Lucas 15:8-10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 15:8. What woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it? And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost. Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

THERE is nothing in which we are so deeply interested as the extent and riches of the Redeemer’s grace. His familiar converse with publicans and sinners affords the richest encouragement to us, when we are bowed down under a sense of guilt. His condescension towards them indeed excited only disgust in the proud Pharisees; but Jesus was the more careful to vindicate the conduct which they condemned, and in repeated parables assured them, that it was the joy of his heart to save even the vilest of mankind. The parable of the lost piece of money very nearly resembles that which precedes it: nevertheless it suggests many useful thoughts which are appropriate to itself. Its import may be unfolded under the following observations:

I. There are none so worthless but the Lord is deeply concerned about them—

The woman expressed very great anxiety about the piece of silver she had lost—
[The piece of silver was but of very trifling value in itself [Note: About sevenpence halfpenny.]: yet she felt much solicitude about it in her mind; nor was she content to lose it, notwithstanding she had several others left.]

Thus is our blessed Lord concerned about the souls of men—
[In some points of view the soul is undoubtedly of great value, nor can the whole world itself be put in competition with it: but to Jesus the souls of men are not of the smallest importance. If they were righteous, their goodness could not extend to him [Note: Salmos 16:2.]: they could never profit him, nor add to his happiness [Note: Jó 22:2.]. If all that ever existed were annihilated, he would suffer no loss: if men were necessary to his honour or happiness, he could create millions in an instant. But the souls of men are inexpressibly vile and guilty in his sight: till they have been washed in his blood, they are exposed to his wrath and indignation; nor is it any thing but his marvellous compassion that preserves them from everlasting destruction [Note: Lamentações 3:22.]. Nevertheless he is greatly concerned about the loss even of one amongst them. Though he has myriads that are now safely lodged in his hands, he cannot rest satisfied about those that are yet in danger. By the prophets he expressed his deep regret for those that were in a perishing condition [Note: Jeremias 13:27; Oséias 11:8.]: in the days of his flesh he wept over the most abandoned of the human race [Note: Lucas 19:41.]: and to this hour he is grieved at the thought of any dying in their sins [Note: 2 Pedro 3:9.]

Nor is his concern for them expressed only by inactive wishes:


There are no exertions, however great, which he will not use for their recovery—

The woman is represented as doing every thing which could be devised for the recovery of her lost piece of silver—
[She instantly lighted a candle, that she might search in every dark corner of her house. She moreover swept her house, that, if it were hid under any dirt or rubbish, she might find it: nor did she relax her endeavours till they were crowned with success. What more could she have done if the lost money had been of the greatest value?]
Thus our Lord uses all possible means for the recovery of lost souls—
[Were we lying in utter darkness? he has brought the light of his Gospel: this light he has sent into all the darkest corners of the earth [Note: Isaías 9:2.]. In the days of his flesh he used all diligence himself: since that time he has commissioned his servants to go into all the world. He has enjoined them to “be instant in their work, in season and out of season:” he has even threatened that, if one perish through their negligence, he will “require his blood at their hands:” he has moreover sent his Spirit to aid them in their endeavours, and to search the very inmost recesses of our benighted souls. However fruitless their exertions may have been, they are never to give up any for lost, as long as there is a possibility of their being found. May he not well say, “What could I have done more for them than I have done [Note: Isaías 5:4.]?” If he appeals to us about the conduct of a woman who had lost her money, how much more may he appeal to us respecting his own conduct?]

When his labours are successful, then his kindness appears in its brightest colours—


There is nothing so pleasing to him as the recovery of one from his lost state—

The woman is represented as inviting all her neighbours to rejoice with her—
[The cause of her joy seems very inadequate to such expressions of it: but women, being conversant mainly with domestic matters, are apt to be affected with small things. Her whole property also being small, she may be supposed to feel the more at the recovery of that part which had been in danger; and the circumstance of its having been lost would render the subsequent possession of it more pleasant.]
Thus our Lord and all the angels in heaven rejoice over a repenting sinner—
[This is the main scope of this parable, as well as of that which precedes, and that which follows it; hence it is strongly marked in every one of the parables: we must not therefore omit it, or think the repetition of it tedious. Our Lord well knew the misery of a soul that perishes in sin: the angels too are doubtless well informed on this subject. Were it never to be sensible of its loss, there would be the less reason to regret it: but, if not put among the treasures of God, it must be for over miserable. To prevent this is the joy and delight of our blessed Saviour. For this he came down from heaven, assumed our nature, and died upon the cross: for this he is dispensing to us continually his word and Spirit. The effecting of this is the consummation of all his wishes and purposes: hence, however inadequate a cause of joy this may seem, he accounts it his highest honour and happiness. He is “satisfied with the travail of his soul,” when one that was lost is found; and all the angels that surround his throne rejoice together with him. As all hell is moved with triumph at the condemnation of one sinner [Note: Isaías 14:9.], so does all heaven exult in the elevation of one to happiness and glory.]


How strange is it that men should have so little regard to their own souls!

[The generality of men are as careless of their souls as if they were of no value. But should we disregard that which the Son of God seeks with so much anxiety? Should we be so indifferent about our own happiness, when all the angels of heaven would shout for joy at the prospect of it? Let us never be satisfied with being immersed in darkness and wickedness — — — Let us rather be ambitious to have a place among the Lord’s treasures — — — And let us be thankful that, though lost, we are not yet gone beyond recovery.]

2. How blessed are the effects of a faithful administration of the Gospel!

[It is by the Gospel that Jesus comes to search for lost sinners. If indeed it be delivered only in a general way, it will scarcely ever prove effectual for men’s salvation: it is only the close application of the word, that will ever reach the conscience: but, when faithfully preached, and accompanied with God’s Spirit, it will find out men in their darkest recesses. O that God may now make use of it to sweep away the rubbish under which we have lain! — — — and that we may be found of him, ere he “sweep us away with the besom of destruction!”]

3. What reason have we to adore the condescension and grace of Christ!

[If he did not seek for us we should lie in our sins to all eternity, and when found at the last day, that word would be verified in us [Note: Jeremias 6:30.]— What kindness then is it in him to use such means for our recovery! — — — Let us never forget what obligations we owe to him. Let us acknowledge ourselves his, that he may do with us as he will. He will then keep us that we may not fall from him any more [Note: João 10:28; 1 Pedro 1:5.], and will lodge us safely in his coffers amidst the treasures he has been collecting from the foundation of the world [Note: Efésios 1:10; Efésios 1:14.Malaquias 3:17.]

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