2 Coríntios 13:4

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Coríntios 13:4. Though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you.

AMONGST the evidences of our holy religion, there are many which are of a recondite nature; and which, as superadded to those which are more obvious, are of great importance. The passage before us affords a strong proof that the Apostle Paul was no impostor. Suppose that he knew himself to have been acting the part of a deceiver, he would be extremely careful not to offend and irritate those who might detect his treachery. But behold, when he had occasion to reprove the Corinthians for their unchristian practices, he declared, that, if they persisted in them, he would exert his apostolical authority, and inflict upon them, in the Saviour’s name, some heavy judgment. Now, if he had not known that such an authority was delegated to him, and that the Lord Jesus Christ himself would uphold him in the exercise of it, he would not have ventured to utter such a threat as this; because it would, of necessity, lead to an exposure of his own weakness, and to the overthrow of that religion which he was endeavouring to establish.
The power of Christ, which he here asserts, must be considered by us in a twofold view:

I. As possessed by himself—

In his crucifixion, he appeared weak—
[He did indeed exhibit somewhat of his almighty power, in beating to the ground with a mere word all the soldiers who came to apprehend him. And at the bar of Pilate he declared, that his judge could have no power at all against him, except it were given him from above. He could, if he had seen fit, have had twelve legions of angels sent to rescue him. But he had previously determined to submit to all the indignities which they should offer him. In the prophetic writings concerning him it had been foretold, that he should give his back to the smiters, and his cheeks to them that plucked off the hair; yea, that he should go as a lamb to the slaughter, and, as a sheep before its shearers, not so much as open his mouth in murmurings or complaints. Accordingly, he submitted to every thing with such meek resignation, that he appeared to his enemies to be incapable of delivering himself from their hands. With this, the people around him taunted him, saying, “Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross. Likewise also the chief priests, mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said, He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted in God; let Him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God [Note: Mateus 27:40.].” Thus, in apparent weakness, he died.]

But he still liveth by the power of God—
[In vain were all the precautions taken by his enemies: the stone, the seal, the guard, were not able to detain him a prisoner in the grave. At the time he had foretold, he burst the bonds of death, by which it was impossible he should be holden, and rose triumphant; and in due season ascended to the right band of his Father, far above all principalities and powers, whether in heaven or in hell. There He possesses all power in heaven and in earth: there are all things committed to his hands: there is He, in a more especial manner, made Head over all things to his Church, to every individual of which he imparts whatsoever is needful for him — — — And there will he reign, till he has put all enemies under his feet — — —]
In connexion with this must we contemplate his power,


As delegated to his ministers—

The Apostles were invested with miraculous powers: which, when moved to it by him, they exercised, sometimes in a way of mercy, and sometimes also in a way of judgment. St. Paul had, by the authority committed to him, delivered to Satan, Hymeneus and Philetus, and the incestuous Corinthian: and, with a similar judgment, he threatened to visit other refractory persons at Corinth, if they should persist in their contemptuous and profane conduct. Those powers have long since ceased in the Church: but others are transmitted to God’s faithful ministers in all ages.
Ministers are weak, like their divine Master—
[Paul himself was, in all his sufferings, conformed to his blessed Lord; and, in enduring them, appeared weak as He. And ministers at this day are exposed to the same trials, which they are to bear in the same submissive manner. And so weak do they appear, that persons of every description, the poor as well as the rich, the young as well as the old, will venture to insult and injure them — — —]
But, through Him, they also are strong—
[Every word which they speak in their Master’s name, supposing it to be really in accordance with the written word, shall be ratified in heaven: “what they bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven; and what they loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.” In them the Lord Jesus Christ will evince his own almighty power. He will manifest it in them persanally; enabling them to sustain all their trials with fortitude, and to perform all their duties with fidelity [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:10.] — — — And he will manifest it by them ministerially, accompanying their word with power from on high, and enabling them to raise to newness of life those who were “dead in trespasses and sins.” There was not a miracle wrought by our Lord in the days of his flesh, which, in a spiritual sense, he does not yet work by all his faithful ministers. Their cause, too, will he maintain against all their adversaries; and he will, ere long, make it visible to all, that those who have persecuted them, have persecuted Him; and that they who have “touched them, have touched the apple of his eye.”]

Let me, from this subject, exhort you,

To look to the Lord Jesus Christ for all you want—

[Look not unto man, as though he were able to supply your wants. “Paul himself may plant, and Apollos water; but it is God alone that can give the increase.” The Lord Jesus Christ is “exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour.” He is the Head of all vital influence. He has a fulness of all things committed to him for you: and “out of his fulness you may receive, at all times, grace,” answerable to the grace that there is in him — — —]

2. Never to be discouraged on account of your weakness—

[You are weak; but “your Redeemer is strong:” yes, “there is help laid for you upon One that is mighty.” Conceive of yourselves as reduced even to as helpless a state as Christ himself was, when dead upon the cross, and buried in the grave. Shall you despair? No: your weakness shall only be an occasion for the more glorious manifestation of God’s power in the season of your greatest need. Only be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might; and in due season the whole power of the Godhead, which was displayed in Christ in raising him from the dead, shall be displayed in you [Note: Efésios 1:19.]; and you, like him, shall, in God’s appointed time, be exalted to his throne, and be a partaker of his kingdom for ever and ever.]

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