Isaías 32:2

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 32:2. A man shall be as an hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.

THERE is no greater blessing to a nation than a well-ordered government. The due administration of justice, together with the protection of our person and property, afford to any people a just ground of joy and thankfulness. Such a government did God promise to the Jews under Hezekiah; but a greater than Hezekiah is here. Under the figure of an earthly monarch, Christ is promised; and the text informs us,

I. What blessings we enjoy in and through Christ—

The metaphors, though four in number, suggest but two ideas:

1. Security—

[We have very little conception of winds and tempests in this climate. But the wind that rent the mountains before Elijah [Note: 1 Reis 19:11.], and the tempest that desolated the land of Egypt [Note: Êxodo 9:23.], may serve to shew us how welcome a secure place must be to one who is exposed to such formidable dangers. Yet no storms on earth can fully paint to us the dangers to which we are exposed by reason of sin [Note: Salmos 11:6.]. But the Lord Jesus Christ affords us perfect security from them all. In him we have a Goshen where no hail can come, a mountain which the wind can never affect. The billows, which shall overwhelm the whole creation besides, shall not be able to destroy us. In Christ, we have an ark that can never perish.]

2. Comfort—

[We, in this quarter of the globe, know as little of excessive drought and heat, as of overwhelming storms and tempests. But the state of the Israelites in the wilderness [Note: Êxodo 17:2.], and of Jonah at Nineveh [Note: João 4:8.], may aid our conceptions. How delightful was the gourd to him, and how reviving to them were the streams that gushed from the rock! And does not a soul oppressed with sin or persecution, or fainting with desire after righteousness, experience as much distress as they? Behold then the preciousness of Christ! He will be not only as a shade or as water to the weary and thirsting soul, but as “rivers of water” that can never be exhausted, and a “shadow of a great rock” through which the beams of the sun can never penetrate. Many can attest his excellency in these respects. Nor shall any who seek refuge in him be ever disappointed of their hope.]

But as these things are spoken of Christ as “a man,” it will be proper to shew,


How we enjoy them in him as “a man”—

Christ is truly and properly God, but he is God manifest in the flesh; and it is to him as incarnate that we stand indebted for these blessings.

1. As man, he died for our sins—

[To his atonement we owe all our hopes of salvation. If he had not expiated our guilt we could never have obtained mercy. If he had not purchased for us the gift of the Holy Ghost, we never could have mortified our inward corruptions. But through his death we are freed from the apprehensions of wrath; and through his Spirit we are filled with righteousness, and peace, and joy [Note: Romanos 14:17.]. Hence our song will ever be, To him who loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, be glory and honour [Note: Apocalipse 1:5.]

2. As man, he intercedeth for us in heaven—

[As our peace was effected by the death of Christ, so is it maintained by his intercession. Now it is as man that he appears in the presence of God for us; and liveth on purpose to carry on this part of his priestly office. By virtue of this, our persons and services find acceptance with God, pardon is given us for our renewed transgressions, and strength is imparted to surmount our manifold temptations. Hence is our salvation justly ascribed, and that in a very peculiar manner, to his intercession for us [Note: Hebreus 7:25.]

3. As man, he is our Head and Representative—

[Christ is the second Adam, the Lord from heaven [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:45; 1 Coríntios 15:47.]. Our life is now treasured up in him, that it may no longer be exposed to the assaults of our great adversary [Note: Colossenses 3:3.]. It has pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; and that out of his fulness all should receive, who shall ever be partakers of his grace, or of his glory [Note: João 1:16.]. Whether we want wisdom to guide us, righteousness to justify us, or sanctification to make us holy, we must look for all of it in and through Christ. As in Adam, our first covenant-head, all died, so in Christ, our new covenant-head, shall all be made alive [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:22.]

4. As man, he shall judge the world in the last day—

[All judgment is committed to him because he is the Son of man [Note: João 5:27.]. And what can tend more to our security and comfort than this? Will He, who shed his blood for us, give up what he has so dearly purchased? or He who both interceded for us, and supplied our wants, consign us over to perdition? Will he not rather bear testimony in opposition to our fierce accuser, and own the work he had wrought both for us and in us? Doubtless, if we should feel a degree of security and comfort in having a very dear friend for our judge on earth, much more may we rejoice in having for our judge in the last day, him who bought us with his blood and renewed us by his Spirit.]

We do not mean to exclude his Godhead from this great work of redemption: it is that which gives efficacy to all which he did and suffered as man. But nevertheless it is as man, that is, as the God-man, that we feel our relation to him, and have access unto him as our sympathizing friend.


What objects of pity are they who have no interest in Christ!

[They are exposed to all the wrath of a sin-avenging God: And where, where will they flee for safety? Where will they even procure a drop of water in that land of drought and misery, to which they shall be banished? Alas! there is no protection but in this city of refuge; there is no water but in this fountain. O that men would consider what they shall do in the day of their visitation; and flee for refuge to the hope that is now set before them [Note: Hebreus 6:18.]!]

2. How highly privileged are they who believe in Christ

[They are not exempt from occasional distress either of soul or body, but they have an almighty Friend to whom they can carry their distress: they go to him when heavy-laden; and find rest unto their souls. They feel themselves secure in their blood-sprinkled dwellings. But their privileges will not be fully seen till the last day. Then how happy in having a covert from the wrath that overwhelms the ungodly world! Then to have their Saviour both for their witness and their judge! Let us all cleave to him with full purpose of heart; and desire to know him more and more as “our friend and our beloved.”]

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1 Timóteo 3:16; Isaías 25:4; Isaías 26:20; Isaías 26:21; Isaías 28:17