Gálatas 5:16

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Gálatas 5:16. This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

IN the Church of God, no less than in the ungodly world, there have always been found persons ready to foment divisions, and to kindle animosities between man and man. It was so in the apostolic age: it is so at this day: and it must of necessity be so, as long as tares are left growing amongst the wheat, or persons professing godliness suffer themselves to be led captive by a proud, unmortified, and contentious spirit. In the Galatian Church, persons of this description abounded: and to such a height did their contentions arise, that the Apostle was constrained to give them this solemn warning: “If ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another [Note: ver. 15.].”

Now, how shall this propensity be counteracted? The Apostle tells us, “Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.” Let us consider then,

I. The direction here given—

Before we can enter fully into the passage before us, we must explain the terms which the Apostle uses to convey his sentiments. The whole context shews that there are two principles in the regenerate man; one which is called flesh, and another which is called spirit: the one comprehending all which we bring into the world with us, and which is common to the natural man; the other importing that better principle which is infused into the soul by the Spirit of God, when he quickens us to a new and heavenly life: as our Lord says, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit [Note: João 3:6.].” Sin of every kind is the fruit of the former; and holiness of every kind is the offspring of the latter. Amongst “the works of the flesh,” the Apostle numbers “idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies [Note: ver. 20.]:” which shews, that we are not, when speaking of “the lusts or desires of the flesh,” to confine our views to sins which are acted in and by the body; but to take in all the corruptions of our nature, in mind as well as body. With this explanation, we shall the more easily see, that, to “walk in the Spirit,” we must walk,

1. In a constant attention to the new principle infused into us—

[I cannot give a more just idea of this new principle, which the Spirit of God imparts to us in our conversion, than by comparing it with the modern invention of the compass. Before the invention of the compass, mariners, in a dark night, were unable with any precision to direct their course. Whilst they were in sight of land, or had a view of the sun or stars, they could proceed with some degree of certainty: but, in the absence of these, they were altogether at a loss. But it is not so with mariners at this time. By the help of the compass they can by night steer the ship, as well as in the day; having constantly at hand, as it were, a sure directory. Now this is the difference between the natural and the spiritual man: the natural man has reason and conscience, which, to a certain degree, are capable of directing his path. But numberless occasions arise whereon they fail him utterly. The spiritual man has, superadded to these, a new and living principle abiding in him; a principle infused into him by the Spirit of God, and in exact accordance with his mind and will: and by this principle the Spirit himself guides him in all his way. The spiritual man, therefore, in every doubt or difficulty, should consult this divine principle within him; and see its bearings, and follow its directions. And as the mariner, whilst he observes his compass, consults also his chart and maps; so must we, whilst attending to the motions of this principle, consult also the directory which God has given us in the Holy Scriptures: and by means of these observations we shall be kept from any great aberrations from the way of truth. This process, however, must be continued throughout all our way: we must not only live in the Spirit, but must “walk in the Spirit,” every step we take [Note: ver. 25.] — — —]

2. In a humble dependence on that Divine Spirit who has infused it—

[The new principle within us may suggest what is right; but it cannot enable us for the performance of it: for all power to do the will of God, we must be indebted altogether to the Spirit of God. Our blessed Lord expressly says, “Without me ye can do nothing [Note: João 15:5.].” There is no surer cause of failure than self-confidence and self-dependence. Peter, and with him all the other Disciples, declared that they would follow their Lord even unto death: but no sooner did the trial come, than “they all forsook him and fled.” And we, too, if we make resolutions in our own strength, shall learn, by bitter experience, that “he who trusteth in his own heart, is a fool [Note: Provérbios 28:26.].” We must be careful, too, not to make any difference between matters of greater or lesser difficulty, as though we were competent for the one any more than the other. We must, in the whole course of our journey, depend on God alone: we are never, for a moment, to feel strong in ourselves, but “strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might [Note: Efésios 6:10.]:” and in every step that we take, we must cry, “Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe [Note: Salmos 119:117.].”]

To this direction the Apostle adds,


Our encouragement to the observance of it—

We have before shewn, that by the “lusts of the flesh” we are to understand all the motions of our corrupt nature: and from these we shall be preserved, if we follow the direction given us in our text. But here we must carefully distinguish between what is promised, and what is not.

1. It is not promised that we shall not be tempted by the lusts of the flesh—

[The carnal principle still remains with us after we are renewed; as the Apostle says, “The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit, against the flesh; and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things ye would [Note: ver. 17.].” If, on the one hand, our spiritual principle keeps us from following the evil bias of our nature; so, on the other hand, the remainder of the carnal principle within us keeps us from following so fully as we could wish the dictates of our renewed mind. The Apostle Paul himself complained, that “when he would do good, evil was present with him;” and that, notwithstanding he delighted in the law of God after his inward man, “he had still a law in his members, warring against the law of his mind, and at times bringing him, in some degree, into captivity to the law of sin which was in his members [Note: Romanos 7:21.].” And we, too, shall find the same, even to our dying hour. But,]

2. It is promised that we shall not fulfil them—

[God will “strengthen us by his Spirit in our inward man [Note: Efésios 3:16.],” and enable us to “crucify the flesh with the affections and lusts [Note: ver. 24.].” Weak as we are in ourselves, “nothing shall be impossible to us,” if we trust in Him [Note: Mateus 17:20.]: he will “give us more grace [Note: Tiago 4:6.],” and “strength according to our day [Note: Deuteronômio 33:25.].” Whatever be our temptations, “the grace of Christ shall be sufficient for us [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9.];” and “we shall be enabled to do all things through Christ, who strengthens us [Note: Filipenses 4:13.].”]

From this subject we may clearly learn,

What is the great work we have to do—

[The one employment which we have daily to attend to, is, to be putting off the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and to be “putting on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness [Note: Efésios 4:22.].” We are here as in a great hospital, where the process of healing is going forward, and many are convalescent; but we need still to apply the same remedies; and we are none of us possessed of that measure of health which we hope to attain previous to our dismission. We follow still the prescriptions of our physician; and we hope, in so doing, to obtain, in due season, a perfect recovery — — —]

2. The need we have of constant vigilance and exertion—

[The old principle, as has been observed, still remains within us: and, if we be not constantly on our guard, it will regain its former ascendency over us. A stronger army, if the sentinels fall asleep, may be surprised and vanquished by troops that are far inferior: and we too, notwithstanding the power given us by the indwelling Spirit, shall surely be overcome, if we be not constantly on our watch-tower. We must be prepared to meet our adversary at his first approach. Our blessed Lord says, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation:” and the sad consequences of sleeping on our post may be seen in the Disciples, when they failed to observe this important admonition [Note: Mateus 26:41; Mateus 26:43; Mateus 26:56.]. Corruption will often put on the appearance of virtue, and Satan assume the garb of an angel of light [Note: 2 Coríntios 11:14.]: but if we be on our guard, we shall detect his devices; and “if we resist him manfully, he will flee from us [Note: Tiago 4:7.].”]

3. The security that is afforded us, if we be only faithful to ourselves—

[God assures us of success, if only we follow his directions. “If we sow to the flesh, we shall of the flesh reap corruption: but if we sow to the Spirit, we shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting [Note: Gálatas 6:7.].” In two respects shall we be placed on a totally different footing from that on which we stood before: we shall not be judged according to the perfect law, which condemns us for the smallest act of disobedience; for, “if we walk in the Spirit, we are not under the law [Note: ver. 18.]:” on the contrary, our imperfect obedience shall be eternally rewarded: for God would deem himself “unrighteous, if he were to forget” any thing that we do for his sake [Note: Hebreus 6:10.]. With boldness, then, I say to every one amongst you, “Be steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, and you may rest assured that your labour shall not be in vain in the Lord [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:58.].”]

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