2 Coríntios 2:15-16

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Coríntios 2:15. We are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: to the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?

THE difficulties which faithful ministers have to encounter, are great and numerous. Through the goodness of God, the flames of persecution are not permitted to rage against them, as in the apostolic age; but the embers are by no means extinguished; hatred and contempt are yet the portion of all who will bear their testimony for God, and reprove the wickedness of an ungodly world. But if “their afflictions abound, their consolations abound also.” They are sustained by the providence and grace of God, and have reason to “thank him for causing them always to triumph in Christ.” They have also the satisfaction of seeing, that God, by their instrumentality, “makes manifest the savour of his knowledge in every place.” And though they are unhappily the occasion of deeper condemnation to those who reject their message, yet are they accepted and approved of God, as well in their ineffectual, as in their successful, labours.
This is the consolation expressed in the text; from whence we shall take occasion to shew,

I. In what way the ministry of the Gospel is regarded by God—

God is pleased to speak of himself as delighting in the ministry of his Gospel—
[That which his servants labour to diffuse, is, the knowledge of Christ. They set forth incessantly his name, his work, and offices: and exalt him as the only Saviour of the world — — — This, like the sacrifice which Noah [Note: Gênesis 8:21.], and which Christ himself, offered [Note: Efésios 5:2.], is to God “an odour of a sweet smell.” It is to him “as ointment poured forth [Note: Cântico dos Cânticos 1:3.].”]

And good reason there is why he should be so delighted with it—
[The Gospel of Christ is that wherein all the glory of God is concentrated and made manifest. We may behold the power, the wisdom, and the goodness of God in the works of creation and providence; but in the work of redemption we see an united display of all his perfections: “Mercy and truth meet together; and righteousness and peace kiss each other [Note: Salmos 85:10.]” — — — No wonder therefore that his ministers, who proclaim this Gospel, are considered as rendering to him an acceptable service.]

Nor does his approbation of it at all depend on the success with which it is attended—
[God is certainly well pleased when any “are saved” by his Gospel: for then all his gracious purposes respecting them are accomplished — — — Then is his dear Son honoured, and, as it were, rewarded “for the travail of his soul [Note: Isaías 53:11.].” Then “mercy,” his darling attribute, “in which he chiefly delights,” has free and full scope for exercise.

But God is no less glorified “in them also that perish:” for they must to all eternity acknowledge the goodness of God towards them; and confess his justice in the judgments inflicted on them.
To us the punishment of the wicked is a ground of lamentation only: but we must not “imagine that God is such an one as ourselves:” whatever tends to his glory, is pleasing in his sight.]

Our pleasure, however, in ministering the Gospel, is mixed with pain, when we reflect on,


The effects which it produces upon men—

To some we are an occasion of deeper condemnation—
[It had been foretold by the prophet, that Christ should be, not merely for a sanctuary, but also for a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence [Note: Isaías 8:14.]. The holy patriarch, who embraced our Saviour in his arms, declared, that he was set for the fall, as well as for the rising again, of many in Israel [Note: Lucas 2:34.]. Our Lord himself also attests, that the design of his coming was, to shut the eyes of those who proudly imagined that they saw aright, as well as to open the eyes of those who were sensible of their blindness [Note: João 9:39.]. And the ministrations of his Apostles were actually attended with these contrary effects [Note: 1 Pedro 2:7. with Atos 28:25.]. Thus we also find it at this time: we are, however unwillingly, the unhappy occasion of increasing the misery of many whom we labour to save. Some hear our word, and disregard it—others despise it—others abuse it, to encourage themselves in their evil ways. For all such persons it would have been better never to have heard the word at all [Note: João 15:22.Mateus 11:20.]

To others, we are the means and instruments of their salvation—
[As odours which are most offensive to some are most pleasing and refreshing to others, so are we in the discharge of our ministry. Some hear our word, and receive it with joy and gratitude. The name of Jesus becomes truly precious to them: they trust in him for salvation: they are brought by him into a state of reconciliation with God: they receive out of his fulness all the grace which they stand in need of: they are enabled by him to live a new and heavenly life; and, finally, they are exalted by him to a state of everlasting happiness and glory. In effecting this blessed work, we are his highly-honoured instruments: by our word he quickens them from the dead; by our word he gives them life more abundantly; by our word he carries on, and perfects, the work he has begun. And thus, while to some we are “a savour of death to their death” and condemnation, we are to others “a savour of life to their eternal life” and salvation.]
Well might St. Paul, in contemplating these effects of his ministry, express his sense of,


Its arduousness and importance—

Let it only be considered what a sacred trust is committed to us: on the one hand the glory of God, and on the other hand the salvation of man, is entrusted to our care: What a treasure is this to be deposited in such earthen vessels as we are! “Who is sufficient for these things?” Who is sufficient,

1. In wisdom and knowledge—

[To discharge the ministerial office aright, we should understand in all its bearings that mystery which was hid from ages—the redemption of man by the incarnation and death of God’s only-begotten Son. We should be acquainted also with all the devices of Satan, whereby he is continually labouring to defeat the gracious purposes of our God. We should be able also to discriminate between all the shades of Christian experience, so as to administer suitable advice to all who are under our care. The effects of ignorance would be most fatal: we should be “blind leaders of the blind;” and thus, together with our deluded hearers, should “fall into the ditch.” Alas! alas! Who has not reason to lament his utter insufficiency for so great a work?]

2. In zeal and love—

[If we duly considered the importance of our work, we should find neither time nor inclination to think of any thing else. We should scarcely allow ourselves the necessary refreshments of food and sleep. Persons who see us a little earnest are ready to give us credit for our zeal, or perhaps to condemn us for it: but we should not minister in the way we do, if we justly appreciated the value of a soul, or the glory of our God. No, truly; we should never think of you but with the tenderest compassion, nor even speak to you but with floods of tears. Whether we spake to you in public or in private, we should take no denial: and, in our addresses to God in your behalf, we should “give him no rest, till he arose, and made our Jerusalem a praise in the earth.”]


[Inquire, What improvement you have made of our ministry? We ask, not merely whether you approve of what you hear? but whether you find it a sweet savour unto your souls? Does it endear to you the Lord Jesus Christ? Does it bring you into closer and more habitual communion with him? Does it stir you up to live more to his glory? Let not our labours of love be the means of augmenting your guilt and misery. Force us not to be “swift witnesses against you” in the day of judgment: but rather seek, that we may have you as our joy and crown of rejoicing in that day.
In the meantime, “pray for us.” Our responsibility is great and fearful. It is no light matter to answer for our own souls: but to have your souls also required at our hands, is formidable in the extreme. May God pity our infirmities, and pardon our insufficiency! Yea, may he so “perfect his own strength in our weakness,” that, through our feeble ministrations, his name may be glorified, and your souls be saved!]

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