2 Crônicas 32

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon

Verses with Bible comments

26 31






2 Chronicles

395. 2 Crônicas 5:13.

Use of Church Music

396. 2 Crônicas 6:7.

God’s Acceptance of David’s good Desires

397. 2 Crônicas 6:18.

Condescension of God in becoming Incarnate

398. 2 Crônicas 6:41.

Dedication of the Temple

399. 2 Crônicas 7:15.

God’s Regard for his own House

400. 2 Crônicas 11:13; 2 Crônicas 11:16.

The Duty of Protestants

401. 2 Crônicas 12:7.

Humiliation the Means of Deliverance

402. 2 Crônicas 12:14.

The Evil of neglecting Prayer

403. 2 Crônicas 13:12.

Abijah’s Remonstrance with Jeroboam

404. 2 Crônicas 15:2.

The Equity of the Divine Procedure

405. 2 Crônicas 15:7.

Encouragement to Exertion

406. 2 Crônicas 15:12.

Asa’s Covenant with God

407. 2 Crônicas 16:9.

God’s Regard for his People

408. 2 Crônicas 17:9.

The Royal Edict

409. 2 Crônicas 19:2.

Jehoshaphat’s Connexion with Ahab reproved

410. 2 Crônicas 20:2.

Prayer the best Means of defeating Invasion

411. 2 Crônicas 20:20.

Faith the Means of National and Personal Prosperity

412. 2 Crônicas 22:3.

The Danger of following evil Counsel

413. 2 Crônicas 24:2.

The Life and Character of Joash

414. 2 Crônicas 24:14.

The Re-opening of the Temple by King Jehoash

415. 2 Crônicas 25:9.

Amaziah’s Conflict between Duty and Interest

416. 2 Crônicas 25:16.

The Sin and Danger of despising God’s Counsel

417. 2 Crônicas 26:5.

Connexion between Diligence and Prosperity

418. 2 Crônicas 26:15.

The bad Effects of Prosperity

419. 2 Crônicas 28:10.

A Sense of Sinfulness a good corrective of evil Passions

420. 2 Crônicas 28:22.

The Conduct of Ahaz in his Distress

421. 2 Crônicas 29:10.

The Use of covenanting with God

422. 2 Crônicas 29:20.

Restoration of the Temple Worship by Hezekiah

423. 2 Crônicas 29:31.

After Confirmation

424. 2 Crônicas 30:1.

Hezekiah’s Zeal for the Glory of God

425. 2 Crônicas 30:18.

God’s Condescension to the Upright

426. 2 Crônicas 30:22.

Delight in Ordinances

427. 2 Crônicas 31:20.

Hezekiah’s Character

428. 2 Crônicas 32:26.

Humiliation for the Sin of the Heart

429. 2 Crônicas 32:31.

The Weakness and Depravity of Man

430. 2 Crônicas 33:10.

Manasseh’s Repentance

431. 2 Crônicas 34:27.

Josiah’s Penitence

432. 2 Crônicas 36:15.

Forbearance of God brought to a Close