Isaías 27:3

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 27:3. I the Lord do keep it: I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.

GOD has provided abundant consolation for his Church in seasons of the greatest trial: and he calls upon her to enjoy her privileges and to celebrate them in “a responsive song [Note: Isaías 27:2. should rather have been translated, “Sing ye to the beloved vineyard a responsive song.”],” in firm expectation of safety, amidst the most awful and desolating judgments.

The first part of the song, which is begun by Jehovah himself, leads us to shew,

I. Whence the Church derives her security—

The Church, like a vineyard, is set apart in order to a more careful cultivation—
[This idea is elsewhere more fully opened by the same prophet [Note: Isaías 5:1.]: and it well illustrates the care taken to separate the Church from the world at large, and the exertions made to render her fruitful in the fruits of righteousness.]

At the same time she also resembles a vineyard, in that she is exposed to the assaults of many who would destroy her—
[A vineyard, however carefully fenced in, may have its fences broken down, and its plants destroyed, if it be not watched and guarded [Note: Isaías 5:5; Salmos 5:8.]. And the Church is open to the incursion of numerous and potent enemies, who would soon destroy her, if she were not protected from their assaults.]

But she is preserved by an invisible, but almighty Protector—
[Jehovah himself interposes on her behalf. He preserves her, as the bush in the midst of the flames, burning, but not consumed [Note: Êxodo 3:2.]. He protects his Church in general, that “the gates of hell may not prevail against her;” and he keeps all her members in particular, that none may be ever plucked out of his hand [Note: Mateus 16:18; João 10:29; Salmos 46:5.]

Nor shall we tremble for her future welfare, when we consider,


What prospect she has of continued preservation—

The same Jehovah who says, “I do keep her,” adds also, “I will.” He promises (still keeping up the metaphor of a vineyard),

1. Culture—

[In a country that had only periodical rains, pools or reservoirs of water were indispensably necessary for the preservation of the vines in a season of drought. The Church too, and all the plants that are in it, need to be watered by God’s word [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:6; Deuteronômio 32:2.], and Spirit [Note: Isaías 44:3.]. Now God promises that he will take this care upon himself, and execute the work, as it were, with his own hands. Yea, inasmuch as we need fresh supplies of grace, not only every day, like a vineyard, but every moment, (as we need the light of the sun,) God suits his promise to our necessities, and tells us he will water us “every moment.”]

2. Protection—

[Our care in cultivating a vineyard would be in vain, unless we also protected it from those who would destroy it. Thus the Church, and every individual believer, would in vain receive the culture, if it did not enjoy also the protection, of heaven. But God promises to afford his people continual, and effectual protection. He will guard them “night and day” (for “he neither slumbers nor sleeps”) and will keep them, not only from destruction, but from any real injury: “No weapon formed against them shall ever prosper [Note: Isaías 54:17.].”]

We learn from hence,

Where to look in the midst of national calamities [Note: This is proper for a time of war: and if it be not used, the latter head may be changed thus—We have here matter, 1. For grateful recollection—that we have been preserved amidst so many enemies: 2. For humble confidence—that, though God may prune us, no trial shall come, but what he judges necessary, 1 Pedro 1:6 and shall work for our good, Romanos 8:28.]—

[God has, in this laud, a remnant, over whom he watches with the tenderest care, and for whose sake we trust he will spare the whole nation. At all events we may be sure that he will provide a hiding-place for his Church; so that, whatever be the fate of others, it shall not be overwhelmed [Note: Isaías 26:20.]. Let us not then trust in fleets and armies, but in the living God, who is omnipresent to behold, and almighty to defeat, the plots of our enemies: and let our supplications be made with increased frequency and fervour to him, whose past interpositions we have such abundant reason to acknowledge [Note: Salmos 124:1.]

2. Where to look in the midst of personal troubles—

[That which alone we ought to desire, is, that nothing may “hurt” us. As for the pruning, which may render us more fruitful [Note: João 15:2.], it should be received with submission and gratitude. The evils that tend to our destruction, we may deprecate, with an assurance that our prayer shall be heard and answered. We need not fear the drought which occasions God to water us, nor the weapons that call forth his effectual interposition. Only let us render him fruits suited to the culture bestowed upon us; and nothing shall come upon us without necessity [Note: 1 Pedro 1:6.]; nothing which shall not eventually work for our good [Note: Romanos 8:28.]

Veja mais explicações de Isaías 27:3


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