João 3:29-30

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 3:29. He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled. He must increase, but I must decrease.

OF all the passions in the human breast, there is none more hateful than envy. When suffered to reign without controul, there is not any thing which it will not perpetrate. The rage of Cain, the conspiracy of Joseph’s brethren, the implacable enmity of the Jewish priests against the Lord Jesus Christ, clearly shew to what cruelties it will impel those who are under its dominion. Doubtless in those who have the smallest degree of piety, this malignant principle is weakened, and in a measure subdued: but it is not eradicated: it is one of those corruptions, which, by varying their appearances, retain possession of us under the semblance of good: nor, till we have made very considerable advances in the divine life, are we able fully and effectually to guard against its deceitful workings. We are assured that Joshua was truly pious; yet from an envious zeal for his Master’s honour he was desirous of silencing those who by divine inspiration prophesied in the camp [Note: Números 11:27.]. The Disciples of our Lord were actuated by no better principle, when they forbad a person to cast out devils in his name, because he did not follow with them [Note: Marcos 9:38.]. The complaint which John’s disciples also made to him respecting the multitudes who submitted to the baptism of Jesus, originated in the same feeling. Some Jews had taken occasion, from Jesus rebaptizing the disciples of John, to represent John and Jesus as “opposing each other; and, from the difficulties of determining which of the two was right, they maintained, that it was better to adhere to the lustrations appointed by Moses, than to comply with the rites which these rival innovators were introducing. The disciples of John, fearing that their Master’s credit would suffer, and his influence be subverted, come to him to complain of Jesus for usurping an authority that did not belong to him, and for undermining the authority of John, from whom, in fact, he had, as they thought, derived his influence. In answer to this complaint, John reminds them, that the very testimony which he had borne to Jesus, was sufficient to shew them their error: for he had from the beginning represented his own office as a short and temporary one, which was to cease, as soon as the attention of men should be turned to Him, whose forerunner he was: and consequently, that the accomplishment of this great object should be to them a source, not of pain and grief, but of gratitude and thanksgiving. This idea he illustrates by the similitude of a bridegroom delighting in his bride, and thereby exciting in his friends, not an envious repining, but a sympathetic joy. As for the diminution of his own influence, this, he tells them, was agreeable to the very design of his coming; and, like a star which had served its purpose in the night, he was contented to be eclipsed, now that the Sun of Righteousness had risen to illumine the world.

From this general view of our text, we observe,

I. That the conversion of souls to Christ is a ground of joy—

The success of a bridegroom who has obtained possession of his bride, is usually deemed a ground of joyful congratulation. Now the conversion of a soul to Christ is fitly represented under this similitude. The Scripture often speaks of him as the Husband of his people [Note: Isaías 54:5.Oséias 2:19.], and of the Church as his bride [Note: Efésios 5:23; Efésios 5:25; Efésios 5:31.]. To mark this correspondence, is needless: indeed, it is better to take it in a general view, than to attempt to trace it in particulars [Note: The greatest delicacy should studiously be observed on all such subjects as these.]. Suffice it to say, that the metaphor is just; that all who are truly converted give up themselves to Christ, and are thereby made partakers of all that he possesses.

Contemplate now what a ground of joy this is,

1. To the believer—

[Consider from what a state he is taken: how mean by nature! how vile by practice [Note: Ezekiel through the whole 16th chapter strongly describes this: but the foregoing caution must not be forgotten in following his train of ideas.]! — — — Consider to what a state he is raised: to what exalted honour! to what immense wealth! to what unspeakable felicity! — — — Has not such an one good reason to rejoice?]

2. To the heavenly Bridegroom—

[We know that, strictly speaking, he is not capable of having his happiness increased by any thing that we can do: he is altogether independent, and self-sufficient. Nevertheless, the Scriptures speak of him as still affected with joy and sorrow, just as he was in the days of his flesh. In conformity then with them, let us think, what must be his feelings, when he sees the blessed ends of his incarnation and death accomplished! — — — To convert and save sinners was the end of all that he did and suffered for us; and when he beholds them converted to himself, “he sees of the travail of his soul, and is satisfied [Note: Isaías 53:11.].” To illustrate this idea, he gives us a variety of parables [Note: Lucas 15:5; Lucas 15:9; Lucas 15:23.]; yea, he condescends to use by the prophet the very similitude in the text, in order to express the satisfaction of his soul in such events [Note: Isaías 62:5.] — — —]

3. To the Bridegroom’s friend—

[As the friends both of the bride and bridegroom are often accessary to their union, and rejoice when they see the wishes of all the parties accomplished, so the friends of Christ, his ministers especially, exert themselves to bring sinners unto him. It is for this they labour, for this they pray; yea, for this they live, and for this they are content to die. Their one object is, that sinners may be born to God, and be united to Christ in the bonds of an everlasting covenant. In the pursuit of this, their labours, their anxieties, their sufferings are great — — — Can they then do otherwise than rejoice, when they see that they have not “laboured in vain or run in vain?” If they “travail, as it were, in birth, whilst they stand in doubt,” must they not rejoice, when their doubts are all dispelled? See how Paul rejoiced in the conversion of men [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 3:7.]: and such are the feelings of every minister, in proportion as he is animated with Christian zeal and love — — —]

Whilst the Baptist thus disinterestedly declares that the conversion of sinners to Christ was to him a source of joy, he predicts,


That it shall advance in despite of every obstacle—

Those who are the instruments of diffusing the knowledge of Christ must wax and wane: however distinguished they may be for a time, they must soon “decrease.” But Christ, and his interests, must “increase.”
He must increase,

1. In the estimation of his chosen people—

[The envy of some, and the malignity of others, will be exerted to damp the ardour of our affections, and to shake our fidelity towards him: and, where a profession of regard for him has been lightly taken up, the enemies of Christ will succeed in drawing us from our allegiance to him. But, if we “have received the grace of God in truth,” we shall never yield to their solicitations: and, “if any go out from us, it is because they were not of us: for, if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us [Note: 1 Pedro 2:19.].” The true Spouse of Christ may be tried and tempted; but she will never renounce her connexion with him, or be unfaithful to her engagements. The more she is assaulted from without or from within, the more she will flee to him for succour: and her experience of his kindness will endear him to her ever more and more; so that her love to him will be more ardent, her affiance in him more uniform, and her adherence to him more determined. Never will he be more dear to her, than when she has suffered the loss of all things for him. The language of her heart will be, “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee:” and “all other things will be counted but dross and dung in comparison of the knowledge of him.” In short, she will “grow in grace, as she grows in the knowledge” of her Divine Husband — — —]

2. In the estimation of the world at large—

[The Baptist’s words were soon verified: for, in the space of a few years, the knowledge and love of Christ were diffused throughout all the Roman empire. But his influence is yet only in its commencement. There is a time coming when it will extend to the remotest corners of the earth: “All kings shall fall down before him; all nations shall do him service.” “All shall know him, from the least unto the greatest;” and “all the kingdoms of the world become the kingdoms of our Lord” — — — “Then shall his Wife have made herself ready, and the marriage of the Lamb shall come: and blessed indeed will they be who shall then be called to the marriage supper of the Lamb [Note: Apocalipse 19:7; Apocalipse 21:9.].” This is “the increase” which we assuredly look for; and of it there shall be no end [Note: Isaías 9:7; Daniel 2:44; Daniel 7:27.].”]


Those who profess to desire an union with Christ—

[Happy they who feel a desire after him! — — — But there must be in every one of us a meetness for him, before he will acknowledge us as his. Let not this however be misunderstood. There cannot be in us any thing that can deserve his love, nor any tiling that shall induce him to set his love upon us: we have not a good thought or desire which has not been first of all given us by him. But still, if we would be his in deed and in truth, we must have our desires supremely fixed on him, and every adulterous affection mortified. It is not a divided heart that he will accept: we must give ourselves wholly to him; or he will never admit us into the relation of his Spouse. See what holy jealousy St. Paul manifested on this head; and with what tender concern he urged the consideration of this subject on his Corinthian converts [Note: 2 Coríntios 11:2.] — — — So, beloved, we would urge it upon you. Deceive not your own souls. In forming human connexions, we may impose upon one another: but we can never impose on him: and if we would be acknowledged by him as his bride, we must present ourselves to him as a chaste virgin, with a determination to be his, even his alone — — —]

2. Those who profess to be actually united to him—

[It is scarcely needful to say, that you must endeavour to “walk worthy of your high calling.” If you profess to stand in such a relation to the Lord Jesus Christ, “what manner of persons ought you to be in all manner of conversation and godliness!” See then that you live in a state of constant communion with him [Note: 1 João 1:3.], and of entire dependence on him [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:30; João 1:16.] — — — Be zealous for his honour, and studious to bring forth the fruits of righteousness to his praise and glory [Note: Romanos 7:4.] — — —

Endeavour also to commend him unto others. There is no room for jealousy here. The light of his countenance, like the light of the sun, will not be the less enjoyed by you because it is imparted to others: on the contrary, the more successful you are in bringing others into a participation of his benefits, the more will your own souls overflow with joy. And the very weakest amongst us, that is really the Bridegroom’s friend, shall find that he does not testify of Christ in vain: however incapable he may feel himself to recommend the Saviour to others, he shall see some fruit of his labour, and have reason to say, with John, “This my joy is fulfilled.”]

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