Atos 10:33

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 10:33. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.

HERE we see the door of salvation opened to the Gentiles: and it is a sight in which we are deeply interested; for it is in virtue of the commission then given, and then executed, that you are assembled and addressed on this day. And O what a blessing it would be, if you all possessed the frame of mind then manifested by Cornelius and his company! Surely we might hope, in that case, that there should be somewhat of a similar blessing upon us, to the edification and salvation of all our souls.
Let us particularly notice,

I. What they expected Peter to declare unto them—

Cornelius had had a special intimation that Peter was ordained of God to be his instructor in the way of life [Note: ver. 5, 6, 32.]: him, therefore, he regarded as God’s Ambassador to his soul [Note: ver. 25.]: and from him he hoped to hear, without any reserve, all that God had commissioned him to declare. Now,

This is the light in which every minister of Christ should be viewed—
[Though we are not Apostles, yet are we ambassadors of God to the people of our charge, and have the same message to deliver now as the Apostles had in their day [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:18.]. We are to “preach peace by Jesus Christ [Note: ver. 36.]” — — — We are to declare the sufficiency of Christ to “save all that come unto God by him [Note: ver. 43. with Hebreus 7:25.]” — — — And this salvation we are to proclaim indiscriminately to all, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether bond or free [Note: ver. 34, 35.]

And you have a right to expect the utmost fidelity at our hands—
[We are to “keep back nothing that is profitable unto you,” but to “declare unto you the whole counsel of God.” he express command of God to us is, “He that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully [Note: Jeremias 23:28.].” We are to do this, whether men will hear, or whether they will forbear. God says to us, as he did to the Prophet Ezekiel: “Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee: for to the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou brought hither: declare all that thou seest to the house of Israel [Note: Ezequiel 40:4.].” And, as it is our duty, so it is also our privilege, confidently to affirm, that “what our eyes have seen, our ears have heard, and our hands have handled, of the word of life, that same declare we unto you [Note: 1 João 1:1.].”]

But it is of peculiar importance that we should observe,


In what frame of mind they were prepared to receive it—

We see in that assembly of heathens,

A reverential sense of the Divine presence—

[“Now,” said Cornelius, “are we all here present before God.” And should it not be so with us, whenever we come up to the house of God? As for that irreverent spirit which many betray in the house of God, yes, and which many manifest also when crowding to hear some popular preacher, we cannot but greatly disapprove of it, and bear our decided testimony against it. We should rather resemble the Israelites, when convened to hear Jehovah himself addressing them from Mount Sinai. Surely “God is greatly to be feared, and to be had in reverence of all them that are round about him.” And then only are we likely to profit from what we hear, when we conceive of God himself as speaking to us; and can adopt the words of Samuel, “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.”]

2. A readiness to receive the word without gainsaying—

[We cannot conceive of one single person in that assembly as disposed to sit in judgment upon Peter’s word. They would all receive it with the utmost readiness of mind. And it is in that way that the Gospel should be heard by all. We should “receive it with meekness, as an engrafted word [Note: Tiago 1:21.].” We see how submissive, so to speak, the tree is to him that engrafts upon it a scion of any kind: so, with entire submission, should we suffer the word of truth to be engrafted on our hearts, in order to its most perfect union with us, and its future production of the desired fruit. St. Paul’s representation of this matter is peculiarly instructive. He represents the Gospel as a mould into which we are to be poured, in order that we may receive its entire character upon our souls [Note: Romanos 6:17.]. That shews the tenderness of spirit with which we should hear the word, and the completeness of our subjection to it when so received.]

3. A determination of heart to obey it without reserve—

[That happy company embraced the word, just as the Berζans after them embraced it [Note: Atos 17:11.]. They disputed not about the way of salvation as incredible or insufficient, but believed in Jesus as the true Messiah, the Saviour of the world. Nor should any thing in the Gospel prove a stumbling-block to us. Nothing should be regarded as “a hard saying.” However mysterious the declarations of the Gospel may he, we should implicitly embrace it as “the wisdom of God:” and, however self-denying his precepts may be, we should obey them cheerfully, as “holy and just and good.” “As new-born babes, we should desire the word” as the proper nutriment of our souls; and we should desire it, “that we may live and grow thereby [Note: 1 Pedro 2:2.].” Perhaps the most perfect pattern in the Scriptures is the blind man whom Jesus had restored to sight. After he had been excommunicated by the rulers of his Church, the Lord Jesus sought him out, and asked him, “Dost thou believe on the Son of God?” To which he replied, “Who is he, Lord, that I may believe on him [Note: João 9:35.]?” Now here was no information sought, but in order to its practical effect. And thus should we also be ready, not only to receive the word, but to take it as the entire rule both of our faith and practice.]


[Let me now suppose you, my brethren, assembled in the very spirit of Cornelius and his friends. I have the very same message to deliver to you, as Peter delivered to them; “I preach to you peace by Jesus Christ” — — — You need this instruction as much as ever Cornelius did; for there is no other by which you, or any man living, can be saved [Note: Atos 11:14.]. And for you it shall be as effectual as it was for him [Note: ver. 44.] — — — O that you may all receive it as he did! Let there not be amongst you any of that character from whom St. Paul was constrained to turn in utter despondency [Note: Atos 28:27.] — — — But hear and believe, to the saving of your souls.]

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