Salmos 147:5-7

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 147:5. Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite. The Lord lifteth up the meek: he casteth the wicked down to the ground. Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God.

AN acquaintance with God is the one object which we should seek after; since by that alone can we ascertain the extent of our guilt and danger; or be brought to accept the salvation offered us in the Gospel. In the passage before us we have a glorious representation of him: and if we view him aright, our souls will be filled with unutterable peace and joy.
Let us consider,

I. The character of God as here declared—

He is here set before us,

1. In his essential attributes—

[He is a God of inconceivable power, and of infinite wisdom. View him in the works of creation, and see what an union of these two perfections is displayed both in heaven — — — and earth — — — Behold the same in all the works of providence, upholding every thing in its order, and accomplishing for every thing all that is necessary for its well-being — — — Behold it above all in his works of grace. Well is the Gospel called the “wisdom of God and the power of God [Note: 1 Coríntios 1:24.].” Truly when man had fallen after the example of angels, it seemed impossible but that he must also share their doom. But infinite wisdom devised a way whereby mercy might be extended to sinners in perfect consistency with the rights of justice; and the power of God has carried into effect that plan, “laying help for us upon One that was mighty,” and opening, through the sacrifice of his only-begotten Son, a way of acceptance with him for every child of man [Note: João 3:16. 1 Timóteo 1:15.] — — —

Had either of these perfections existed in him without the other, his power would have been an object of terror only, and his wisdom might have been exercised for us in vain. But their united exercise renders him a fit object for our most ardent love, and unbounded affiance.]

2. In his dealings with mankind—

[“The meek” are objects of his peculiar care. But under this name we do not comprehend those who are naturally of a calm and placid disposition: but those who are humbled under a sense of sin, and abased before God as deserving his wrath and indignation [Note: Isaías 61:1.] — — — Now such as these “he lifteth up,” speaking peace to their souls, and causing their hearts to overflow with joy [Note: Isaías 61:3.] — — — If there were but one such person in the universe, God would search him out [Note: Isaías 66:2.] — — — and “raise him up out of the dust to set him among princes, and to make him inherit a throne of glory [Note: 1 Samuel 2:8.]” — — —

On the other hand, “the wicked,” who hold fast their wickedness and refuse to humble themselves before him, “he will cast down to the ground,” and consign over to everlasting perdition [Note: Salmos 9:17.] — — — He will assuredly, and in all cases, carry into effect that determination which he has so often announced to us, of “abasing the proud, and exalting those who humble themselves before him [Note: Isaías 2:11.] — — —]

Let us now proceed to mark,


The effect which this view of him should produce upon us—

In this view should every living soul rejoice.

1. The wicked themselves—

[What a ground of joy should it be to them, that they are not, as they well might have been, shut up in hell, but that they have still an opportunity of embracing the salvation which infinite wisdom has devised: and almighty power is ready to impart! — — — To every such person I say, Compare your state with those whose day of grace has closed, and, amidst all your sorrows for your past sins, bless and adore and magnify your God, that it is yet “the day of salvation” to you [Note: 2 Coríntios 6:2.], and that you have yet One following you with that blessed assurance, “Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out” — — —]

2. The meek in particular—

[Well does the Psalmist say to you, “Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God.” Do but think what a Protector you have, even one who is infinitely wise to discover all that your great adversary is plotting for your destruction — — — and infinitely powerful to shield you from his fiercest assaults — — — Surely you may adopt the triumphant language of St. Paul [Note: Romanos 8:35.], since, however weak you be, God has engaged to “perfect his own strength in your weakness” — — —

Think too what a Friend you have, who will “supply your every want out of the fulness that is in Christ Jesus,” and employ all his wisdom and all his power for the enriching and comforting of your souls — — —

Lastly, think what a Rewarder you have, who has provided for you on earth whatsoever his infinite wisdom has judged best, and his almighty power can impart to make you happy — — — whilst in heaven is reserved for you an eternity of inconceivable and unutterable bliss — — —

I say then to you especially, “tune your harps to sing the praises” of your redeeming God — — — and live in the habitual and delightful anticipation of the blessedness that awaits you in a better world — — —]

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1 Crônicas 16:25; Isaías 40:28; Jeremias 10:6; Jeremias 32:17; Naum