Salmos 119:136

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 119:136. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law.

THE generality, if exhorted to labour for the salvation of others, are ready to reply, “Am I my brother’s keeper [Note: Gênesis 4:9.]?” But they who have truly the fear of God in their hearts will be anxious for the welfare of their fellow-creatures. This concern has at all times distinguished the saints of God [Note: Jeremias 9:1.]: and it was eminently conspicuous in David. Repeatedly in this psalm does he declare his feelings on this subject [Note: ver. 158 and 53.]; and with peculiar energy in the words before us.

We propose to shew on what account we ought to weep for sinners—

I. On account of the blessings they lose—

There are many present blessings which men lose by not keeping God’s law—

[There is a “peace that passeth understanding,” and a “joy unspeakable,” that attends the believing in Christ, and the devoting of ourselves to his service. The having all one’s lusts in subjection must contribute not a little to serenity of mind; but the enjoying of God’s favour, and the light of his countenance, is a source of the richest happiness that mortals can possess on earth [Note: ver. 165.Provérbios 3:17; Isaías 32:17.].”

But what peace is there to the wicked [Note: Isaías 57:20.]? What can he know of the love of God shed abroad in his heart? What comfort can he have in the prospect of death and judgment?]

But the eternal blessings which they lose, exceed our highest conceptions—

[The obedient believer has “an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and never-fading [Note: 1 Pedro 1:4.].” There is a crown of righteousness, and a throne of glory, reserved for him in heaven [Note: 2 Timóteo 4:8.]: and he shall spend eternity itself in the immediate vision and fruition of his God.

But can we say this respecting the impenitent and unbelieving? No: there is no admission for him into those bright abodes: “the unrighteous cannot inherit that kingdom [Note: 1 Coríntios 6:9.];” “the unclean cannot enter there [Note: Apocalipse 21:27.].” There shall be “a difference between those who serve God, and those who serve him not [Note: Malaquias 3:18.]:” and the wish that ungodly men feel to be found at last in the place of those whom they now despise, is a proof that they have in their own minds some apprehension of the sentence that awaits them in another world [Note: Números 23:10.]

And are not these things matters of just lamentation?
[It is much to be regretted that men will “feed on ashes [Note: Isaías 44:20.],” and seek to “fill their belly with the east wind [Note: Jó 15:2.],” when they might “eat the bread of life,” and “delight their souls with marrow and fatness [Note: Isaías 55:2.].” And still more must we pity him, who, when there is a rest prepared, and a supper spread for him in heaven, has provoked God to swear, that he shall never enter into that rest [Note: Hebreus 3:18.], nor ever partake of that supper [Note: Lucas 14:24.]

But there is yet greater reason to weep,


On account of the miseries they bring upon themselves—

Not to mention the misery of a guilty conscience, which in many instances is so great as to render life itself a burthen—
How inexpressibly dreadful are the judgments which the wicked will endure in hell!
[However men may labour to disprove it, hell must be the portion of all that forget God [Note: Salmos 9:17.]. And who can form any adequate conception of the torments that shall be there endured? To spend an eternity in such a furnace as that which Nebuchadnezzar kindled for the destruction of the Hebrew youths, would be beyond measure dreadful: but what must it be to lie down in that lake of fire which the breath of the Almighty hath kindled [Note: Isaías 30:33.]?]

And can we view sinners hastening to that place of torment, and not weep over them?
[Our blessed Lord wept over Jerusalem on account of the temporal calamities that should come upon it: and shall not we weep over the eternal miseries which men are bringing on themselves? Must not our hearts be harder than adamant, if they do not melt into tears at such a sight? Can we weep at the recital of a story we know to be fictitious, and not mourn over such awful realities?]

There is, however, yet greater reason to weep,


On account of the aggravated guilt under which they perish—

Devils and heathens will have more to urge on their own behalf, than they who perish under the light of the Gospel—
[The devils may say, Had the Son of God taken our nature, and died for our redemption, we would gladly have availed ourselves of such a provision for our safety; we never would have despised one that had been sent from heaven to redeem us. The heathens may say, Though there was a Saviour given, yet we were never privileged to hear his gospel: had his mercy been ever offered to us, we should “long ago have repented in dust and ashes [Note: Mateus 11:21.].” But what will ungodly Christians say before God? Will they say, They had not a Saviour? or, That his Gospel was not proclaimed to them? No: you know there is a Saviour, who bought you with his blood, and who has offered you, times without number, a full and free salvation. Your mouths therefore must be for ever shut [Note: Mateus 22:12.]

What additional reason does this give for weeping over the ungodly!
[Every offer of salvation greatly aggravates the guilt of those who reject it: and every increase of guilt will be followed by a proportionable increase of misery. How lamentable then is it, when that very gospel, which should have been a savour of life unto life, is made, through the obstinacy of man, a savour of death unto death [Note: 2 Coríntios 2:15.]! How truly lamentable when Christ himself becomes an occasion of greater damnation to the very people whom he died to save! Alas! that men should ever so despise their own mercies! O that “rivers of tears might run down our eyes!”]


How little true love is there in the world!

[However strong and numerous the instances of men’s carnal attachment be, there are few indeed who manifest any regard for the souls of their fellow-creatures. Instead of weeping for others, the generality would laugh at those who wept for themselves. But, if we have not this mark in our forehead, we are destined to feel the stroke of God’s avenging rod [Note: Ezequiel 9:4.]

2. How earnest ought ministers to be in dealing with the souls of men!

[If all ought to weep for the ungodly, much more should ministers, who are sent to call them to repentance, “warn them night and day with tears [Note: Atos 20:31.].” Forgive then the earnestness, we should rather say, the want of earnestness, of him who labours among you; and pray, that he may so “declare the whole counsel of God,” as to be pure from the blood of all men.”]

3. How earnest ought men to be in seeking the salvation of their own souls!

[If it be the duty of others to weep for us, how much more should we weep for ourselves! Let us then lay to heart the state of our souls, and sow in tears that we may reap in joy [Note: Salmos 126:5.].”]

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