Zacarias 2:5

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Zacarias 2:5. I, saith the Lord, will he unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.

IF some of the prophecies of Zechariah be dark and intricate, some are peculiarly clear. Such is that in the close of the preceding chapter, respecting “four horns, and four carpenters;”—“the horns” denoting the enemies who had scattered Israel; and “the carpenters,” those whom God would raise up for their restoration and protection. To the same effect is the vision of “a man with a measuring-line, going forth to measure Jerusalem;” in order that the city might be re-constructed on its former site, and be of the dimensions which God had previously ordained. As the former vision denoted the removal of all obstacles to this work, this marked its speedy and well-ordered accomplishment. But, as enemies had prevailed against the city before, so, it was feared, they might again: God therefore promises, that, though walls should be constructed, such should be the concourse of people to Jerusalem, that multitudes should live without the walls: yet should they be safe from every enemy, because God himself would be to them both a wall of fire for their protection, and the glory in the midst of them for their honour. What he had been to Israel when coming out of Egypt, that he would be to them again.

But, as the prophecy before us admits of a general application, I shall consider it,

I. In reference to the Jewish Church—

Respecting that, at the time the prophecy was delivered, it must be understood, in the first place—
[The Jews, after their restoration, were impeded in their endeavours to rebuild their city and temple; and it seemed as if they would never be able to accomplish it. But God promised that their enemies should not be able finally to prevail; for that he himself would be an effectual protection to them; not only as a wall which might keep off their assailants, but as “a wall of fire,” that should devour them: and that his worship should be re-established among them, as in former days; so that they should again, as they had formerly been, become the joy and glory of the whole earth. Through the energy with which the people were inspired, they rebuilt the wall with incredible speed [Note: See Neemias 4:7; Neemias 4:13; Neemias 6:15.]: and the temple itself also, after many hindrances, was raised; and in some respects, especially by the presence of the Messiah himself in it, the glory of it was made to exceed even that of the former house [Note: Ageu 2:9.]

But it has a further reference to that Church in the latter-days—
[Their future restoration will be opposed with far greater vehemence and malignity than it was after the Babylonish captivity. Great and mighty nations will come against them, to destroy them [Note: Ezequiel 38:14.]. But then will God be a wall of fire round about them; and not only will he protect them effectually, but he will spread such desolation amongst their enemies as has never yet been heard of, from the foundation of the world. When Pharaoh pursued them, God made the Red Sea a wall for their defence, and by that swallowed up all the hosts of Egypt: but when God and Magog shall come up against them, such shall be the extent of the victories that, shall be gained by Israel, that the weapons with which they have been assailed, shall suffice for fire-wood in the whole land, for the space of seven years; and it shall occupy the whole people of the land seven months to bury the slain [Note: Ezequiel 39:8.].

And how exalted shall be the piety of that Church in the latter day, the Prophet Isaiah very fully describes. The 60th chapter of his prophecies is generally understood as referring to the Gentiles: but, beyond all doubt, it relates primarily to the Jewish Church; which will then be so glorious, by reason of God’s presence with her, that no earthly distinction can augment her glory: “The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory [Note: Isaías 60:19.].”]

But the text may he understood also,


In reference to the Church of God in all ages—

To the Church at large, and to every individual in it, God promises,

1. The protection of his providence—

[Wonderfully was the Church of Christ preserved in the first ages of its establishment. What but Omnipotence could have kept it, amidst all the assaults which it had to endure on every side? But God had said, that “the gates of hell should not prevail against it:” and it yet exists, a monument of his Almighty power. And what is every individual believer, but a spark kept alive in the midst of the ocean? Verily, if “He who dwelt in the bush,” which, though burning, was not consumed, had not dwelt in us, we must all have been consumed long ago. But the mercy vouchsafed to the Prophet Elisha has been renewed to us; yea, and is renewed at this very moment, if we had but eyes to see it. There are chariots of fire, and horses of fire, round about us: and it is through their incessant and effectual interposition that no enemy has been able to prevail against us. There is not one of us that is not a witness for God, in this behalf.]

2. The blessings of his grace—

[What glory was seen in the Church on the day of Pentecost! That out-pouring of the Spirit, by which such miraculous effects were instantaneously produced, and so many souls converted unto God, when was any thing like it seen, from the foundation of the world? Such extraordinary manifestations of the Divine glory have, indeed, long since ceased in the Church: but is not God yet present with us? Yes, he is present, as he has said: “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” Wherever his Gospel is preached with fidelity, there may the lighting down of his arm be seen; there are sinners quickened from their death in trespasses and sins, and enabled to live unto their God in righteousness and true holiness. And are there none here present who can bear witness to this truth? Yes, brethren, I bless God that there are those amongst you who can bear witness that God is with his Church: and that his word is still, as formerly, the power of God unto salvation! Nor is it only by the manifestations of his love to your souls that God is seen: he has raised up from amongst you, I trust, many who, by making their light to shine before men, constrain even the ungodly world to glorify him. His people are yet “lights shining in a dark world,” and “cities set on a hill.” They are still, as heretofore, “epistles of Christ, known and read of all men:” and “God is glorified in them,” as he is not in the whole world besides.
How he shall be seen, admired, and glorified in them at the last day, when the whole number of his elect shall be assembled before his throne, every one shining forth in his Saviour’s image, I forbear to say. But, in a measure, that time is already commenced; and we enjoy even now, in our better moments, the dawn of that bright and blessed day.]

As an improvement of our subject, let us contemplate,

What reason we have for thankfulness in the review of the past—

[As, at the rebuilding of Jerusalem, enemies arose to obstruct its progress, so, in every place where a Church is erected for the Lord, are enemies without number ready to destroy it. The same I may say respecting every soul that sets himself to seek the Lord. Where shall we find one who has not many difficulties to contend with; and that too, not only from avowed enemies, but from professed friends. But here we are, this day, monuments of God’s tender care; and, I would hope too, of his effectual grace. Let us not overlook this great transcendent mercy. Let us remember to whom alone we are indebted, if we have not long since fallen by the devices of our great adversary, and made shipwreck of our faith: and let us give glory to God, as a faithful and promise-keeping God.]

2. What ground we have of hope, prospectively, in the time to come—

[“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; to which, if we run, we shall be safe.” Let no confederacy then, of men or devils, alarm us. “Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.”Our enemies may be mighty; but our Friend is Almighty. He can do every thing for us, and every thing in us. Only let us look to Him, and rely on Him, and “no weapon that is formed against us shall ever prosper.”]

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