1 Coríntios 10:11

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


1 Coríntios 10:11. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

THE Holy Scriptures were not given to the world, to amuse us with an account of past occurrences, but to instruct us in the way to eternal life. Nor are the historical parts less conducive to this end, than the preceptive; since they shew us, in a striking view, the characters of them that are saved, and of them that perish. The history of the Israelites would be entertaining as a romance; but, as an exemplification of God’s dealings with his Church, it is inestimable. Hence the Apostle expresses great concern that the Corinthian Church should be acquainted with the things that had happened to the Jewish nation; in order that they themselves might be on their guard, lest, resembling the Jews in their conduct, they should also resemble them in their fate.
Let us consider,

I. The typical events here specified—

The Jews, notwithstanding the mercies vouchsafed to them, perished in the wilderness for their iniquities—
[Great, exceeding great, were the favours conferred upon them: they were brought, under the immediate direction of God, through the Red Sea, and were baptized thereby into the covenant which God made with them by Moses. They were also sustained by food miraculously afforded them, food, not carnal only, but “spiritual,” if spiritually improved [Note: ver. 1–4.].

But, instead of following the Lord fully, “they forgat God their Saviour,” and addicted themselves to idolatry, to fornication, to distrust and murmuring [Note: ver. 7–10.].

For these, and other impieties, the heavy wrath of God came upon them; and two only, of all the adults who had come out of Egypt, were suffered to enter into the promised land.]
In this view they were intended as types and ensamples [Note: Τύποι.] to us—

[St. Peter mentions the judgments inflicted on fallen angels, the antediluvian world, and the cities of the plain, as exemplifying those which should come upon all, who at any period, should live and die in an ungodly state [Note: 2 Pedro 2:4.]. St. Jude, in addition to those instances, mentions also the Israelites, who perished in the wilderness [Note: Jude, ver. 5.]. The former might properly represent the people, who are wholly ignorant of God; the latter may more particularly characterize those who profess religion: and the disappointment which they experienced in consequence of their sins, was typical of that, which all must experience, who profess to have been called with a holy calling, and yet walk unworthy of their profession. In them we see that the greater our privileges, the heavier, if we abuse them, will be our condemnation.]

Being so deeply interested in the events recorded concerning them, we should consider attentively,


The admonitions they give us—

The Jewish dispensation closed, and the Christian dispensation commenced, in the apostolic age: and, this being the last that ever shall be given to the world, we who live under it may be said to live in the concluding period of the world.
Now the foregoing events admonish us,

1. Not to rest in a mere profession of religion—

[It was to no purpose that the Israelites called themselves the people of God, while they were unmindful of the obligations which such a profession entailed upon them. While they called God and Abraham their father, they were, like their descendants also, children of the wicked one [Note: João 8:39; João 8:41; João 8:44.]. Thus it will be in vain for us to call ourselves Christians, if we have not the power as well as the form of godliness [Note: Jeremias 7:4.]. On the contrary, as God disowned the people before referred to, so, however confident our claims to his favour may be, will He disown us in the day of judgment [Note: Compare Deuteronômio 9:12. with Mateus 7:21.]. Let us seek then to be Christians, “not in word, and in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” Let us not only unite ourselves to the church of God, but also devote ourselves to God in body, soul, and spirit.]

2. Not to indulge any evil desires—

[This is particularly specified by the Apostle as a principal end for which these events were recorded [Note: ver. 6]. Had the Israelites watched against the first risings of sensuality and lewdness, they had not fallen into those numerous sins which brought upon them God’s heavy displeasure. And, if we would be preserved from spiritual idolatry, or even from the grossest acts of uncleanness, we must avoid all needless connexion with an idolatrous world, and labour to suppress the first motions of sin which work in our members. “God requires truth in our inward parts;” nor shall any but the pure in heart ever behold his face in peace [Note: Mateus 5:8.]. An “hypocrite in heart only treasures up wrath against the day of wrath.”]

3. Not so to presume on any past mercies, as to forget that we have need of continual watchfulness and circumspection—

[The Israelites thought, that, after so many signal manifestations of God’s favour towards them, they could never be cast off. But, like Lot’s wife, they stand as a pillar of salt to us [Note: Lucas 17:32.]. Let not us then forget, that we may have “escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust, and yet be entangled again with it and overcome [Note: 2 Pedro 2:20.];” and that “we may have been enlightened by the word of God, and have tasted of the powers of the world to come, and yet so apostatize, as never to be renewed unto repentance [Note: Hebreus 6:4.].” The Apostle himself felt the necessity of “keeping his body under, lest, after having preached to others, he himself should be a cast-away [Note: 1 Coríntios 9:27.]:” much more therefore should we, however confident we may be of our own steadfastness, “take heed lest we fall [Note: ver. 12.].” Let us then not be satisfied with having come out of Egypt, or having put ourselves under the Divine guidance, or having lived hitherto on Christ, the living bread and living water: but let us go on in dependence on his grace, and in obedience to his will. Let us combine a consciousness of our proneness to fall, with an humble affiance in him, “who alone is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy [Note: Jude, ver. 24.].”]

Be admonished then, every one of you, my beloved brethren—

Ye who are resting in outward forms—

[See how earnest the Apostle Paul was in impressing these facts on the minds of his Corinthian converts: “I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of these things [Note: ver. 1.].” So say I to you: “I would not have you ignorant of them.” Indeed, indeed, they are too little considered. If you had asked all the six hundred thousand men after they had passed the Red Sea, and beheld all their enemies dead upon the seashore, Whither are you going? They would all have confidently replied, “We are going to Canaan, and doubt not but that we shall in due time possess it.” And this is what all say respecting heaven. But of them only two ever arrived in safety at that good land. And I tremble to think how many of you will in all probability fall short of the promised rest in heaven. You are all Christians in name: but are you all such in truth? Would to God ye were! Would to God that ye were all living by faith on the Lord Jesus, and altogether devoted to his service! — — — But I must tell you, that “the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent must take it by force:” for neither can a race be won, nor a battle gained, without very different exertions from what we behold in the Christian world at large.]

2. Ye who make a profession of vital godliness—

[This was the state of the Corinthian Church, on whose minds St. Paul laboured so earnestly to impress these known and acknowledged facts. Think not then, my brethren, that it is superfluous for me to inculcate the consideration of them upon you, and such an improvement of them as your state demands. Think not that ye have attained such stability as to render these admonitions unnecessary: but know, that the more you possess of holy fear, the more certain will you be of God’s effectual aid. It is only when you are weak in yourselves, that you are really strong; and, when in a simple dependence upon God you are “following the Lord fully,” then only can you hope, with Caleb and Joshua, to possess that good land that floweth with milk and honey.]

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