, and employ her shipping in this glorious cause!) to bring thy sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, unto the name of the Lord thy God, and to the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee [Note: ver. 9.].”

And in what manner shall this event take place? Shall it resemble any thing that has ever yet existed in the world? No: it will infinitely surpass any thing that occurred even in the apostolic age. Then indeed there was one day, the day of Pentecost, when God’s power was revealed, and three thousand were converted to the faith of Christ: but at the period to which we are looking forward, “a nation will be born in a day [Note: ver. 22. with 66:8.].” A Pentecostal effusion of the Spirit will be a daily occurrence; and not in one place only, but in every part of the globe: so that the converts will come “flying” in inconceivable numbers, “like a cloud,” and with the ardour and celerity of “doves flying to their windows.”

Certainly this description of the Millennium is highly figurative: yet we conceive it to be fully justified by,]

2. The testimony of other prophets respecting it—

[All the prophets, with more or less clearness, testify of this day. David speaks very fully and strongly respecting it. He tells us, “that the utmost ends of the earth are given to Christ for his possession [Note: Salmos 2:8.];” that “all kings shall fall down before him,” and “all nations shall serve him [Note: Salmos 72:11.];” and that “the whole earth shall be filled with his glory [Note: Salmos 72:19.].” The prophet Daniel repeatedly declares, that “the stone which has been cut out without hands shall break in pieces all the kingdoms of the earth, and become a great mountain, and fill the whole earth,” and “stand for ever [Note: Daniel 2:34; Daniel 2:44.];” and that “all people, nations, and languages, shall serve” our adorable Redeemer; and that “his dominion should never pass away [Note: Daniel 7:14.].” Habakkuk assures us, that “the knowledge of the Lord shall in that day cover the earth, as deeply and extensively as the waters cover the sea [Note: Habacuque 2:14.].” Zechariah also, who delights to dwell on this glorious subject, asserts, that “the Lord shall be King over all the earth; that in that day there shall be one Lord, and his name one:” and that “from that time there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts [Note: Zacarias 14:9; Zacarias 14:21.].” Thus, without multiplying passages to the same effect, we see, beyond a doubt, that a blessed season is approaching, when God will, as it were, “create all things new [Note: Isaías 65:17.],” and there shall be “new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness [Note: 2 Pedro 3:13.].”]

It will not be unprofitable to consider our text,


In reference to the present time—

But here we must notice it rather with regret

[Though so many centuries have elapsed since the delivery of this prophecy, we are, though not in time, yet in appearance, almost as far as ever from its accomplishment. There is not one sixth of the human race that have ever so much as heard of the Lord Jesus Christ; and of those who are called by his name, the great mass are as far from any spiritual knowledge of him as the heathen themselves. Look through Europe, or through our own highly-favoured kingdom, or even through our own immediate neighbourhood, and say, Whether you see, or hear of, any thing resembling the description in our text? Where do we find that ardent desire after God; that flocking of multitudes to Mount Zion; that surrender of themselves to God as living sacrifices; that determination to lose no time, but to press forward with increasing ardour, till they have found their rest in Christ? Here and there an individual may be found that is inquiring the way to Zion: but what appearance is there of a cloud, borne forward by the breath of the Almighty; or of a flock winging their way to Zion, with a zeal that regards no obstacle, and a rapidity that suffers no delay? I may rather ask, Where is the place in which the great mass of the inhabitants would not regard such zeal as an enthusiasm that was to be repressed, rather than as a piety deserving imitation? Instead therefore of saying, Who are these? we must rather say, “Where are there any, who fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?” If some there be; still, in comparison of the bulk of nominal Christians, they are but as “the gleanings of the olive, two or three upon the topmost bough.”]

Yet we may also in some degree notice it with joy

[I bless God, there are some, and some also in this place, who do seek their rest in Christ, and do fly towards it with unabated ardour. Yes, and with surprise also, as well as joy, may I ask, “Who are these?” They were once as far off from God as the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah, and as unlikely to devote themselves to God as the flacks of Kedar, or the rams of Nebaioth. Their education, their age, their associates, their habits, all rendered such a change highly improbable; and give us a decisive evidence, that He who has wrought so effectually in them, can accomplish the same blessed change over the face of the whole earth. We therefore do rejoice, both for the individuals whose zeal is so kindled, and for those who are provoked to emulation by the example that is set before them. And we pray God that their numbers may be increased a thousand-fold; and that in this place, as well as in the world at large, “a little one may become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. May the Lord hasten it in his time [Note: ver. 22.]!”]


To those who have begun their flight—

[Let me say, Suffer nothing to retard you, nothing to divert you from your purpose. If, instead of having a cloud, or a flock, to accompany you, you are but a solitary individual, let not that discourage you. Your object is not less praiseworthy on that account. Lot was not the less right in maintaining his love for piety, because all around him were confederate in evil courses; nor was Noah the less approved of God, because the whole world agreed in loading him with derision. If many will join you, be thankful for it: but, if there be not another in all the cities of the world that will flee with you to the mountain, go out of Sodom, and stop not in all the plain. The judgments which are coming on every unbelieving soul, will amply vindicate your honour, whilst your personal safety will abundantly repay your toil.
Yet go not alone, if you can by any means induce others to accompany you in your heavenly flight. Yea, be zealous and active in hastening forward the day that is spoken of in our text. Though the work itself is God’s, yet it is to be accomplished by human means. If salvation be through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through him alone, he must be made known to the benighted heathen: for “how can they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how can they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without a preacher [Note: Romanos 10:14.]?”

I thank God that means are now using by different societies to diffuse the Holy Scriptures throughout the world, and to send forth missionaries to instruct both Jews and Gentiles. Aid these societies then with all your power. It is particularly said in the verse following my text, that those who wait upon the Lord, “bring their silver and their gold with them.” Let not this be forgotten by you. Let your property be consecrated to this holy service: account this its best and most appropriate use: and, instead of giving grudgingly or of necessity to so good a work, regard it as your highest honour to contribute oven in the smallest degree to the salvation of your fellow-creatures, and to the establishment of the Redeemer’s kingdom upon earth.]

2. To those who have no such blessed object in view—

[What shall I say? I would take up a lamentation over them; and, in the language of surprise and grief, say, “Who are these who do not fly as a cloud, or as the doves to their windows?” What! have they never heard what a Saviour there is? or, are they ignorant how much they stand in need of mercy through him? Dear Brethren, be persuaded that there is no refuge for you but in Him: to him you must come, if you would ever find rest unto your souls. I beseech you, therefore, flee to him as your only hope: be in earnest: let not the doves flying to their windows outstrip you in your course. And bring to him all that you are, and all that you have. So shall the angels in the presence of God rejoice over you: so shall the Church of Christ also be edified through you: and so shall you be meet for the Church above, whither a whole cloud of witnesses are gone before you, and where you shall soon unite with them for ever in the service of your God.]

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