Números 24

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon

Verses with Bible comments







144. Números 5:29.

The Jealousy-Offering

145. Números 6:21.

The Law of Nazarites

146. Números 6:23.

God will bless his own Ordinances

147. Números 9:21.

The Journeys of the Israelites

148. Números 10:29.

Moses’ Invitation to Hobab

149. Números 10:35.

Moses’ Prayer at the removal and resting of the Ark

150. Números 11:10.

Inordinate Desire punished

151. Números 11:23.

God’s Word sure

152. Números 11:27.

Joshua’s Envy reproved

153. Números 12:8.

Aaron and Miriam reproved

154. Números 14:4.

Apostasy deprecated

155. Números 14:6

The People murmuring at the Report of the Spies

156. Números 14:20.

God’s answer to the Intercession of Moses

157. Números 14:24.

Following the Lord fully

158. Números 14:44.

Presumption of the rebellious Israelites

159. Números 15:30.

The Danger of presumptuous Sin

160. Números 15:32.

The Sabbath-breaker stoned

161. Números 15:37.

The Use and Intent of Fringes on the Garments

162. Números 16:38.

Korah’s Rebellion

163. Números 16:48.

Aaron’s Intercession

164. Números 17:10.

Aaron’s Rod that budded

165. Números 19:17.

The Law of Purification

166. Números 20:12.

Moses and Aaron sentenced to die in the Wilderness

167. Números 20:27.

Death of Aaron

168. Números 21:4.

The Israelites discouraged by the way

169. Números 21:8.

The Brasen Serpent

170. Números 22:18.

Balaam’s Character

171. Números 22:31.

Balaam obstructed by the Angel

172. Números 23:7.

Balaam’s first Attempt to curse Israel

173. Números 23:18.

Balaam’s second Attempt to curse Israel

174. Números 23:19.

God will fulfil his Word

175. Números 24:5; Números 24:9.

Balaam’s third Attempt to curse Israel

176. Números 24:15.

Christ the Star spoken of by Balaam

177. Números 25:10.

Phinehas rewarded for his Zeal

178. Números 26:63.

Perishing of the Israelites in the Wilderness

179. Números 27:15.

Appointment of Joshua to succeed Moses

180. Números 28:3.

The Morning and Evening Sacrifice

181. Números 31:48.

Destruction of the Midianites

182. Números 32:6.

Moses reproves the Reubenites

183. Números 32:23.

The Certainty that Sin will find us out

184. Números 35:24.

The Cities of Refuge