Provérbios 14:26

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Provérbios 14:26. In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence; and his children shall have a place of refuge.

IN the Holy Scriptures there is often much contained in a small space. Hence we read them frequently without discerning one half of their beauty and importance — — — In the passage before us, we have in a concentrated form the benefits arising from the fear of God. They are two:

I. Confidence—

Before we speak of the benefit itself, we must endeavour to attain accurate views of that from which it flows. By “the fear of the Lord,” I understand such a fear as brings us to his footstool; and such a fear as stimulates us to an unreserved surrender of ourselves to him. It is clear that it must comprehend these, and cannot possibly exist without them [Note: Salmos 112:1.] — — — Now, wherever this is found, there is “a strong confidence” of acceptance with God; a confidence founded,

1. On the general character of God—

[There is, in the mind of every one who has the least knowledge of God, a persuasion that “he delights in mercy:” and though this of itself is not sufficient to warrant a confidence of our acceptance with him, it is a strong confirmation of our confidence, when we have really come to him with a humble believing, and obediential fear — — —]

2. On the Scripture account of him, as revealed to us in Christ Jesus—

[There we see his assumption of our nature, his death upon the cross as an atonement for our sins, his ascension to heaven, to govern all things for the good of his Church and people. O! what confidence must such wonders of love and mercy inspire! Can we turn to him in faith and fear, and doubt his willingness to receive us? Impossible. It cannot be but that our “confidence” in such a God must be “strong [Note: 2 Timóteo 1:12.]” — — —]

3. On the express promises which he has given us in his word—

[These are “exceeding great and precious,” and fully commensurate with all our wants. There is no state in which we can be, that has not a promise especially adapted to it. Only let those be embraced, and the most desponding soul must be comforted [Note: Hebreus 6:17; 2 Coríntios 1:20.] — — —]

To them, under all circumstances, is afforded,



They stand in the relation of “children” to God, who “is not ashamed to be called their God” and Father. And to them there is ever open “a place of refuge,”

1. From the calamities of life—

[True, the saints are exposed to calamities like other men; but they see that every thing, whoever be the instrument, proceeds in reality from their Father’s hand, who sends it only for their good. Hence the very character of the visitation is changed; and instead of being an occasion for mourning, it is welcomed as a blessing in disguise [Note: Provérbios 19:23.Salmos 91:9.] — — —]

2. From the assaults of Satan—

[Doubtless Satan will exert himself to the uttermost to harass and destroy them [Note: 1 Pedro 5:8.]: but they are furnished with armour to withstand his fiercest assaults [Note: Efésios 6:12.]; and they have an impregnable fortress ever open to them, even “the name of the Lord, which is to them as a strong tower, wherein they are safe [Note: Provérbios 18:10.].” And, after maintaining their conflict the appointed time, they are sure of beholding “him bruised under their feet [Note: Romanos 16:20.].”]

3. From the fears of death—

[Death is still an enemy: but they triumph over him, saying, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” They are enabled to number him amongst their friends and treasure [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:23.]; and to long for his arrival, to introduce them into the more immediate presence of their God [Note: Filipenses 1:23.] — — —]

4. From all the penal consequences of sin—

[At the very bar of judgment itself they stand with great boldness. The curses of the Law infuse no terror into their minds; because they can point to “Him who has redeemed them from its curse, having himself become a curse for them [Note: Gálatas 3:13.].” “To them there is no condemnation [Note: Romanos 8:1.]:” to them remains nothing but unbounded, everlasting bliss — — —]


Those who have confidence without fear—

[This is the state of the world at large — — — But such confidence is presumption [Note: Deuteronômio 29:19 and 1 Tessalonicenses 5:3.]: it is “the broken and contrite soul, and that alone, which God will not despise;”— — — To them, therefore, would I say, “Awake, and arise; and Christ will give you light [Note: Efésios 5:14.].”]

2. Those who have fear without confidence—

[Brethren, you should not so dishonour your Lord and Saviour. If only you have such a fear of God as humbles you before him, and makes you desire truly and unfeignedly to serve him, what reason have you to entertain any doubt of his willingness to save you? Has God become a man for you, and died upon the cross for you; and is he ordering every thing for you, both in heaven and earth; and should you not trust in him? Be ashamed of entertaining such unworthy thoughts of him, and cast yourselves altogether upon him both for time and for eternity — — —]

3. Those who have the happiness of uniting both—

[This is the state in which you should both live and die. It is the due mixture of fear and confidence which will bring you to that holy frame in which God most delights [Note: Atos 9:31 and Salmos 115:13.]. He would have you ever to “rejoice with trembling,” and to tremble with rejoicing — — —]

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