2 Timóteo 3:10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Timóteo 3:10. Thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long suffering, charity, patience.

IN every age of the world there have been persons adverse to the truth of God, and actively engaged in frustrating his designs for the salvation of men. In the days of Moses, Jannes and Jambres sought to harden the heart of Pharaoh: and in the apostolic age, many seducers arose to draw away from the faith those who had embraced the Gospel of Christ. Against their influence St. Paul guards his son Timothy: and that this young minister might be the better able to distinguish them, the Apostle reminds him of “all that he had heard and seen in him.”
The word which, in the text, is translated, “thou hast fully known,” is in the margin translated, “thou hast been a diligent follower of.” And from this little diversity of construction, I shall take occasion to propose to you the character of the Apostle, for your investigation, that you may “fully know it;” and for your imitation, that you may “diligently follow it.”
I propose it, then,

I. For your investigation—

Take notice, then, what was,

1. His doctrine—

[This was uniformly an exhibition of the Lord Jesus Christ, as crucified for the sins of men, and as effecting thereby our reconciliation with God — — — On this subject he maintained the utmost jealousy; suffering nothing, either in himself or others, to obscure it. When St. Peter himself had, by undue concessions, endangered the purity of this doctrine, St. Paul reproved him before the whole Church [Note: Gálatas 2:14.]. And, if an angel from heaven had attempted to establish any doctrine in opposition to this, he was prepared to denounce him as accursed [Note: Gálatas 1:8.]. All that he preached, either led to this doctrine, or arose out of it; for “he had determined to know nothing but Christ, and him crucified.”]

2. His spirit—

[This was in perfect accordance with the doctrine which he preached. “The whole manner of his life” was regulated by it; and marked a determined “purpose” to live only for the Saviour in whom he believed, and to put forth all his powers for the propagation of the Gospel of Christ. In the discharge of this duty he had shewn the utmost “fidelity [Note: This is here the import of the word translated “faith.”];” concealing nothing that could be profitable to his hearers, but boldly “declaring to them the whole counsel of God.” He knew that, “in every place, bonds and afflictions awaited him:” but “none of these things could move him:” neither counted he his life dear to him, if only he might discharge, to the satisfaction of his own conscience, the high office which had been committed to him. This was his uniform course of life, from the first moment of his conversion: and all who knew him could bear witness to it.]

3. His conduct—

[His zeal for God was duly blended with love to men. He bore with all, however weak, however ignorant, however perverse, they were: nor could the most cruel treatment divert him from his purpose. In the midst of all the injuries he sustained, he still prosecuted his labours of love with all imaginable “long-suffering, and charity, and patience;” “becoming all things to all men, if by any means he might save some;” and accounting it rather a matter of self-congratulation than of grief, if he should be called to pour forth his blood as a libation upon the sacrifice and service of his people’s faith [Note: Filipenses 2:17.]. O that men would study this character, and seek to have it embodied in their own experience! For this end]

I will propose it,


For your imitation—

St. Paul himself says, “Be ye followers of me, as I am of Christ.” And so would I say to you, as in my text, Be diligent followers of him in the above respects.

1. Embrace his principles—

[It is observable, that the Apostle himself takes for granted that every true Christian will resemble him in his views of divine truth: for, having spoken of the sufferings which he had been called to endure, he adds, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” “The living godly in Christ Jesus” marks at once “his doctrine and his manner of life.” “A life of faith on the Son of God” is that which characterizes every Christian under heaven. Yet it is not the faith alone which so distinguishes him, but its operation on the heart and life: it is “the living godly in Christ Jesus.” The faith and practice must go together. If separated, they are of no value: faith is of no value, if not productive of works; and works are of no value, if not proceeding from faith. I wish this to be clearly and fully understood. In truth, there is not a person in the universe who can act up to this high standard, unless he live under the influence of faith. Nothing but a sense of redeeming love can constrain any man to such an entire surrender of his soul to God. But, on the other hand, no man who truly believes in Christ will ever stop short of it. Be ye, therefore, followers of Paul in this respect.]

2. Expect his trials—

[We are ready to think, that sufferings for righteousness’ sake were the portion of the Apostles only, or of the primitive Christians: but they are, and will inevitably be, the portion of all believers; as St. Paul tells us in the words which we have just cited; “All who will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” Persons may be ever so wise, and ever so prudent, and ever so blameless in the whole of their conversation; but they never can escape persecution of some kind. They may not, indeed, be called to endure the sufferings inflicted on St. Paul: through the tender mercy of our God, that measure of persecution is now prevented by the laws, which afford protection to all classes of the community: but hatred, and contempt, and obloquy, will attach to all who resemble our blessed Lord, and to all who tread in the steps of the Apostle Paul. It is in vain for any one to hope that he shall be a follower of Christ without having a cross to bear: for, “if men called the Master of the house Beelzebub, much more will they those of his household.” In this respect, therefore, as well as in his religious sentiments and feelings, every one of you must prepare to resemble this bright pattern of all that was great and good.]

3. Maintain his conduct—

[Imitate his zeal for God: and let it be seen that you live only for God. Let your whole manner of life be consistent. Let your determined purpose be manifest: let it be evident to all, that you have but one wish, one desire. And let nothing under heaven cause you to turn aside, even for a moment, from the path of duty. “Be steadfast, and immoveable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.” At the same time, imitate his love to man. Whatever treatment you meet with in the world, be long-suffering and loving towards all; and “let patience have its perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, lacking nothing.” In all this, let your conduct be so uniform, that you may appeal to those who have the nearest access to you, and opportunities of observing you at all times, that this is the constant tenour of your way. It is an easy matter to be Christians in public: but, to preserve a perfect consistency in the whole of your deportment in private, requires an unintermitted watchfulness, and a measure of grace that is possessed by few. But, indeed, I must say, that it is by such fruits alone that the goodness of the tree can be discerned. May God enable all of us so to walk, that we may be able to make our appeal, both to God and man, without fear and contradiction; and to the praise of that God who hath wrought all our good works within us!]

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