1 Timóteo 1:15

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


1 Timóteo 1:15. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

IT is said of the Athenians that “they spent their time in nothing else but in telling or hearing some new thing.” This, to say the least, was a very unprofitable way of employing their precious hours: for of the reports that are most industriously circulated, many are false, many doubtful, many frivolous; and of those that are true and important, the far greater part do not properly concern us. But there is one report that has spread far and wide, in which we are all deeply interested; the particulars of which, together with the general character of the report itself, it is our intention to lay before you.

I. The report itself—

In general the report is, that “Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.” But because of its singular importance, it will be proper that we enter into particulars, and tell you distinctly,

1. Who Jesus Christ was—

[He was a man in every respect like ourselves, sin only excepted. But he was God also: he was the only-begotten Son of God, “God of God, light of light, very God of very God.” To declare fully who he was, is beyond the power of any finite being: since “none knoweth the Son but the Father [Note: Mateus 11:27.]:” yet we know infallibly from Scripture that he was the eternal [Note: Miquéias 5:2. with João 17:5.], immutable Jehovah [Note: Hebreus 13:8.], God manifest in the flesh [Note: 1 Timóteo 3:16.], God over all, blessed for ever [Note: Romanos 9:5.]

2. How he came into the world—

[He was born like other men; but he was not begotten in the way of ordinary generation. He was formed by the power of the Holy Ghost in the womb of a pure virgin, that he might partake of our nature without inheriting our corruption [Note: Lucas 1:35.]. He was born under circumstances of peculiar meanness: his life also was spent in poverty and disgrace: and his death was the most cruel and ignominious that could be inflicted on him. But he foreknew from the beginning all that he should suffer, and yet voluntarily took upon him our nature, that he might both do and suffer all that was appointed of the Father.]

3. For what end he came into the world—

[Never was there such an errand before, or since. His own creatures had ruined themselves; and he came to save them. Though it was his law that they transgressed, and his authority that they despised, and his yoke that they cast off; yea, though he was the one great object of their contempt and abhorrence, he came to save them. Though he knew that they would murder him as soon as ever he should put himself into their power, yet he came to save them; to save the vilest of them, not excepting those who unrighteously condemned him, or insultingly mocked him, or cruelly pierced him with the nails and spear. When there was no alternative but either that they must perish, or he come down from heaven to suffer in their stead, down he came upon the wings of love, and “saved them from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for them [Note: Gálatas 3:13.].” He suffered that they might go free; and died, that they might live for ever.]

That this is “not a cunningly-devised fable,” will appear, if we consider what is said in the text respecting,


The character of this report—

St. Paul, who had examined it thoroughly, declares that it is,

1. Worthy of credit—

[So strange a report as this ought on no account to be believed, unless it can be proved beyond a possibility of doubt. Credulity in a concern that so deeply involves the honour of God and the welfare of all the human race, would be criminal in the highest degree. But we need be under no apprehensions respecting the truth of this report. “It is a faithful saying:” it is attested by the accomplishment of prophecies the most numerous, the most minute, the most opposite and irreconcileable; of prophecies, which no human wisdom could hare devised, no human power could accomplish. It has been credited by thousands who were at first most adverse to it: it has always appeared with more convincing evidence in proportion as it has been scrutinized and examined: and multitudes have propagated it at the peril of their lives, and sealed the truth of it with their blood. There is no species of evidence wanting to confirm it: so that it is impossible to doubt of its truth, if only we inquire into it with diligence and candour.]

2. Worthy of acceptation—

[There are many reports that are true, which yet are unworthy of any serious concern. But this is so universally interesting, and withal so precious, that it is worthy to be received by all mankind with the liveliest joy and exultation. If it be considered only as affecting the present happiness of men, there is no other report deserving of the smallest attention in comparison of this. None but God can tell, how many myriads of souls it has delivered from the deepest distress and anguish, and filled with peace and joy unspeakable. In truth, there is no solid comfort upon earth but what arises from the belief of these joyful tidings. But if we extend our views to the eternal felicity which the crediting of this report has occasioned; if we look at the myriads of saints that are already around the throne of God, and consider what numbers are continually adding to them from this lower world, and what an innumerable host there will be at the last day, that will have been rescued from hell, and exalted to glory solely through their crediting of this report, surely we shall say it is “worthy of all acceptation,” worthy, not merely to be credited, but to be entertained in our hearts with the devoutest gratitude and thanksgiving.]

We shall conclude with recommending “this saying” to the attention of,

Those who have lived in a wilful course of sin—

[You cannot but have some secret apprehension that “your end will be according to your ways,” How acceptable then ought these tidings to be to you! Do not despise them. Do not aggravate your eternal condemnation by rejecting them; neither put them from you, as though they were too good to be true: for Christ came to save even the very “chief of sinners;” and you, if you will believe on him, shall experience his salvation.]

2. Those who have been more exemplary in their lives—

Do not imagine that you are able to save yourselves: if you have not been such profligate sinners as others, still you are “sinners,” and must be saved by Jesus Christ, or not at all. You are but too apt to overlook all that Christ has done and suffered for you, under an idea that your moral and religious duties will conciliate the Divine favour: and hence it too often happens, that, while “publicans and harlots enter into his kingdom, persons of your description exclude themselves from it. But know, that “there is salvation in no other:” Christ is, and must be, your only refuge, and your only hope [Note: Atos 4:12.]

3. Those who have already received it into their hearts—

[Doubtless this report has already been a source of joy and consolation to you. But you cannot even conceive how rich a source of blessings it will be, if only you continue to reflect upon it. In it are contained “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge [Note: Colossenses 2:3.]:” it has a height, and depth, and length, and breadth, that no finite being can comprehend [Note: Efésios 3:18.], and that through eternal ages will afford incessant and increasing cause for wonder and adoration. Let this report then be your meditation day and night, and while we, as God’s ambassadors, endeavour to propagate it with our lips, do you endeavour to recommend and confirm it by your lives.]

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