2 Crônicas 32:26

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Crônicas 32:26. Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart.

THE best of men are liable to fall through temptation, but they will deeply bewail any sin into which they have been betrayed. Hezekiah was a man of very distinguished piety [Note: 2 Reis 20:3]; but he was not sufficiently aware, that his integrity was the effect of divine grace, and not of human power. God therefore left him for a moment to the influence of his own heart [Note: ver. 31.]. In consequence of this he soon gave a proof of his inherent depravity; but, on discovering his sin, he instantly humbled himself for it before God.

We shall shew,

I. What were the grounds of Hezekiah’s humiliation—

The sin committed by him does not in human estimation appear great—
[The princes of Babylon sent to congratulate him on his recovery: he received them with all the kindness and courtesy that he could express, and shewed them “every thing in his dominions” that could afford them entertainment [Note: 2 Reis 20:13.]

But his conduct was exceeding sinful in the sight of God; for in it,

1. He sought his own glory—

[Hezekiah evidently thought of nothing else at that time. He wished to shew how great a man he was, in order that his alliance might be courted, and his power feared. Now this would have been highly criminal in any man [Note: Provérbios 25:27.], but it was especially so in him, at that particular juncture. He had just been at the borders of the grave; and therefore should have been more impressed with the vanity of earthly grandeur, and should have seen the folly and wickedness of priding himself in things so empty, so worthless, so transient.]

2. He sought his own glory in preference to God’s honour—

[He had now a happy opportunity of magnifying the God of Israel. He might have told the ambassadors, what God had done for his nation in former times; he might have recited the wonderful restoration which God had at this time afforded to himself in particular, together with the stupendous miracle with which the promise of that recovery had been confirmed [Note: 2 Reis 20:11. It is worthy of remark, that the ambassadors were sent on purpose to inquire into the miracle wrought in the land in making the sun go back ten degrees. His neglect therefore win the more sinful. 2 Crônicas 32:31.] — — — he might have commended Jehovah as an answerer of prayer [Note: 2 Reis 20:4.] — — — and in this way have exalted him above all the gods of the heathen; and surely the mercies that had been vouchsafed unto him, demanded such a tribute: but he was pitifully occupied about self, and basely preferred his own honour before God’s.]

3. He sought his own glory before the good of his friends—

[The ambassadors were shewing great kindness to him: he should therefore have recompensed them in the best way. He should have instructed them in the knowledge of the God of Israel, and have told them how willing he was to become their God; thus, perhaps, he might have converted and saved their souls, and have spread the knowledge of the true God in Babylon; yea, eventually, he might have been instrumental to the salvation of thousands. But he utterly forgot the necessities of their souls, and was offering incense to his own vanity, when he should have been promoting their eternal welfare.]
This was his sin; and God denounced a heavy judgment against him on account of it—
[His riches were all to be taken away by the Chaldeans, his own children were to be made eunuchs in the king of Babylon’s palace, and the whole nation to be led into a miserable captivity.]
But, if his offence was great, his humiliation also was remarkable—
[He heard with trembling the judgments which God threatened to execute. Instead of palliating his sin, he acknowledged at once the justice of the Deity in inflicting such a punishment on account of it: in concert with all his subjects, he implored forgiveness at God’s hands; and, having obtained a respite of the sentence, meekly, and even thankfully, acquiesced in the determinations of Heaven [Note: Isaías 39:8.]

While we see in him much to shun, and much to imitate, let us shew,


What grounds there are for similar humiliation amongst us—

Pride is deeply rooted in the heart of fallen man. We are prone to be lifted up on every occasion—
[We are vain of any natural endowments of body or mind. The strong displays his strength; the beautiful, her beauty. A penetrating mind, or tenacious memory, are made grounds of self-admiration, and self-preference. Any acquired distinctions also become food for our vanity: the man of wealth, of honour, or of power, assumes a consequence from his elevation, and demands from others a homage as his due; the proficient in any art or science courts applause, and delights to have his talents admired. Even the gifts of grace, through the depravity of our nature, become occasions of pride: not only an ability to speak or pray with fluency, but even an insight into the corruption of the heart, is often exhibited more for the purpose of attracting admiration than of doing good. Whatever we have that elevates us a little above our fellow-creatures, our proud hearts are fond of displaying it, and pleased with the flattering attentions which it procures for us.]

We indulge the disposition too to the neglect of God’s honour, and of the eternal welfare of those around us—
[How many glorious opportunities have we of speaking for God! What grounds of praising him might we find in the sacred records! — — — especially the wonders of redeeming love! — — — How many too might we find in our own experience! And what unspeakable benefit might arise to mankind, if we carefully improved these opportunities! But how rarely is our intercourse with each other made subservient to these ends! We for the most part waste our time in flattering attentions and unprofitable civilities, and are as intent on gratifying the vanity of ourselves or others, as if our social converse were capable of no better improvement.]
How much then do we need to imitate Hezekiah’s humiliation!
[However innocent we may think such conduct, it is highly criminal in the sight of God; it renders us justly obnoxious to God’s heaviest judgments [Note: Mateus 12:36.]. Should we not then humble ourselves before him in dust and ashes? Should not the forbearance he has exercised call forth our devoutest acknowledgments? And should we not adore his goodness even if he only delay to execute his threatened vengeance? Let us not attempt to palliate this common, but vile, iniquity, but rather unite in deprecating the wrath we have deserved.]


How watchful should we be against what are called little sins!

[Hezekiah at first probably intended only to shew civility to his friends; but through inattention to the motions of his heart, he fell into grievous sin, and brought on the whole nation the heaviest judgments. Let us learn then to mark the first risings of sin in our hearts; let us bear in mind how greatly we may offend God by a neglect of our duty: let us remember, too, that God notices and abhors sin in the heart, no less than when it is brought forth into open act; let us guard especially against the workings of pride and vain-glory: let us entreat him to sanctify our inward man [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:23.], and never to leave us to ourselves for one single moment.]

2. How great is the efficacy of fervent prayer and intercession!

[The judgment denounced against Hezekiah was to have been speedily inflicted; but he and Judah sought the Lord by humble and fervent prayer, and the Lord deferred the evil till the next generation. Thus will he do also in answer to our prayers. If we turned to him as a nation, he would prolong our national prosperity, and would blot out for ever the personal guilt of every true penitent. Let us then humble ourselves for our abominations both of heart and life; so shall we find God as gracious unto us, as ever he was to his people of old.]

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