Apocalipse 2:1,2

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 2:1. Unto the angel of the Church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlestick; I know thy works.

IN the foregoing chapter, the description given of our blessed Lord has been considered in one connected and comprehensive view. But, in the different epistles, a portion of that character is selected, as appropriate to the subject-matter of each: and it is of great importance, therefore, that we consider every portion by itself, in order that we may obtain a more accurate knowledge of him, and have our minds more deeply impressed with a sense of his transcendent excellency and glory. It is with this view that I now confine myself to the words which I have just read: and, if they appear at first sight uninteresting, as not having any practical bearing upon our conduct, we shall soon find that they are indeed most instructive to our minds, and are well calculated to be influential also on our hearts and lives.
The city of Ephesus being the capital of the province of the Lesser Asia, and the nearest also to the Isle of Patmos, where John was now a prisoner for the Lord’s sake, the first epistle was written to the Church in that place. The substance of the epistle will be considered in our next discourse. At present, we notice only the character of our blessed Lord, as stated in the introduction to it. In this is set forth his interest in all the Churches, and his constant care,

I. For the protection of his ministers—

In the close of the last chapter, the mystery contained in the seven stars which John saw in the right hand of Jesus, and of the seven golden candlesticks amidst which he walked, is explained. The seven stars represented the angels or ministers of the seven Churches; and the seven candlesticks represented the seven Churches themselves [Note: Apocalipse 1:20.].

Now, ministers are not unfitly compared to “stars”—
[They are fixed in their respective orbits by God himself: yet have they no proper lustre of their own: they shine by a borrowed light; and reflect the glory of the Sun of Righteousness, from whom alone all light proceeds: “Christ is that true light, which lighteneth every man that Cometh into the world [Note: João 1:9.]. They are, however, of the greatest service to mankind, in that they shine in the midst of darkness, and are useful to conduct the mariner over the tempestuous and trackless deep, to his desired haven — — —]

But the very light which they reflect exposes them to many and great dangers—
[Those whose light is the brightest, and whose efficiency is most amply displayed, have been always most opposed, both by men and devils. Against whom did men ever combine with such unanimity and malignity as against our Lord Jesus Christ? or whom did all the powers of darkness ever so labour to destroy? After him, his Apostles were the great objects of their combined hostility: nor was there any effort which these enemies did not make for their destruction. Thus also it has been in every age: those who have most resembled Christ and his Apostles have, on account of their superior light, been most exposed to the assaults of those who have “loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” — — —]
Our blessed Saviour, however, “holds them all in his right hand”—
[He protects them against the assault of every enemy. Numberless as were the efforts made to destroy both Peter and Paul, none could prevail against them, till they had completed and fulfilled the work assigned them. “Satan would have sifted Peter as wheat;” and would have winnowed him away as chaff, if “our blessed Lord had not prayed for him, that his faith might not ultimately fail.” And Paul would have sunk under the pressure of “the thorn in his flesh, the messenger of Satan that was sent to buffet him,” if our blessed Lord had not supplied him with “grace sufficient for him.” And who amongst the servants of the Lord would ever have been able to stand, if “He who holdeth the seven stars in his right hand” (the hand of power) had not upheld them? But, as strengthened by him, the very weakest of men is strong, and may set at defiance all his enemies; not all of whom combined “can ever pluck them out of his hand [Note: João 10:28.].” Our blessed Lord, whilst holding them in his hand, bids them shine: and every one of them is immortal, till his work is done [Note: João 7:30; João 8:20.]

The same incessant care also does our Lord exercise,


For the edification of his people—

The Churches are compared to “candlesticks”—
[There was in the tabernacle a candlestick of pure gold, having seven lamps, which burned continually, to give light in that holy place [Note: Êxodo 25:31; Êxodo 25:37.]. And fitly did this represent the saints, into whom our great High-priest has poured the oil of his grace [Note: Tito 3:5.], and whose souls he has kindled by that sacred fire that came down from heaven. “They shine as lights in the dark world, hold forth to all around them the word of life [Note: Filipenses 2:15.].”]

Amidst these our great High-priest walks, to keep them from extinction or decay—
[It was the office of Aaron and his sons to keep these lamps ever burning [Note: Êxodo 27:20.]; furnishing them from time to time with fresh oil; and trimming them, as occasion required, with “the golden snuffers.” And thus does our great High-priest inspect his Church and people; supplying their every want, and administering to them such correction as their necessities require. Without his care, where is there in the universe a lamp that would not have been extinguished long ago? Peradventure we may have sometimes been ready to complain of the afflictions which we have been called to sustain. But the truth is, that these have been as the pruning-knife in the hand of the husbandman, or rather as the snuffers in the hand of him who superintends the lamps. Nor is it written in vain, that “the snuffers were of gold [Note: Êxodo 25:38.]:” for every visitation, whether in providence or in grace, which subserves our spiritual and eternal interests, is invaluable; and should be so regarded, even whilst we are writhing under its immediate pressure. We should always bear in mind the end for which our pains are inflicted. God is not like an earthly parent, who may chastise us for his own pleasure and caprice: no, he always “chastens us for our profit, that we may, in a more enlarged measure, be partakers of his holiness [Note: Hebreus 12:10.].”]

Do we not then here see,

Our indispensable duty?

[Yes; whether ministers or people, our duty is to shine; to shine for the benefit of others, and for the honour of our God. Of the former I forbear to speak, any further than to bear my testimony to this, that the Lord Jesus Christ alone has enabled me to set the true light before you, and has preserved me in my station to this hour. What St. Paul said before Agrippa, I hope I may say before you, that “having obtained help of God, I continue unto this day [Note: Nearly forty-four years.], witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come [Note: Atos 26:22.].” But to you I say, Remember the end for which the Lord Jesus Christ has imparted his Holy Spirit to your souls, and has watched over you with such incessant care: it is, that you should shine, and that “your light should shine brighter and brighter to the perfect day.” The lamps of the candlestick were seen only by those who were within the tabernacle: but your light must shine before the whole world. The command is, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven [Note: Mateus 5:16.].” Deprecate, therefore, nothing that may increase your splendour: but put yourselves unreservedly into the hands of your Great Highpriest, that he may administer to your necessities as his wisdom shall direct, and advance his own glory by whatever means he shall judge most conducive to that end.]

2. Our most exalted privilege—

[Whether it be protection or advancement that we need, we are in the best hands, and under the care of unerring wisdom. Christ has said, “He will be with us even to the end of the world [Note: Mateus 18:20; Mateus 28:20.],” and we are living witnesses to the truth of his word: for it is owing to his presence with us that “neither the power nor the policy of hell have ever yet been able to prevail against us.” Remember, “He has within himself all fulness treasured up for us:” yes, “He has the residue of the Spirit,” which he will pour out in richer abundance upon you, in proportion as you confide in him, and desire to promote his glory. And for your satisfaction know, that “he neither slumbers nor sleeps,” as did the high-priests of old, but is ever watchful over you for good. Lay aside, then, all care; and leave to him “the perfecting of that which concerns you.” Only be concerned to be “burning and shining lights” in your day and generation [Note: João 5:35.]; and look forward to the time when, through his tender care, your office shall be fulfilled, and, your place of service being changed, you shall “shine above the stars in the firmament for ever and ever [Note: Daniel 12:3.].”]

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