Mateus 16:24-25

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 16:24. Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

THE precepts of the Gospel are often considered as harsh and severe; but, if they were duly considered, there is not one of them, which would not appear highly reasonable. Perhaps there is not a stricter precept in the whole Bible than this before us, since it plainly declares, that no man shall ever enter into heaven, who is not willing to renounce every thing in the world, yea, even his own life, for the sake of Christ. But can we think this too strict, if we observe the time and manner of its delivery? Our Lord had just foretold his own sufferings and death; and had reproved Peter with great severity for attempting to dissuade him from subjecting himself to such miseries: and “then” it was, that he gave this injunction to his followers. In this view we may conceive our Lord as saying, ‘Do I deny myself, and take up my cross, and even surrender up my life, from love to you? then do ye the same in obedience to me; if I do it willingly for your salvation, surely you cannot hesitate to do it for my glory.’

This precept then leads us to point out,

I. The extent of a Christian’s duty—

To be Christians indeed, we must enter in at a strait gate, and walk in a narrow way: we must,

1. Deny ourselves—

[Since the first introduction of sin into the world men have cast off the love and fear of God, and have subjected themselves to the dominion of self. Instead of conforming themselves to the will of their Maker, and living wholly for his glory, they have made their own will, the prhiciple, and their own honour or interest, the end, of all their actions. Christianity is intended to bring us back to the state from which we are fallen. The very first step towards our restoration is, to “deny self,” and to restore God to the dominion of which we have robbed him. Our inquiries must henceforth be, not, What do I choose? or, What will gratify self? but What does God command? and, What will glorify him? To “put off the old man,” to “mortify the deeds of the body,” to “crucify the flesh with the affections and lusts;” in a word, to deny self in all its actings, is the course, on which every Christian must enter, and which he must resolutely follow to the end of life.]

2. Take up our cross—

[Every Christian must of necessity have some cross to bear: for though there will be seasons of comparative rest, when the storms of persecution shall subside, yet, as long as there are any of “the serpent’s seed” on earth, “the seed of the woman” will be treated by them as “the filth of the world, and the off-scouring of all things.” But to this the Christian must submit: he must not expect to be above his Master, but be willing to suffer in conformity to his example. He must not indeed bring trials on himself by his own misconduct: but, if the cross lie in his way, he should not be solicitous to avoid it; but rather should take it up and carry it. Nor, while he is bearing the cross, should he account it a heavy and insupportable load; but should glory in it, and “rejoice that he is counted worthy” to bear it. This too should be the daily habit of his mind [Note: Lucas 9:23.]. Let us view a malefactor bearing to the place of execution a part of the cross whereon he is shortly to be fixed [Note: Hence the word furcifer.], and then we shall see the degraded state in which the Christian must be content to walk in the midst of an ungodly world. If he be regarded with even a shadow of respect, he must consider it as gain, for which he did not stipulate, and which he had no right to look for.]

3. Follow Christ—

[While we profess to rely on Christ for our acceptance with God, we must also follow him as our pattern and example. In the whole of our conduct we must endeavour to “walk as he walked.” Though we are not to do in all respects the very things which he did, yet we are to manifest in all things the same spirit and temper. Like him, we must abhor sin even in thought; like him, sit loose to all the things of time and sense; like him devote ourselves entirely to our God. Nor are we to draw back when persecution arises, but still to “follow our Lord without the camp, bearing his reproach [Note: Hebreus 13:13.].” Yea, if such a death awaited us as our Lord himself endured, we are not to shrink back from it, but to go boldly forward: the language of our hearts must be, “None of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto me, so that I may finish my course with joy [Note: Atos 20:24.].”]

Doubtless these things are difficult: but we shall not be deterred from duty by any difficulties, if we duly consider,


The importance of it—

On our faithfulness unto death our eternal salvation depends. It may be that we may be called to die for the sake of Christ—
[In the first ages of Christianity, martyrdom for the truth was common: and, since its establishment in the world, thousands have been called to sacrifice their lives for the sake of Christ. Nor are we to conclude from the rest that we enjoy, that our faith and patience shall never be put to the test. Indeed, there are few, if any, real Christians, who are not on some occasions made to endure the fiery trial, and to approve themselves as pure gold, by sustaining, without loss, the action of the fire. At all events we must in the habit of our minds be “ready, not only to be bound, but even to die at any time, and in any manner, for the name of the Lord Jesus [Note: Atos 21:13.].”]

If, when called to suffer thus, we are found faithful, we shall be unspeakable gainers—
[We are assured, not only in the text, but in many other places, that, “if we suffer with Christ we shall also be glorified together with him;” and, that “our light and momentary afflictions shall work out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” Now what do we lose, when this poor frail life is taken from us? Nothing, but a few days or years of uncertain, and, at the best, painful existence upon earth. But what is our gain, the very instant our spirit has taken its flight? Who can conceive the rapture with which the disembodied soul will enter into the presence of its God? Who can form any idea of its joy, when it shall hear this plaudit from the Saviour’s lips, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Will any one then think he has endured too much for his Divine Master? Will any one then regret that he had not continued longer in this wretched world, and purchased a temporary ease at the price of eternal glory?]

If on the contrary we decline suffering, our loss will be inconceivably dreadful—
[We are plainly warned that “if we deny Christ, he will deny us;” and that “if we draw back, his soul shall have no pleasure in us.” What then will a man gain by sacrificing his principles to his fears? he will protract the little space allotted for his natural life, and save himself from a few minutes of pain and torture: but he will forfeit all hope of eternal glory, and subject himself to the wrath of an incensed God. It is but a few days at most, before he must resign the life, which he is now so averse to part with: and what will his feelings be when the Saviour of the world shall say, ‘Depart from me, I never knew thee; thou hadst no regard for me; I told thee long since that, if thou wouldst save thy life by denying me, thou shouldst have no part with my faithful followers: these on my right hand “loved not their lives unto death;” but thou wast of “the fearful and unbelieving, and shalt therefore take thy portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone [Note: Apocalipse 21:8.].” ’

Do not these considerations evince the importance of our duty? and should they not stimulate us to perform it in its utmost extent?]

Amongst the many reflections arising from this subject, we may observe,

How different a thing is Christianity from what is generally supposed!

[It is generally thought that the embracing of certain tenets, with a conformity to some rites connected with them, is sufficient to constitute us real Christians. But religion is a practical thing: it enters into every part of our conduct; and must regulate us in every possible situation. It relaxes not its demands on account of any difficulties we may have to encounter; but provides us strength to surmount them, and a glorious reward when we have overcome. Let this then be fully known; that they, and they only, who, if put to the test, would be willing to die for Christ, are real Christians in the sight of God; and consequently, that they, and they only, will be saved in the day that he shall judge the quick and dead. How insufficient are we for these things; and how earnestly should we seek of God that grace which we stand in need of!]

2. How vain are the excuses which men offer for their neglect of duty!

[Every one is ready to urge the difficulties which lie in his way as an excuse for disobedience to the divine commands. But, what if our worldly interests be injured? what if we be called to “resist unto blood?” we must be steadfast, and immoveable. The only question is, Shall we obey God, or man? shall we regard our bodies, or our souls? Excuses serve but to deceive and ruin us. Let us then put them all away; for God cannot be deceived, and will not be mocked.]

3. How excellent a directory is here given us even in the most difficult cases!

[We may sometimes find it difficult to discern the path of duty: what then shall we do to avoid error? Let us follow the injunctions here given us. Let us inquire, What would my natural inclinations lead me to; or, what would any unconverted person do in my circumstances? The very reverse of that is the line that I will pursue; for, while I deny myself, I cannot greatly err. Again, What would the Lord Jesus Christ do in my circumstances? That I will do; for I cannot do wrong when I follow him. Such questions as these would tend more to remove our difficulties than all the abstract reasonings that could be brought forward; for, we shall always find, that, an upright heart is the best casuist.]

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