Filipenses 2:17-18

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Filipenses 2:17. Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me.

THE hope of benefiting immortal souls is most delightful to a benevolent mind; and a successful issue to our labours is replete with joy. The disciple who was honoured with his Master’s love beyond all others, even he knew “no greater joy than to see his children walk in truth [Note: 3 John, ver. 4.].” This accounts for the extreme earnestness with which St. Paul laboured for the salvation of men, and for their sake. He knew, that, even in the eternal world, it would augment his happiness to see that he had been instrumental in saving others; and that “he should rejoice in the day of Christ, when he found that he had not laboured in vain, or run in vain [Note: ver. 15, 16.].” Indeed, so entirely was he swallowed up in the prosperity of his converts, that he was ready even to die for them, if need were; yea, and to welcome the most cruel death as a blessing, rather than to deprecate it as an evil, if only it might be subservient to the welfare of their souls. This is a most remarkable assertion: and, for the purpose of unfolding it, I will shew,

I. What was the event which is here so gladly welcomed—

The event itself was martyrdom—
[The terms in which he speaks of martyrdom need explanation amongst us; but to Christians of that day, conversant as they were with the Jewish ritual, they would convey his meaning in a most intelligible and striking form.
The Jews had sacrifices offered every morning and every evening throughout the year. Upon these sacrifices were offered a meat-offering of flour mingled with oil, and a drink-offering of wine [Note: Números 28:3.]. Now, these sacrifices represented, not only the Great Sacrifice which was in due time to be offered for the sins of men, but Christians themselves, who, at the time of their conversion, are given up to Almighty God to serve him, and to glorify his name. The ministers who were instrumental in bringing them to Christ were, so to speak, the priests who offered them up: in conformity with which idea, St. Paul speaks of being the “minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the Gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost [Note: Romanos 15:16.].” But, in the passage before us there is a peculiar beauty: for the people are regarded, not only as the sacrifice that was offered, but as the priests that offered it; since, in the very act of believing, they performed that service, which, in other sacrifices, was performed by the priest [Note: ἐπὶ τῇ θυσίᾳ καὶ λειτουργίᾳ τῆς πίστεως ὑμῶν.]. And this is the very thing noticed by St. Paul in another place, when he beseeches men to “present their own bodies a living sacrifice unto God, as an acceptable and reasonable service [Note: Romanos 12:1.].” This, too, is beautifully intimated by the Prophet Isaiah, as characterizing, in a very eminent degree, the millennial period, when converts will shew an extraordinary readiness to devote themselves to God: “All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee; the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee (not waiting for a priest to lead them, but presenting themselves for sacrifice at the foot of the altar); they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar; and I will glorify the house of my glory [Note: Isaías 60:7.].”

‘Now,’ says the Apostle, ‘since I have seen you so willingly present yourselves as sacrifices to the Lord, I am willing to have my own blood poured forth as a libation or drink-offering, that so every one of your sacrifices may be complete, and God may be glorified in us all. And, whoever be the instrument to draw forth my blood, or with whatever horrors the shedding of it may be accompanied, I account that not worth a thought: I am in daily expectation of suffering martyrdom; and I am willing to suffer it for your sake, in any way that God himself shall see fit.’]
This he was ready to welcome as a ground of joy—
[Doubtless, to flesh and blood, the prospect of a cruel death was terrific. But the Apostle was borne up far above all the feelings of unassisted nature, and was enabled to contemplate the deepest sufferings with joy: he could look forward to death itself, not as an object of terror, but as a ground of universal joy. For, with respect to his converts, though it would deprive them of his instructions, and rob them of their dearest friend, yet it would tend to confirm them in the faith they had received, and would embolden them to serve the Lord without fear, yea, and with tenfold greater earnestness than ever. With respect to Jehovah, too, it would reflect on him the highest honour: for, though by the murderers, he would be dishonoured, by the victim he would be glorified; since it would be made obvious to all, how worthy he is to be loved and served, and how able he is to succour his tempted people under all that they may be called to suffer for his sake. And with respect to himself, death in such a cause would be the highest honour that could be conferred upon him [Note: Atos 5:41.]; and he had no doubt but that a proportionably augmented weight of glory would be awarded to him at the tribunal of his God [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:17; Mateus 5:11.Hebreus 11:26.].

Under these circumstances, death had no terrors for him: on the contrary, however his blood should be shed, he called on them to rejoice, both with him and for him; since the event, properly viewed, would be no other than a ground of mutual congratulation.]
Let us next consider,


What the welcoming of such an event should teach us—

The Apostle’s spirit and conduct differ widely from that patriotic ardour which has wrought up many to the contempt of death. Pride has been in them the chief incentive, and the hope of immortalizing their own memory. As for the love of immortal souls, it has never once entered into their minds; nor have they shewn any desire that God should be glorified in them. But, in the Apostle, piety to God, and love to man, were the great principles in operation; and self was as much forgotten, as if he had known that the record which he had given of his views would perish with him. His exalted feelings on this occasion shew us,

1. The value of the soul—

[Of what incalculable value must their souls have been in the Apostle’s eyes, when, for the advancement of their welfare, he was ready to welcome even martyrdom itself! Yet were his views perfectly correct: for the soul of any individual whatever is of more value than the whole world. Beloved brethren, if another person could do and suffer so much for you, what ought not you to do or suffer for the welfare of your own souls? Should it be any difficulty to you to devote yourselves to God? or should you regard, for one moment, the contempt or obloquy which you may incur for His sake? Methinks, you are blushing for your lukewarmness and cowardice: you are ashamed, that the things of time and sense can retain such influence over your minds. And, in truth, well may the most diligent amongst us be ashamed, when we think how near we are on the borders of eternity; and what a sacrifice they must become to the justice of God hereafter, who have not surrendered themselves as living sacrifices to his honour in the present world.]

2. The wonderful love of the Lord Jesus Christ to our sinful race—

[This which is spoken of in my text has been done for us by our Lord Jesus Christ; of whom it is said, “He poured out his soul unto death [Note: Isaías 53:12.].” He even came from heaven for this very purpose, and assumed our nature that he might be capable of doing it. And this he did too, not merely as a witness for the truth, or as an example to the Church, but as an atonement for the sins of all mankind. On him were laid the iniquities of us all: and, when he saw what a bloody baptism he was to be baptized with, he was quite straitened until it should be accomplished; so ardently did he desire the wished-for period. Nor was it for friends and brethren that he poured forth his blood, but for his very enemies, even for the very people who nailed him to the cross: and this too, not in the midst of consolations and supports, but under a sense of God’s wrath, and in the depths of dereliction. O! who can tell what manner of love this was? Truly, its height and depth, and length and breadth, are utterly unsearchable, and incomprehensible. Brethren, you contemplate with wonder and gratitude the example of St. Paul: but what must you think of our Lord Jesus Christ? I charge you, beloved brethren, be not insensible of this: but set it before you, and meditate upon it, till it has penetrated your inmost souls, and “filled you with all the fulness of God [Note: Efésios 3:18.].”]

3. What is the proper character of a Christian minister—

[Even a private Christian ought not to fall short of the example before us: for St. John says, “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren [Note: 1 João 3:16.].” What then becomes the Christian minister, who has consecrated himself to the service of the sanctuary, and bound himself, by the most solemn ties, to live only for his God! The union of love and zeal which the Apostle manifested on this occasion should be visible in the whole of his walk before God; so that at all times he may appeal to his people as the Apostle did; “We were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children; so, being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the Gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 2:7.].” O that there were in us such a heart as this! What blessings should we be to the places where our lot is cast!

And how ready should we be to go forth, wherever our God may call us; accounting nothing of the trials that may await us, even though life itself were the sacrifice that we were called to make. Dear brethren, let it not be said of you, “All men seek their own, and not the things of Jesus Christ [Note: ver. 21.];” but beg of God that you may rise to your proper character; and be enabled to “follow the Apostle, as he followed Christ.”]

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