Salmos 94:19

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 94:19. In the multitude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts delight my soul.

TO judge of the efficacy of Divine grace, we should see it in actual exercise, and under circumstances calculated to display its power. The writer of this psalm, whoever he was, (for respecting the author or the occasion of it we have no certain information,) was sorely oppressed under the sanction and authority of legal enactments. But he committed his cause to God; and warned his oppressors that they should give an account of their conduct before another tribunal, where their atheistical impiety would receive its just reward [Note: ver. 5–10, 20–23.]. At the same time, he declared that he had heartfelt consolations, of which it was not in their power to deprive him: for that “in the multitude of his thoughts, which their cruelty excited within him, God’s comforts delighted his soul.”

In these words we see,

I. The fluctuations of mind to which the saints are exposed—

When men become saints, they are not raised above the feelings of mortality: they still have the common sensibilities of men, and consequently are exposed to great fluctuations of mind:

1. In reference to their temporal concerns—

[As members of society, they must be engaged in earthly occupations of some kind; and must depend, not on themselves only, but on others also, for their prosperity in the world. The misfortunes of others may involve them; and, without any fault of their own, they may be drawn into circumstances of most painful embarrassment. In such a predicament, it would ill become them to be careless and unconcerned. They must of necessity have many thoughts, how to extricate themselves from their trouble, and to maintain their good character before men — — —
In a domestic relation, too, the saint cannot be insensible to the welfare of his wife and children: their health, their honour, their happiness, must of necessity occupy a deep interest in his mind, and be sources of much anxiety within him — — — Religion is not intended to destroy these feelings, but only to regulate them, and to render them subservient to his spiritual welfare — — —]

2. In reference to the concerns of their souls—

[The very intent of piety is, to make every thing that relates to eternity interesting to the soul. Now the saint, in this present state of warfare, cannot always preserve the same state of sublime and spiritual affection: there will be seasons of comparative darkness and deadness, and seasons too of temptation, when Satan has gained some advantage over him. Now, such ought to be seasons of deeper humiliation to the soul: and, together with contrition, there will often arise doubts and fears, which will fill the soul with most distressing perplexity. David himself sometimes had his fears, lest God should have cast him off for ever [Note: Salmos 77:7.]: and similar apprehensions are experienced by the Lord’s people, in every age and in every place — — —]

But in the example before us we see,


The consolations which God administers to them in their troubles—

Truly they have comforts which the world knows not of: they have for their refreshment and delight,

1. The comforts of God’s word—

[The Scriptures are a “well of salvation, from whence they draw water with joy.” In them they behold the character of God, exhibited as it were at full length, in all the dispensations of his providence and grace. There they see how God has dealt with his people in every age, ordering every thing according to the counsels of his unerring wisdom, and overruling every thing for their eternal good. There they behold him as a refiner, regulating the furnace into which he puts his vessels; and watching the process, in order to bring them forth in due season, fit for the master’s use. There they see the “covenant ordered in all things and sure [Note: 2 Samuel 23:5.];” and there they find promises without number, exactly suited to their state. These are as marrow and fatness to their souls; and, nourished by these, they not only bear with patience, but glory and exult in, all their trials — — — Encouraged by these promises, they are content to go into the furnace, assured that they shall come forth, at last, purified as gold.]

2. The comforts of his Spirit—

[Afflictions are seasons when God for the most part manifests himself to the souls of his people. The Son of man then walks most visibly with them, when they are put into the furnace for his sake. In the mount of difficulty and trial he will be seen. In his people’s extremity he vouchsafes to them his richest communications, imparting to them his Holy Spirit, as a Comforter, to witness their adoption into his family, and to seal them unto the day of redemption. Yea, so abundantly does he sometimes “shed abroad his love in their hearts,” that they are fearful of losing their trials, lest they should lose at the same time their consolations also. Such were the comforts administered to the Apostle Paul [Note: 2 Coríntios 1:5.]; and such shall be the portion of all who take the Lord for their God.]


How highly the saint is favoured above all other people upon earth!

[What source of comfort can the worldling find, in his trials? The whole creation is to him but “a broken cistern that can hold no water.” It is the saint alone that has a never-failing source of joy and bliss — — —]

2. How desirable it is to acquaint ourselves with God!

[It is in God, as reconciled to us in Christ Jesus, that this blessedness is to be found. To those who seek him not in Christ Jesus, God himself is only “a consuming fire:” but to his believing people he is “a very present help,” and “an eternal great reward.”]

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