Salmos 78:32-33

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 78:32. For all this, they sinned still, and believed not for his wondrous works. Therefore their days did he consume in vanity, and their years in trouble.

IT is a saying of Solomon’s, that “he who soweth iniquity, shall reap vanity [Note: Provérbios 22:8.]:” and the truth of this is remarkably illustrated throughout all the history of God’s ancient people. The Jews were, beyond all comparison, the most favoured people upon earth: and if they had made a due improvement of their mercies, they would have been as much exalted above others in happiness, as they were in their outward privileges. But neither mercies nor judgments could prevail upon them to yield themselves unfeignedly to God. The mercies they received were so signal, that one would have supposed it impossible for them to forget the Donor. Their judgments, too, on some occasions were so awful, that one would have supposed fear should supply the place of love, and constrain them to turn to God with their whole hearts. In the preceding part of this psalm, these dealings of God with them are especially referred to: yet, in my text we are told, “They sinned still, and believed not for his wondrous works.” In consequence of this, they reaped according to what they sowed: for, on account of this incorrigibleness, “God consumed their days in vanity and their years in trouble.”

But is that generation passed away? Is there not amongst us the same obstinacy in sin? and do we not feel the same effects of transgression? Yes, verily, they are a mirror in which we may see our own image; and the events of their days are still visible in ours. This will appear, whilst I shew,

I. The incorrigible obstinacy of sinners—

God diversifies his dealings with us for our good—
[Our temporal mercies, public, social, personal, have been equal to any that have been vouchsafed to any people under heaven — — — But what shall I say of our spiritual mercies? Verily, if a preached Gospel be the greatest of all mercies, we have indeed very abundant reason to acknowledge the transcendent goodness of God to us — — — In some instances, too, has God dealt with us, both individually and collectively, in a way of paternal chastisement — — —]

But to an awful extent have we persisted in impenitence and unbelief—
[What were the sins in which we indulged years ago? Take us as a collective body; and it must be said, “In those we continue still.” The gay, the worldly, the sensual, the profane, all follow their respective courses as much as ever, equally unallured by mercies, and unawed by judgments — — — Nor have all “the wonders” of redeeming love, though so fully and faithfully proclaimed, wrought any change in us. As the Israelites, though so visibly under the care of Almighty God, could not be prevailed upon to enter into the design of God’s mercies to them, or to yield up themselves to him in a way of holy obedience, so neither are we led to exercise a simple faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, and to “cleave unto him with full purpose of heart” — — — Dependence on him, communion with him, and devotedness to him, are as far from us as ever — — — Our heads possibly may be instructed; but our hearts and lives are unchanged — — —]

And now let me ask, What are,


The bitter fruits which they reap from it?

Certainly, if ever a people could be happy, the circumstances in which the Israelites were placed were calculated to make them happy. But “their days were consumed in vanity, and their years in trouble,” as the just punishment of their sins. And how are our lives spent?

What have we, but vanity and trouble?

[In the abundance of all things that we enjoy, it is surprising how little there is of real comfort to the possessors. Many possess all that the world can give; yet “in the midst of their sufficiency they are in straits [Note: Jó 20:22.].” It may be thought that the rich are happier than the poor: but the very reverse of this is true. God has cursed their very blessings [Note: Deuteronômio 28:15.] — — — Yea, the nearest of all connexions which God ordained for the happiness of man is, in a great majority of instances, unattended with the blessedness which the parties hoped for; yea, and too often is made a source of bitterest woe. Truly, “man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly upwards [Note: Jó 5:6.]:” and this poor wilderness world is found to most a vale of tears — — —]

And what is this but the fruit of sin?
[This was not the state of man in Paradise: it came as the fruit of sin: and in proportion as men live without God in the world, is the world and every thing in it embittered to them.
It may be asked, Are the saints exempt from this common lot? Do not they find “vanity and trouble” here below, as well as others? They do; but by no means in the same degree. To the saints, blessings are really blessings; and even troubles are blessings in disguise. The man who truly believes in Christ, enjoys, in common mercies, a sense of God’s love and favour, to which an unbeliever is an utter stranger: and his trials he receives as paternal chastisements, which are the means ordained for his furtherance in the divine life, and for the eventual increase of his happiness to all eternity. Though therefore, in a certain degree, he finds vanity and vexation of spirit to be stamped on all sublunary good, he has, on the whole, a different portion from that of the ungodly world even here: and hereafter, I need not say how widely different is his lot. As for the impenitent and unbelieving, possess what they may, they are not happy; and, in the prospect of death and judgment, it is from want of reflection only if they are not completely miserable — — —]

To apply the subject to our hearts—

[Have we not sinned enough already? May not the past time suffice for our neglect of God, and our contempt of his favours? Shall it continue to be said of us, ‘They have sinned still; and will not believe in God, notwithstanding all his wondrous works?’ Do but look back, and see what has hitherto been the “fruit” of such a life [Note: Romanos 6:21.]. I appeal to all, What have ye found but vanity and trouble, even in your best enjoyments? Verily, they have been but as the “crackling of thorns under a pot,” which blazed for a moment, and then vanished in smoke [Note: Eclesiastes 7:6.]. Indeed, Brethren, if the happiness of this world only were concerned, I should recommend to you a life of penitential sorrow, and of entire devotedness to God: for “godliness is profitable unto all things, having the promise of the life which now is, as well as of that which is to come [Note: 1 Timóteo 4:8.].” But there is a world to come; a world in which we shall reap, in its full extent, the fruit of our present conduct. Oh! where will the impenitent transgressor find pardon then? and where the contemptuous unbelieving sinner flee to hide himself from the wrath of an avenging God? Let there then, Brethren, be an end to your contest with the God of heaven. Cast down the weapons of your rebellion; and, with penitential faith, cast yourselves on the Saviour, who died even for the very chief of sinners. “Humble yourselves truly under the mighty hand of God; and in due season, notwithstanding all your past transgressions, he will lift you up [Note: Tiago 4:10.].” — — —]

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