2 Timóteo 3:12

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Timóteo 3:12. All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

WE are apt to imagine that persecution for righteousness’ sake was peculiar to the apostolic age: but St. Paul, reminding Timothy of the various trials which he himself had endured, tells him, that the Gospel would continue to give offence, wherever it was faithfully preached, or consistently professed; and that “all who would live godly in Christ Jesus should suffer persecution.” Now, that we may enter into the true import of these words, and see their full scope, I will shew,

I. What is the life which is here described—

[The Apostle does not say, “All that will live godly:” for then his assertion would not be true. A conformity to the law, under which men live, will by no means give offence to those around them. Heathens, of every class and of every caste, will admire those who are most scrupulously observant of the rites prescribed by their religious system — — — The Pharisees were held in the highest estimation on account of the self-denying ordinances which they practised. And papists are canonized for their penances and pilgrimages, and self-imposed austerities. Even amongst us, an exact attention to outward forms and to moral duties will gain for any man the admiration of all around him. This is not the life which will, in the general, expose us to persecution, whatever it may do under some particular circumstances. The life that will involve us certainly in persecution, is, “the living godly in Christ Jesus;” that is, the depending on him for all the grace whereby to serve our God, and the giving to him the glory of all that we do. This is what the Gospel invariably requires — — — and this will still give the very same offence which it gave in former days. This it was which so incensed Cain against his brother Abel. Abel offered a burnt-offering as an acknowledgment of his dependence on the sacrifice of Christ, which should, in due time, be offered: and God’s attested approbation of that offering stirred up in Cain the murderous purpose to destroy his brother’s life. St. Paul, and all the rest of the Apostles, suffered on the same account [Note: 1 Timóteo 4:10.] — — — And at this day, wherever that religion is professed and exemplified, the very same hatred prevails against it — — — Other doctrines cause no divisions: but wherever salvation by faith in the atoning blood of Christ is proclaimed, there is a division among the people; “some saying of the preacher, He is a good man: others saying, Nay, but he deceiveth the people.”]

If this be so, it is of importance to shew, in reference to this doctrine,


Why it gives such universal offence—

It offends,

1. Because it is so incomprehensible in its nature—

[A preacher of Christ crucified, whilst he calls men to the performance of good works, will maintain most strenuously the impossibility of our being ever justified by them, either in whole or in part. He requires all to seek acceptance with God through faith alone — — — Now, people in general neither do, nor can, comprehend this. If we are not to be justified by our works in any measure or degree, why need we perform them? — — — Thus they stumble at that very stumbling-stone which offended the Jews of old, and caused them to reject the salvation which the less moral Gentiles most thankfully accepted [Note: Romanos 9:30.] — — —]

2. Because it is so humiliating in its requirements—

[What! must the most exemplary Pharisee, who has been “touching the righteousness of the law blameless,” renounce all his own righteousness, and come down upon the very same ground with publicans and harlots, and “enter in at the strait gate” of repentance and faith, as much as the most abandoned of mankind? Who can endure to hear that, or make up his mind to comply with it? What! after having done so many things, must I seek acceptance solely through the righteousness of another imputed to me? Such views were, in the days of old, “to the Jews a stumbling-block, and to the Greeks foolishness [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:23.]:” and such will they be judged by all, who are not truly enlightened by the Spirit of God — — —]

3. Because it is so exclusive in its pretensions—

[If the Apostle would have suffered circumcision to be retained by the Jews as a joint ground of hope before God, “the offence of the cross would have altogether ceased.” Or if he would have suffered the name of Jesus to be enrolled among the gods of Greece and Rome, the Gentiles would have entirely renounced their opposition to him. But he required that the whole world should abandon their various grounds of hope; and trust exclusively in “the Lord Jesus Christ, as their wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” He declared, that there was no way to heaven but through Christ; and that “if an angel from heaven should preach any other doctrine than this, he must he accursed [Note: Gálatas 1:8.].” This is the testimony which we also bear; and which every one who receives the Gospel must accede to. And can we wonder that this rigid and immoveable purpose should give offence? Can we wonder, that, when we require every child of man to bow to this doctrine, and inflexibly to adhere to it, even though he were menaced with death for his fidelity—can we wonder, I say, that men should rise up against us, and endeavour to extinguish the light which we set before them? It cannot be but that such authoritative demands should give offence to those who have not obtained grace to comply with them — — —]

Let me then address,

Those who are intimidated by the opposition made to them—

[“Fear not man, who can only kill the body; but fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell.” “If you will not lay down your life for Christ, you cannot be his disciples.” We cannot lower those terms. Christ died, under the wrath of God, for you: and it is but a small sacrifice, in comparison, that he requires you to make for him.]

2. Those who set themselves against the truth of God—

[You can never prevail, in fighting against God: or, if you prevail in any particular instance, you only aggravate so much the more your own guilt and condemnation. It were better for you to have a millstone fastened to your neck, and be cast into the depths of the sea, than that you should offend one of Christ’s little ones.]

3. Those who are enabled to maintain their steadfastness in the midst of an ungodly world—

[Perhaps you have suffered somewhat for the Lord. But have you found any cause to regret it? Have not the consolations of Christ abounded above all your afflictions? You may possibly have yet more to suffer for his sake. But, for your encouragement, he has declared, that, “whilst he will deny those who deny him, he will admit all who suffer with him to reign with him in glory for ever and ever [Note: 2 Timóteo 2:12.].” “Be then faithful unto death; and expect assuredly, at his hands, a crown of life.”]

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