Salmos 148:14

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 148:14. A people near unto Him.

THE Psalmist, wrapt in ecstasy, is here calling upon the whole creation to praise God. He addresses himself to all creatures in heaven and in earth, rational and irrational, animate and inanimate, to render to their Creator that honour of which they are capable. Last of all he addresses “the saints,” “whose horn God has exalted with peculiar honour,” to abound in this duty; to which, indeed, they are called far more than even the angels themselves. The angels may well magnify his name, for forming them so holy, for making them so happy, and especially for preserving them from falling; when myriads, as high and holy and happy as themselves, fell from their first estate, and plunged themselves into irretrievable and endless woe. But they cannot speak of Redeeming Love. They know nothing of pardon; of pardon bought with blood; and that blood the blood of God’s co-equal, co-eternal Son. They know nothing of a righteousness wrought out for them by God in their own nature: and hence it is observable, that, in heaven, whilst the redeemed “stand round about the throne,” “the angels stand round about the elders,” and consequently at a greater distance from their God. This was intimated by the admission of the Children of Israel into the courts of the Temple; whilst no Gentile, of whatever rank, or under any pretext whatever, was admitted there, except into the court especially assigned to them. This was intended to shadow forth that spiritual nearness to God which his saints alone can either enjoy or conceive. They alone, of all the children of men, answer to the description given in the text; they are near to him,

I. By relation—

[God has from eternity “chosen them in Christ Jesus,” and “predestinated them to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself [Note: Efésios 1:4.].” In due season he called them by his word, and begat them by the incorruptible seed, the word of God; so that they are actually “partakers of the divine nature [Note: 2 Pedro 1:4.];” and are, in the most strict and comprehensive sense, “sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty.” He has yet further united them by faith to his only-begotten Son; so that they are become one with him, one in nature, “members of his body, even of his flesh and of his bones [Note: Efésios 5:30.]:” yea, and one spirit with him too; for “he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit [Note: 1 Coríntios 6:17.].”

Of all this, not one syllable can be spoken by the world at large: it is all the peculiar and exclusive privilege of the saints; who, from having been “strangers and foreigners, like others, have been made fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God [Note: Efésios 2:19.].”]

But they are also near to him,


By choice—

[It is certainly true, that “they have not chosen God; but God, in the first instance, chose them [Note: João 15:16.].” It is true, also, that they have been “drawn by the Father” himself to the state in which they stand [Note: João 6:44.]. They have, however, been drawn, not as stocks and stones, but “with the cords of a man, and with the bands of love [Note: Oséias 11:4.];” and they have been made “a willing people in the day of God’s power [Note: Salmos 110:3.].” They no more serve God by compulsion, than they served Satan. They were free agents in their former state; and they are so still. They come to God in Christ, and “offer up their whole selves to him as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God as a reasonable service [Note: Romanos 12:1.].” They wish to be entirely and altogether his, “sanctified wholly unto him in body, soul, and spirit [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:23.].” Were it in their power, they would have “every thought of their hearts captivated to the obedience of Christ [Note: 2 Coríntios 10:5.].” This they would account perfect freedom: it is the freedom and felicity of heaven; and every approach to it they regard as a heaven upon earth. Could they attain their perfect wish, they would be ever with, and altogether like, him; being “holy, as he is holy; and perfect, as he is perfect.”]

In consequence of this choice, they are also near to him,


By habit—

[They live as ever in his presence, and as “seeing Him who is invisible [Note: Hebreus 11:27.].” When they lie down to rest, they commit themselves altogether to his care. “When they wake in the morning, they are still with him [Note: Salmos 139:18.],” and he is present to their minds. With him they hold sweet converse, not only in the stated seasons of prayer, but throughout the day. They “set him always before them;” and “whether they eat or drink, or whatever they do, they do it to the glory of his name.” “In him they live and move and have their being.” They “walk with him, even as Enoch did [Note: Gênesis 5:24.];” consulting him in all their doubts, relying on him in all their difficulties, and receiving both good and evil at his hands. So intimate and continued is their fellowship with him, that “they dwell in God, and God in them; they are one with him, and he with them [Note: João 6:56; João 14:23.].” In a word, “Christ liveth in them,” and “is their very life;” so that it is “no longer they that live, but Christ that liveth in them;” so entirely do “they live the life which they now live in the flesh, by faith in the Son of God, who hath loved them, and given himself for them [Note: Gálatas 2:20.].” To them, in a measure, is the Paradisiacal state restored; so that “they walk altogether, as it were, in the light of God’s countenance [Note: Salmos 89:15.].”]


What cause, then, have the saints for gratitude!

[Are you brought to this state? Remember in what state you once were: you were once as far from God as any of the human race are at this hour; and you would have been as far from him as hell itself, with an impassable gulph between you, if he had not mercifully interposed by the blood of his Son, and the operations of his Spirit, to prevent it [Note: Efésios 2:13.]. When, therefore, you look at others of the human race, and see the difference which Divine Grace has made between you, say, ‘Why me, Lord? why me?’ You cannot but see that “some are taken, and others left [Note: Mateus 24:40.]:” and you can trace this to no cause but the sovereign grace of God. Are you then taken? O! admire and adore the grace of God; and let your adoration be such as is observed amongst the heavenly hosts: they “fall upon their faces,” whilst they sing [Note: Apocalipse 7:11.]. Do ye likewise so: let there be no self-preference or self-complacency in you; but let God be magnified, and your souls be abased in the dust.]

2. What cause have they, too, for shame!

[It is surprising that persons thus highly favoured should ever be found at a distance from God. But the very best of men have hearts “bent to backslide from God,” and to “start aside, even as a deceitful bow [Note: Oséias 7:16; Oséias 11:4.].” Who amongst you, Brethren, is not sensible of this? You can know little of your own hearts, if you do not see it; and little of God’s grace, if you do not bitterly lament it. Ah! be ashamed, that ever your desires after God should languish, or your delight in him abate. Stir up yourselves, Brethren, and beg of God to quicken you; that you may correspond fully with the description in my text, and be at all times “a people near to him.” See how he complains of you in relation to this matter: “O that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries. I would have fed them also with the finest of the wheat; and with honey out of the rock would I have satisfied them [Note: Salmos 81:13; Salmos 81:16.].” Yes; you cannot but know whence it is that your strength is so small, and that your consolations are so few. It is altogether owing to your not walking more closely with God: for, if you were near to him, as you should be, your souls should overflow with all manner of good; according to that promise which he has given, “The faithful man shall abound with blessings [Note: Provérbios 28:20.].”]

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1 Pedro 2:9; 1 Samuel 2:1; Deuteronômio 4:7; Efésios 2:13; Efésios 2:17