João 4:35-36

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 4:35. Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields: for they are white already to harvest. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.

AMAZING was the condescension of our blessed Lord. No one was too mean or too vile for him to notice with his favourable regards. His enemies cast this as a reflection on his character, that he was “a friend of publicans and sinners.” The woman with whom he had been conversing was certainly of as abandoned a caste as can well be conceived: but the result of his conversation with her was most extraordinary: for, through her, a vast multitude flocked to hear him, and that, too, with a readiness of mind to receive his instructions, insomuch that they appeared like “a field of corn white already to harvest.”

This expression of our Lord respecting them will properly lead us to consider,

I. The prospects opening around us—

The times in which we live are perhaps as remarkable as any since the apostolic age. Though religion has been on the increase in this nation for half a century, yet it is within these twenty years that the spread of it has become so remarkable, as to attract the notice of all who are in the least observant of what relates to the kingdom of God. Before that time, it might have been said, “There are yet four months to the harvest,” and any prospect of reaping a harvest of immortal souls is distant: but now we may say, “Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” Observe what the state of things is,

1. Abroad—

[Was there ever such a co-operation seen, as that which now exists throughout almost the whole of Christendom, for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures, and for the translation of them into all the different languages of the world? A few years ago such a combination of zeal in the interests of religion would have been thought to be scarcely within the regions of possibility [Note: Here will be ample scope for such particulars as may be deemed worthy of particular notice.] — — — The multitude of missions, too, which are now established in every quarter of the globe, are no less worthy of our especial notice [Note: Here, also, particular Missions may be specified.] — — — A field laden with the ripened produce of the earth scarcely differs more from that which is lying fallow, than the face of Christendom does in these respects from its aspect at any period during the last two hundred years.]

2. At home—

[Here it comes more within our own more immediate observation. See the societies formed throughout the land for every benevolent purpose, and especially for whatever may advance the kingdom of Christ on earth; such as, for the education of children, the circulation of the Bible, the support of missions, &c. &c. It is a remarkable fact, that whereas fifteen years ago the whole amount of annual subscriptions for such purposes did not amount to more than 50,000l., they now exceed 500,000l. Together with this, true piety also has increased to avast extent [Note: Here any particulars relating to any of the above things may be introduced: and, if need be, some reference to the particular congregation addressed.] — — — We may well therefore regard our whole country as “a field, that is white already to harvest.”]

Let us now extend our views to,


The encouragement we have to make a suitable improvement of them—

All should labour, to the utmost of their power, to advance the interests of the Redeemer’s kingdom. And to this we have equal encouragement,

1. In the event of good success—

[The work of God is here compared to a harvest, which a successful preacher may be said to reap. A man who reaps his field considers himself well repaid for his labour, because he lays up in his barns wealth which will support him through the year. But how much better is the Christian Minister repaid! for he “gathers fruit unto life eternal.” What he reaps, will be laid up in the granary of heaven, and will itself endure through eternal ages; yea, and endure also as “his joy and crown of rejoicing” for evermore [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 2:19.]. Were he to gather but one sheaf of corn, he would be richly recompensed for a whole life of labour: but if his efforts be crowned with a larger measure of success, he will have proportionable ground for joy and gratitude to all eternity [Note: Here the blessedness of “those who are saved” may be opened, together with its aspect on the happiness of “those who save them.” 1 Timóteo 4:16.] — — —]

2. In the event of ill success—

[The man who sows his field may be disappointed in a variety of ways: an untoward season may destroy his crop; or an invading enemy deprive him of it; or death may arrest him before it is reaped. But the spiritual “sower shall rejoice together with the reaper,” and have “his own reward according to his own labour [Note: 1 Coríntios 3:8.].” “The Lord of the harvest will not suffer any one of his labourers to work for nought. In the very work itself he shall find a rich reward; and “though Israel be not gathered, yet shall he who sought their welfare be glorious before the Lord [Note: Isaías 49:5.].” Hosea prophesied for seventy years, and Isaiah fifty; and both of them had reason to complain, “Who hath believed our report?” But are they therefore without a recompence? No: What “they sowed, we reap: they laboured, and we have entered into their labours.” And, as they shall participate our joy, so shall we the joy of those who shall reap what we have sown.]

Let us then,

Be on our watch, to do all the good we can—

[Our blessed Lord was sitting weary by a well-side: yet, when an opportunity afforded itself of instructing the Samaritan woman, he embraced it, accounting it “his meat to do the will of him that sent him [Note: ver. 6, 14, 24, 34.].” And who would have thought that such effects should flow from that single conversation? So it may be with us. We make many attempts apparently in vain: but who can tell what one single act of benevolence may produce? Let the occasion before us encourage us to “be instant in season and out of season,” and to “sow both early and late, not knowing which shall prosper,” or what blessings may result from an individual effort [Note: Eclesiastes 11:6.]

2. Increase our labours as opportunities for labour are increased—

[“The field for labour is the world.” Heretofore but small portions of it have been open to us; but now men are calling to us from every quarter of the globe, “Come over, and help us!” Let us then extend our labours far and wide: yea, let us make it “our very meat to do the will of God;” having a constant appetite for it, and accounting every day as lost, in which we have not done somewhat for the souls of men. Let the nature of the harvest animate us. Think of immortal souls; and, whether reaped by us or not, yet if reaped by others, at whatever distance of time, in consequence of what we have sowed, reckoned to us as “our joy and crown!” Let us, I say, gird up our loins to this good work; and we shall surely “rejoice, in the day of Christ, that we have not laboured in vain, or run in vain [Note: Filipenses 2:15; Daniel 12:13.].”]

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