Jeremias 3:19

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Jeremias 3:19. I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? And said, Thou shalt call me, My Father; and shalt not turn away from me.

IN many parts of the inspired volume, God is pleased to speak of himself after the manner of men; as though he were on some occasions reduced, as it were, to extremities, and at a loss how to act. Thus, by the prophet Hosea, he expresses himself as almost necessitated to cast off his people for their wickedness, but yet as not knowing how to bring his mind to execute on them so severe a judgment: “How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? How shall I deliver thee up, Israel? How shall I make thee as Ephraim? How shall I set thee as Zeboim,” even as those ill-fated cities that were destroyed together with Sodom and Gomorrha [Note: Oséias 11:8.]? So, on the other hand, by Jeremiah, he speaks as equally at a loss how to exercise towards them the mercy which he was inclined to bestow: “How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations?”

This, however applicable to the people amongst whom the prophet ministered, had, beyond all doubt, a reference to a period yet future, even to events that should take place in the latter day. Then will “the ark of the covenant,” that bright symbol of the Divine presence, be altogether forgotten by the Jews, and all the worship connected with it be utterly renounced; the people being desirous only to “worship God in spirit and in truth.” At that period they will have ceased to “walk after the imagination of their own evil heart;” and the ten tribes of Israel will partake with Judah in all the blessings accorded to them [Note: ver. 16–18.]. Hitherto these events have never occurred. But the time is fast approaching, when, in every particular they shall be fulfilled. True, it appears almost impossible that they should be realized: but God here declares, that they shall be accomplished in their season. In confirmation of this promise, I will shew,

I. How the obstructions to the restoration of the Jews shall be surmounted—

God himself appeals to them upon this very subject: “How shall I put thee among the children?”
[From the very beginning the Jews were a stiff-necked people. It was only for his own name sake that God did not again and again destroy them in the wilderness; and on many occasions also, after their establishment in the promised land. At last, God could no longer forbear: and therefore he gave up the ten tribes into the hands of the Assyrians, and the other two tribes into the hands of the Chaldeans. And after their restoration from Babylon, they still remained the same rebellious people, in every thing like their forefathers, except idolatry: and at last they filled up the measure of their iniquity in the murder of their Messiah. For all this wickedness they have now been scattered, these eighteen hundred years, over the face of the earth; and they are still as obdurate as ever. How, then, shall they be restored to the favour of their God? — — — The extent of their wickedness forbids it; and the honour of God, as the Moral Governor of the Universe, forbids it. Suppose an earthly prince were to select, for his attendants and most favoured servants, multitudes who had been long in rebellion against him, and had murdered his only dear Son, whom he had sent, not in a way of vindictive wrath, but in a way of love and mercy, to bring them back to their allegiance: suppose such an act of grace as this: What would be thought concerning it? Would not other potentates be ready to say, that it was an encouragement to all subjects to rebel against their governors, and to commit the greatest possible excesses? Would it not appear an excess of generosity, subversive of all moral government? If then amongst men, whose rights are so limited, this would be judged so replete with danger, how should it be that the great and glorious God should so relinquish all his own rights, and so requite those who have been the most forward to trample on them?]
But these obstacles, however formidable, shall be surmounted—
[God had before expressed his earnest desire for their restoration to him; “Wilt thou not at this time cry unto me, My Father, thou art the guide of my youth [Note: ver. 4.]?” And now he determines to effect it by his own Almighty power: “Thou shalt call me My Father; and shalt not turn away from me.” This will overcome every obstacle: for, “if God will work, who shall let it?” Vain was the resistance of Pharaoh: vain the obstructions of the sea, the wilderness, and the united nations of Canaan. As God spake the universe itself into existence;, so will he, in his own appointed time, form that “new creation” to which my text refers, when “all the nations” (of Jews certainly, and possibly, in part, of Gentiles also) “shall be gathered to Jerusalem [Note: ver. 17.];” and, together with all the tribes both of Israel and Judah [Note: ver. 18.], become one fold under one Shepherd [Note: Ezequiel 34:23 and João 10:16. with Isaías 65:17.].”]

From hence we may see,


How alone the difficulties in the way of our salvation also can ever be overcome—

There are immense difficulties in the way of our salvation—
[The extent of our wickedness equals, and perhaps exceeds, that of the Jews. What evil was committed by them which does not also, to a fearful extent, obtain amongst us? — — — And if they crucified the Lord of Glory, have not we also “crucified him afresh [Note: Hebreus 6:6.]”, by our neglect of his Gospel, and our contempt of his salvation? — — — The Jews of our Lord’s day were more criminal than Tyre and Sidon; yea, and even than Sodom and Gomorrha; because they sinned against greater light than those idolatrous cities: and, when we reflect on the advantages which we enjoy, we have reason to fear that a still heavier condemnation will come on us, for our abuse of them — — — Indeed, it should seem almost impossible that a God of justice and holiness and truth should ever receive to his bosom those who have so “trodden under foot his dear Son, and done such despite to the Spirit of his grace [Note: Hebreus 10:29.] — — —]

But these shall be overcome, even as those which obstruct the restoration of the Jews—
[If we looked to ourselves only, our salvation would be altogether hopeless, But God directs us to look to Him, with whom nothing is impossible. He promises to interpose for us in a way of sovereign grace, and by the exercise of his Almighty power. His grace is his own: and he may dispense it to whomsoever he sees fit, according to the counsel of his own will. And he says, “Thou shalt call me, My Father;” and shalt participate all the blessings of my most favoured children — — — And he will, by the exercise of his Almighty power, effect this; for he has said, “Thou shalt not turn away from me;” that is, I will both restore thee to my favour, and keep thee, by my own power, unto everlasting salvation — — — Here, then, is our security; here is our hope. Nothing less than his merciful interposition can effect this work; and nothing shall ever be permitted to defeat his gracious purpose: “His counsel shall stand, and He will do all his will [Note: Isaías 46:10.].”]


To those who question the possibility of their own salvation—

[I do not wonder that any should feel doubts on this head, when God himself seems almost at a loss to find how he shall effect it. But view God as a God of uncontrollable sovereignty and irresistible power, and you may at once dismiss all your fears, if only you cry mightily to him, and put your trust in him — — —]

2. To those who have entertained no such fears—

[How awfully must Satan have blinded your eyes, and hardened your hearts! You think salvation easy to be attained, and almost a matter of course. But you will be of a very different mind, if ever you come to see the greatness of your guilt, and the inveteracy of your corruptions. I tell you, Brethren, that nothing but the blood of God’s only dear Son could ever have atoned for your guilt; nor can any thing but the operation of the divine Spirit ever renew your depraved hearts: nor till you are made sensible of the difficulties of your salvation, will you have any well-grounded hope of being “numbered amongst the children of your God” — — —]

3. To those who profess to have been brought into the family of their God—

[You doubtless wish to be informed how you may “walk worthy of your high calling.” To you then I say, Obey your God in the two particulars which he here requires. “Go to him, as your Father in Christ Jesus;” and “walk before him as dear children;” committing to him your every care, and expecting from him a supply of all your wants — — — And let nothing prevail upon you to “turn away from him.” Be ready to sacrifice every earthly consideration, and to lay down even life itself, for him. Under all circumstances, my advice to you is, “Be stedfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord: and you may then be assured, that your labour shall not be in vain in the Lord.”]

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