Salmos 103:15-18

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 103:15. As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth: for the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children’s children; to such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.

THE consideration of the shortness and uncertainty of human life is at all times seasonable, and more especially on such an occasion as this; when &c. [Note: The occasion may be stated as for a Funeral, or on New Year’s Day.] — — — If indeed we had no hope beyond the grave, such a subject would be most gloomy and appalling: but when connected, as in the passage before us, with the unbounded mercy of our God, it is full of consolation to all who are looking forward to the eternal world. But we must have a good hope that we shall be partakers of God’s mercy, or else not even the glorious description which is here given of it will divest death of its sting, or reconcile us to the thought of approaching dissolution. Let us then from these words consider,

I. The character of God’s people—

In general terms they are represented as “fearing God.” This of itself would be sufficient to distinguish them from all other people, more especially as it marks “the spirit of their minds.” A humble sense of his presence, a dread of doing any thing contrary to his will, and a filial desire to please him, universally distinguish his children: but still they are more clearly discerned by the characters assigned to them in our text:

1. They “keep God’s covenant”—

[This is the covenant which was made with Abraham [Note: Gálatas 3:16.]; and of which Christ is the surety: he has undertaken to accomplish every thing for his believing people; to expiate their sins by his blood, and to renew their souls by his grace — — — “It is ordered in all things and sure [Note: 2 Samuel 23:5.]” — — — This the Believer sees to be exactly suited to his necessities, in that it provides every thing for him, and only requires that he receive thankfully what is thus offered to him freely. This therefore he embraces: “He lays hold on it” as all his hope: and he relies upon it with his whole heart — — —]

2. They “do his commandments”—

[They are not negligent of good works, though they do not rely upon them for their justification before God: “they love God’s law,” which is written in their hearts: and they treasure up in their minds his precepts, no less than his promises. To do the will of God, to do it universally without exception, and constantly without intermission, is the one desire of their hearts. They would gladly, if it were possible, “stand perfect and complete in all the will of God,” being “holy, as God is holy,” and “perfect, even as their Father which is in heaven is perfect.”]
Such are the objects of God’s love: but how shall we express,


The extent of his mercy towards them—

The mercy of God is the great subject of this psalm. In the foregoing verses it is set forth in a way of comparison; (equalling the boundless extent of heaven;) but in the words before us it is declared in a way of contrast with the transitoriness of man’s existence upon earth.

Man’s existence here is only as the flower of the field—
[It was “but yesterday” that we grew up and to-morrow “our place will no more be found.” If suffered to continue for a while, we are only ripening for the scythe; but a burning sun, or blasting wind, may cut short our existence in an hour [Note: Tiago 1:10.]. And when once the flower of the grass is withered, all remembrance of it is gone: and so it is with us: we look gay and flourish for a little moment: and then pass away, and give place to other generations.]

But “the mercy of God towards his people is from everlasting to everlasting”—
[As to its origin, it existed from all eternity. It is not excited in the bosom of our God by any thing that he sees in man: neither the misery of our fallen state, nor any goodness which we may be supposed to manifest, move him to exercise a disposition that was not antecedently conceived in his own mind. Both his determination to exercise mercy, and the objects towards whom it should be exercised, were from all eternity fixed in his own bosom [Note: Efésios 3:11; 2 Timóteo 1:9.]. His people are chosen by him, not because they are holy, or will be holy, but that they “may be holy, and without blame before him in love [Note: Efésios 1:4.].” “He loved them with an everlasting love, and therefore with loving-kindness hath he drawn them [Note: Jeremias 31:3.].”

In its duration also it is everlasting. “If he have begun a good work in them, we may be confident that he will carry it on [Note: Filipenses 1:6.]. As, on the one hand, he will not depart from them, so, on the other hand, “he will put his fear in their hearts, that they may not depart from him [Note: Jeremias 32:40.].” If at any time they transgress against him, he will chastise them with the rod, till he has brought them back to himself: but “his loving-kindness will he not utterly take from them [Note: Salmos 89:30.]:” for “his gifts and callings are without repentance [Note: Romanos 11:29.].” In every age will he prove faithful to his promises, even “to all posterities for evermore.”

This doctrine is thought by many to encourage a presumptuous confidence, and a consequent neglect of holiness. But, if we only bear in mind the statement before given of the character of God’s people, and our unequivocal declaration, that no person who does not answer to that character can have any scriptural hope of mercy, we shall see, that there is no occasion for jealousy on that head. The holiness of man is secured by the irreversible decree of Heaven, That the end shall be combined with the means; and that every one whom God has ordained unto life, shall be “made meet for the inheritance of the saints in light.” We need not be afraid to give unto God all the glory of our salvation, and to ascribe all to the operation of his sovereign grace, since, whatever may be said of God’s decrees, it is an infallible truth, that “without holiness no man shall see the Lord.”]

Let us learn from hence,

In what light we should view our present state of existence—

[We should learn from nature, and from every thing we see around us. Let all, and the young especially, look, not at the grass merely, but at the flower of the grass, and learn from that, how transient their life is [Note: Isaías 40:6. This would be proper to insist on, if it were the funeral of a young person.] — — — And let none, like the fool in the Gospel, promise themselves years, when, for ought they know, this very night their souls may be required of them.]

2. In what way we should improve it—

[What have we to do, but to attain the character of God’s people, and to secure the mercy which he will exercise towards them? — — — In comparison of this, all earthly pursuits are vanity; since, transient as our life is, we may yet find the objects of our fondest regard still more transient [Note: If this were a Funeral Sermon for an eminently pious person, his views and conduct might with propriety be stated here.].”]

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