Romanos 11:20

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Romanos 11:20. Be not high-minded, but fear.

THE deep mysteries of our religion are calculated at once to encourage sinners, and to humble saints. The sovereignty of God is a great depth; and it was awfully displayed in the rejection of the Jews, and the admission of the Gentiles into his Church. This is the subject of which the Apostle speaks in the whole context: and he makes use of it as the means of provoking to emulation the Jews themselves, and at the same time of guarding the believing Gentiles against self-preference and self-security.
In considering his exhortation, we shall,

I. Explain its import—

The former part of it contains a dissuasive from pride—
[The proper tendency of religion is to produce humility: but, through the corruption of our nature, pride will take occasion even from the grace of God itself, to rise in our hearts. What self-complacency will sometimes arise from a consciousness of our superior attainments in truth and holiness! What acrimonious severity towards those, who dishonour their profession! And what contemptuous disregard of those who are yet immersed in ignorance and sin! Together with this self-preference we are also too apt to indulge a secure and self-depending spirit, and to think “our mountain so strong, that we can never be moved [Note: Salmos 30:7.].” But as the former disposition is most hateful to God [Note: Isaías 65:5.], so the latter also is an object of his utter abhorrence [Note: Jeremias 17:5.Provérbios 28:26.]. In both these views therefore it becomes every believer to attend to the Apostle’s advice, and, instead of entertaining too high an opinion of his own wisdom, strength, or goodness, to “think soberly [Note: Romanos 12:3.].”]

In the latter part the Apostle recommends humility and watchfulness—
[By “fear,” we are not to understand a slavish dread of God’s wrath; for that, so far from being opposite to pride, is in many cases the offspring of it. That which is here recommended is, a holy jealousy over ourselves, lest by any means we be tempted to walk unworthy of our high privileges, and thereby provoke God to deprive us of them. We are in the midst of an ensnaring world, beset with many and subtle adversaries, and ready to be beguiled by a treacherous and deceitful heart. Hence, like St. Paul himself [Note: 1 Coríntios 9:27.], we are necessitated to use the utmost circumspection, diligence, and self-denial, lest, after all our exertions, our labour prove in vain.]

To shew the importance of this exhortation, we shall,


Point out the reasons of it—

Many reasons might be assigned: but we shall content ourselves with noticing three:

1. We have no stability in ourselves—

[As all our ability and inclination to what is good, are derived from God at first, so must we receive continual supplies from him, even as of light from the sun. Without his constant superintendence, both the visible world, and the new creation in the soul of man, would soon revert to their original chaos. This the Apostle elsewhere urges as a motive to diligence [Note: Filipenses 2:12.], and, in the words before us, to humility and care. Nor can we well have a more powerful argument; for if “we stand by faith” only, and not by any wisdom or strength of our own, it becomes us to maintain a spirit suited to our weak and dependent state.]

2. Others, apparently as safe as we, have been rejected—

[Many have long made a profession of religion and departed from it at last [Note: 1 Timóteo 1:19.]. Demas stands as an awful monument of human weakness [Note: 2 Timóteo 4:10.]. Lot’s wife is pointed out to us in the same view [Note: Lucas 17:32.]. The Jews, who were brought out of Egypt, and yet were destroyed in the wilderness, are expressly set forth as examples to us [Note: Jude. ver. 5. 1 Coríntios 10:11. See also Jeremias 7:12.]. And, above all, the rejection of the Jewish nation for their iniquities, after they had been so long the peculiar people of God, speaks loudly to us. This in particular is urged by the Apostle in the words following the text [Note: ver. 21, 22.]; and it teaches us, never so to value ourselves either on our relation to God, or our experience of his goodness, as to forget, that we also may be rejected, if we do not rely upon him, and unreservedly devote ourselves to him.]

3. That which was the ground of the rejection of the Jews, is very prevalent in us—

[God had given to the Jews a revelation respecting the Messiah: but they disbelieved his record, and rejected his Son: and for this their unbelief they were “broken off from the olive” which God’s right hand had planted. A still clearer revelation God has given unto us: and is there not much unbelief in our hearts with respect to it? Are even the most advanced Christians so much affected with the declarations of God’s word, as they would be, if faith were in constant and perfect exercise? Alas! the faith that realizes things invisible, and gives a present existence to things future [Note: Hebreus 11:1.], is found in but few, and operates but weakly in the best: and, if it should wholly fail, Satan would sift us as wheat, and we should be found chaff at last [Note: Lucas 22:31.]. When therefore we consider how weak our faith is, and that it is “by faith we stand,” we have reason to fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into God’s rest, any of us should seem to come short of it [Note: Hebreus 4:1.]

We shall conclude the subject with some suitable advice—

Bear in mind what you once were—

[To “look to the rock whence we were hewn, and to the hole of the pit, whence we were digged,” will be a good antidote to pride. While we remember what we were, we shall see no reason but for humiliation and thankfulness before him, who has made us to differ both from others and from our former selves [Note: Tito 3:3; 1 Coríntios 4:7.]

2. Consider what you still are—

[You are, we trust, “brands plucked out of the fire:” true; but you still bear the marks of the fire upon you; and have a disposition to catch fire again, the very instant you are exposed to temptation. Let every one view himself in this light; and he will see need enough of attending to the exhortation in the text.]

3. Be aware of the deceitfulness of your own hearts—

[In ten thousand instances we must have seen how liable we are to err even in things wherein we are most confident. So blinded are we at times by pride, passion, or interest, that we think ourselves right, when others evidently perceive, that we know not what spirit we are of. Let us be aware of this tendency to deceive ourselves; and beg of God both to search our hearts, and to guide our feet.]

4. Guard against temptations to sin—

[Many are the temptations that assault us from without. From these we should flee, shunning both the occasions and the very appearance of evil. Many also are our temptations from within. These we should resist in their very first rise. We may easily extinguish a fire at its commencement, when all our efforts may be baffled, if we suffer it to proceed. For all is that direction necessary, “Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation.”]

5. Live wholly in dependence on the power and grace of Christ—

[Without this, all our other efforts will be fruitless. All “our fresh springs are in Christ,” “without whom we can do nothing.” “Except he keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” Let us then “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” Then, though weak, “we shall be able to do all things:” and though fiercely assaulted, we shall be “more than conquerors.”]

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