Mateus 27:9,10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Mateus 27:9. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value; and gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord appointed me.

THE more we consider the number and minuteness of the prophecies, the more we must be convinced that Jesus was the person whom God had fore-ordained to be the Saviour of the world. One can scarcely imagine it possible, that an uninspired person should venture to predict such remarkable circumstances, as the precise sum that should be paid for the Saviour’s blood, and the ultimate disposal of that money in the purchase of a potter’s field; or that such predictions should be fulfilled by chance. St. Matthew was more careful than any of the other Evangelists in adducing these proofs of Christ’s Messiahship. But the passage cited by him as from Jeremiah, is to be found only in the prophecies of Zechariah. To account for this, many ingenious conjectures have been offered by learned men: but the most probable of them seems to be, either that the name, being abbreviated, was mistaken by some early transcriber, and from thence copied by others [Note: This might easily be, as the mistake would be only of one letter, Ιριουfor Ζριου. In some copies the name is so abbreviated.]; or that, no name being mentioned by the Evangelist, an early transcriber inserted erroneously the name of Jeremiah in the margin, from whence it was afterwards incorporated with the text [Note: Some Versions insert no name at all, but read the passage thus; “Spoken by the Prophet.”]. Whatever way we take of solving the difficulty, the fact remains the same, that the peculiar circumstances in the text were foretold many hundred years before their accomplishment.

The words of the prophet, according to their literal import, record a transaction that took place between the prophet and the Jews. The prophet, as God’s agent and representative among them, demanded, What value they set upon his labours? They despising both him and the Deity from whom he had received his commission, weighed for his price thirty pieces of silver: upon which, God, indignant at such an insult, ordered him to cast them away to a poor potter, who was at that time working in the temple [Note: See Zacarias 11:12.]. Under this figure God intended to foreshew how the Jews would undervalue the great Prophet whom he should send among them; and how the thirty pieces of silver, which they would pay as “the price of his blood,” should be disposed of.

That we may give a practical turn to our subject, we shall deduce from the different parts of it some important observations:

For how small a price do men sacrifice their interest in the Saviour!

[God himself exclaims with astonishment, “A goodly price that I was prized at of them [Note: Zacarias 11:13.]!” Thirty pieces of silver was the price of a slave [Note: Êxodo 21:32.]: and yet that was (in the estimation of the Jews) the value of Jehovah’s mercies, and (in the eyes of Judas and the Jewish rulers) of the Redeemer’s blood. But we, it may be said, know how to form a different estimate of these things. Would to God we did! But there is no gain so small, no pleasure so transient, but we choose it in preference to Christ, and are willing to part with Christ rather than forego the gratification we desire. Let sinners of every description attest (for indeed, however reluctantly, they must attest) this melancholy truth — — —]

2. How worthless will those things, for which we sold the Saviour, appear to us, as soon as conscience begins to perform its office!

[Judas had pleased himself with the thought of enjoying his ill-gotten wealth: but scarcely had he obtained it, before he was far more ready to part with it than ever he had been to procure it. Sin of every kind appears very different after we have committed it, from what it did under the immediate influence of temptation. While solicited by our own corrupt affections, we imagine that the particular object of our desire (whatever it may be) will conduce greatly to our happiness: but when we have swallowed the bait, then we begin to feel the hook; and oftentimes would gladly restore, if it were possible, all the pleasure we have felt, provided we could at the same time get rid of the sting that it has left behind. And what will be our views of sin, when once we come into the eternal world? How gladly would we then restore the thirty pieces of silver for which we have sold the Lord! Or, if through penitence and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ we have obtained mercy, with what indignation should we receive a proposal to forego an interest in the Saviour for some momentary pleasure, or some trifling gain! — — — Ten thousand worlds would then appear to us as of no value in comparison of that inestimable pearl.]

3. Of how little avail will it be at the last day, to have rendered unto God a partial and hypocritical obedience!

[We blame not the priests for refusing to put into the treasury the money which Judas cast down in the temple: for if the price of a dog, or the hire of a harlot, were not to be presented to God, much less ought money that had been the reward of treachery, and “the price of blood.” But we marvel at their hypocrisy, in that they could suborn false witnesses, and persecute unto death an innocent man, and yet profess the smallest reverence for God. Truly, while “they strained out a gnat, they swallowed a camel.” They hoped perhaps to compensate for their oppression of Jesus by their gratuitous kindness to strangers [Note: The field having been exhausted by the pottery, and rendered unfit for cultivation or pasture, was probably worth no more than what they gave for it, and applicable to no better purpose than that to which they destined it.]. Yet, if we know ourselves, we shall not greatly wonder: for we may find a transcript of this very thing in our own hearts. How many are there eminent for truth and honesty, who are yet habitually regardless of all the sublimer exercises of religion! With respect to the second table of the law, they are exemplary; but in their duties to God, they are altogether remiss. In the same manner, there are some who profess a great regard for the Gospel, who yet are defective in their adherence even to truth and honesty. Indeed there are very few, who do not notoriously fail in some one particular: so “deceitful, and desperately wicked, is the heart of man.” But it is certain that an observance of some duties will never procure us an exemption from others: “if we keep the whole law, and yet offend knowingly and habitually in any one point, we are guilty of all,” and shall be dealt with as contemners of the Lawgiver himself. And as the name, “Aceldama,” perpetuated the memory of the atrocious wickedness committed by the priests [Note: ver. 6–8. with Atos 1:18.], so shall the very endeavours we use to conceal our impieties stamp them at last with indelible and eternal infamy.]

4. How certainly shall every jot and tittle of God’s word be accomplished!

[Little did the chief priests think of fulfilling the Scriptures: and little do the contemners of God and his Christ reflect, that they will one day be exhibited as proofs of God’s veracity. But, as all the most contingent actions of men were infallibly foreseen, and not one single prediction, however improbable, ever failed of its accomplishment; so every promise and every threatening shall be fulfilled in its season, and the lot of men be fixed according to their true character. In this world, we see enough to assure us that God is true; but in the world to come, there shall be in all an irresistible demonstration of it: and every man, whether in heaven or in hell, shall be a living witness of his truth: the blessed shall inherit his promised mercies; the damned shall feel his threatened judgments. Let us consider then, that either our salvation or “damnation lingereth not;” and that “the things spoken concerning us have an end.”]

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