Isaías 38:19

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 38:19. The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: the father to the children shall make known thy truth.

THIS is a part of a most pathetic record, written by Hezekiah after his recovery from a sickness which he had expected to terminate in death. The description which he gives of his feelings is certainly very different from what we should have expected from so good a man: but when we reflect on the particular situation in which he was placed, as a reformer of all his subjects; and the prospect that by his removal all his past efforts would be frustrated; we no longer wonder that he should express so great anxiety to live, and such a lively sense of his obligations to God, who, in answer to his prayers, and the prayers of the Prophet Isaiah, had promised to add fifteen years to his life. Indeed, under almost any circumstances, the living have reason to bless their God for the prolongation of their days: and the words which I have read will afford me a fit occasion to shew the return which this mercy at all times calls for at our hands. It is the duty of every living man to glorify his God,

I. In a way of devout acknowledgment—

Such a return is called for,

1. From those who are yet unprepared for death—

[Let them reflect a moment, where they would have now been, if they had been taken hence in their present state; let them consider how many have been removed, whilst they have been left; and what the feelings are of those who have been so taken into the presence of their God—and methinks they will need no exhortation from me to praise their God, they will find their souls penetrated with the devoutest gratitude, and will be saying, “The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day.” Tell me, ye who are here alive this day, have ye not reason to bless your God for the space which is yet given you for repentance; for the opportunities yet afforded you of access to God through Christ; for the continued influences of the Holy Spirit, who yet striveth with you to bring you to salvation ? Suppose one, who has been called to his great account, and doomed to the misery which his sins have merited, could be restored for a few days to the situation in which you stand; would he be insensible to the mercy vouchsafed unto him, or lukewarm in improving his renewed advantages? No, verily; so great a blessing would not be despised by him; but he would instantly become an example to all around him, saying, “Bless ye our God, as I do this day!” Do ye then regard the blessing of a protracted life, as ye would if so restored; and employ your every remaining hour in making that life a blessing indeed, even the means of securing everlasting blessedness and glory at the right hand of God.]

2. From those also who are ready to meet their God—

[It may be thought that these have the less reason to be thankful for life, because they are already prepared for death, which would be to them a door to everlasting happiness. But this was the state of Hezekiah, who could appeal to God, that he had “walked before him in truth and with a perfect heart, and had done that which was good in his sight [Note: ver. 3.]:” and yet it was this holy man who uttered the thanksgiving in our text. It must be remembered, that there are many great and glorious ends of life, which are instantly and for ever frustrated by death. The instant that we depart hence, there is no more opportunity of honouring God on earth, or of benefiting our fellow-creatures, or of advancing our own eternal interests: “The grave cannot praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee; they that go down to the pit, cannot hope for thy truth:” these are things which the living only can engage in: and therefore the living are bound to estimate their high privileges aright, and to improve them with all diligence, as long as these advantages are continued to them. Doubtless, in the eternal world, the dead in Christ are happy. But is there a redeemed soul that does not desire to advance the honour of his God in this world? Is there one who does not long to promote the temporal and eternal welfare of his fellow-sinners? or is there one who does not wish to augment the talents committed to him, that in so doing he may find a greater measure of approbation from his God? I say, then, to every one here present, whatever be the measure of grace that you have attained, you are greatly indebted to God for the prolongation of your life; and it should be to you a subject of most ardent praise and thanksgiving.]

But this gratitude should be expressed also,


In a way of affectionate commendation—

It is well to speak of God’s mercies, whether they be general or special, public or personal; as it is said, “One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts: they shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness [Note: Salmos 145:4; Salmos 145:7.].” But it should seem that Hozekiah was peculiarly anxious to transmit to succeeding generations the knowledge of the true God, and of all the wonders which he had wrought for his people Israel. And this is the desire which every living man should feel; and especially under the dispensation under which we live, wherein the truth of God, in all the wonders of redeeming love, is made known to the children of men.

We ought to transmit to others the truth that has been revealed to us—
[This was the command repeatedly given to Israel of old [Note: Deuteronômio 4:8; Deuteronômio 6:6.] — — — And the obligation to obey it was deeply felt by all the saints, who regarded God’s Law as a sacred deposit, committed to them for the benefit of their children, and their children’s children, even to the latest generations [Note: Salmos 78:2.]. For this very end it was that the Passover [Note: Êxodo 12:25.] and other rites [Note: Êxodo 13:14.] were ordained, and that memorials also were established [Note: Josué 4:22.]; even that an inquiry might be excited, in every successive generation, into the things so exhibited to their view; and that the information contained in them might be transmitted and perpetuated to the end of time. The Lord’s Supper is intended to answer the same end; for, in the administration of it, we shew forth the Lord’s death till he come [Note: 1 Coríntios 11:26.].”]

And the hope of effecting this ought to make life regarded by us as an invaluable blessing—
[What father would not wish to make known God’s truth to his children; and account the prolongation of his life a rich mercy from the Lord, as giving further opportunities for the advancement of their eternal welfare? I may say, too, what pastor, who stands, as it were, in the relation of a father to his flock, would not adore his God for the strength whereby he is enabled to labour for their good? The Apostle Paul judged, so far as respected his own personal feelings, that it was “desirable rather to depart, and to be with Christ:” but yet, reflecting on the importance of his life to the welfare of the Church, he was willing to forego his own personal happiness, and to have a life of labour and of suffering prolonged to him, that he might still further advance the interests of God’s people [Note: Filipenses 1:21.]. Thus should the hope of benefiting others endear life to us; and every effort be made, as long as life shall last, to transmit to others the light which we ourselves have received.]

And now, Brethren,

Let me call you to the performance of this duty—

[It is a duty equally pertaining to all, (so far as they have an ability to discharge it,) to “render unto the Lord according to the benefits conferred upon them:” yea, all should strive to be, in this respect, patterns and examples to those around them. To those in like circumstances with ourselves, we should be able to say, “Let all of you praise God, as I do this day.” But permit me to ask of the generality amongst us, What would be the state of things, if all were to take you for their pattern? Would God be glorified in any measure as he ought? or would his truth be diffused as it ought to be? Would not rather the mercies of God pass unacknowledged, and his revealed will be almost utterly forgotten? Do not think that a mere lukewarm engagement in God’s service will suffice. If, indeed, the blessing of life call for nothing better at your hands than this, I will be content that you shall render him nothing better: but if life be of such importance as I have represented, then I call on every living soul to say with David, “Praise the Lord, O my soul: while I live will I praise the Lord; I will sing praises unto God while I have any being [Note: Salmos 146:1.].”]

2. Let me urge it by that most appropriate consideration which occupied the mind of the grateful Hezekiah—

[“The grave cannot praise God, nor can death celebrate him [Note: ver. 18.].” This is the only time for serving and honouring God in this world. And how soon this opportunity may have passed away, who can tell? Another day, and all power to serve your God may have passed away for ever. I must then say to you, “Work whilst it is day; for the night cometh wherein no man can work [Note: João 9:4.].” Should your soul be required of you before you have given yourselves up to God, how painful will be your reflections to all eternity! But did ever any man think that he had begun to honour God too soon; or had too diligently engaged in that blessed work? Is there one in heaven that regrets he began to serve his God so soon? or is there one in hell that curses not his folly for neglecting to improve the advantages that were afforded him? I call you, then, to prevent those sad reflections which a neglect of God will occasion in a dying hour; and to secure now the eternal approbation of your God, by dedicating yourselves altogether to his service.]

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