Juízes 5:31

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Juízes 5:31. So let all thine enemies perish, O Lord: but let them that love him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might.

OF the victories gained by God’s ancient people, many are so incredible, that we could never believe the histories that record them, if we did not know those histories to have been written by holy men, under the direction and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. The destruction of a mighty army by means of trumpets, and lamps in broken pitchers, seems altogether fabulous: yet was this effected by Gideon, in conformity with the direction given him, and in dependence upon God. The overthrow of Jabin the king of Canaan, by ten thousand men under the command of a woman, was scarcely less miraculous, especially if we consider to what a low state the whole kingdom of Israel was reduced, and how exceeding powerful was the army of their oppressors: yet was Sisera, the captain of Jabin’s army, routed by this little band, and not so much as a single individual of that mighty host survived the contest [Note: Juízes 4:16.]. The hymn of thanksgiving, wherein Deborah celebrated this wonderful event, is recorded in the chapter before us; and she closes it with a prayer,

I. For the destruction of all God’s enemies—

Imprecations, when personal and vindictive, are contrary to the mind of God: but when uttered as denunciations of God’s determined purpose, they are not unsuited to the most holy character. Even St. Paul said, “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema maran-atha [Note: 1 Coríntios 16:22.].” Thus, in imprecating destruction on God’s enemies, Deborah must be understood to express,

1. Her approbation of it as just—

[Who does not see, that those who rise in rebellion against their God, deserve punishment? — — — There is not a creature suffering under the displeasure of the Most High, who must not say, “True and righteous are thy judgments, Lord God Almighty [Note: Apocalipse 15:3.].”]

2. Her desire of it as good—

[The Law of God, which denounces a curse against every transgression, is declared to be “holy and just and good [Note: Romanos 7:12.].” In like manner, all considerate men are agreed in acknowledging it a blessing to live under laws wisely enacted and faithfully administered. What though the execution of the laws prove fatal to some? it is a benefit to the community, who are thereby enabled to live in peaceful security. So the execution of God’s laws proves doubtless terrible to those who are called to sustain his vengeance; yet to the whole universe is it the means of displaying the justice and holiness of the Deity, which, if sin were unpunished, would be altogether compromised and eclipsed.]

3. Her expectation of it as certain—

[In fact, her imprecation has the force of a prediction; a prediction which shall assuredly be accomplished in its season. Of Sisera’s army not one survived: and of those who die in their sins, there shall not one be found at the right hand of God in the day of judgment. “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished.”]
To this she adds a prayer,


For the advancement of all his loving and obedient people—

Well is the distinction drawn between the enemies and the friends of God. The latter are described as “those who love him [Note: Efésios 6:24.].” If, between men, we could admit a medium between love and hatred, we can by no means admit of it between God and his creatures. Indifference towards God would be constructive enmity. Those only who love him can be numbered amongst his friends. In behalf of these, therefore, she prays, that they may “be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might.” Under this beautiful image she prays,

1. That they may shine with ever-increasing splendour—

[The sun in its early dawn casts but feeble light upon the world; but soon proceeds to irradiate the whole horizon, and to burst with splendour upon those who but a little before were immersed in darkness. Thus, the goings-forth of those who seek the Lord diffuse at first but an indistinct and doubtful gleam [Note: Oséias 6:3.]: but, through the tender mercy of God, they advance; and “their light shines brighter and brighter to the perfect day [Note: Provérbios 4:18.].” How desirable is this to be realized in us! Let us so walk, my Brethren, that “our profiting may appear unto all.”]

2. That they may diffuse benefits whithersoever they come—

[The sun is the fountain of light and life to the whole world. Look at the places where, for months together, the sun never bends its course: the whole face of nature wears the appearance of death: and nothing but the return of his kindlier influences restores her to life. Thus in countries where the friends of God are not found, the whole population are in a state of spiritual and moral death: but “in their light is light seen [Note: Salmos 36:9.],” and from them is spread abroad a vital influence, to animate and fructify the sons of men. View the path of the Apostle Paul “from Judea round about unto Illyricum:” in all his way he was the instrument of “turning men from darkness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God [Note: Atos 26:18.].” Such should we also be, my Brethren, according to the ability which God has given us, and the opportunities he affords us: we should “shine as lights in a dark world, holding forth to all the word of life [Note: Filipenses 2:15.],” for the illumination and salvation of all around us.]

3. That they may reflect honour upon God in the eyes of all who behold them—

[Who ever contemplated the sun shining in his strength, and did not admire the wisdom and goodness and power of Him who created it? “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his handy-work; nor is there any speech or language where their voice is not heard [Note: Salmos 19:1.].” Such should be the effect of the light diffused by the saints of God: it should constrain all to confess that “we are God’s workmanship [Note: Efésios 2:10.],” and “so to shine before men, that they may be compelled to glorify our Father which is in heaven [Note: Mateus 5:16.].”]


[Inquire, Brethren, to which of these classes you belong: for, however they may be confounded now, there will be an awful difference between them ere long; the one “awaking to everlasting shame and contempt [Note: Daniel 12:2.],” and the other “shining forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father [Note: Mateus 13:41.].” On the one shall the justice of God be magnified; but in the other shall his love and mercy be glorified, to all eternity [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 1:6.]

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