2 Coríntios 11:2-3

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Coríntios 11:2. I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

TO boast of ourselves is a mark of a weak and foolish mind. Yet there are occasions whereon it may be necessary, particularly where the welfare of the Church of God is concerned. It would have ill become the Apostle to sit down in silence under all the calumnies that were cast upon him as a designing and deceitful man, who sought only his own glory, whilst he was assuming a character which did not properly belong to him. In vindication of himself, he appeals to the plain, visible, acknowledged testimonies which God had given in his favour; which far exceeded any which his opponents could produce, and equalled any which had ever been given to “the very chiefest Apostles.” At the same time he entreats the Corinthians to “bear with his folly” in mentioning these things, since it was not for his own sake, but for theirs, that he adverted to them.
Now the jealousy which he felt for the saints at Corinth is precisely such as every minister should feel for his people, exposed as they are to temptations on every side: and that it may be seen how necessary such a jealousy is, we shall shew,

I. In what near relation believers stand to Christ—

They are espoused to Christ—
[Christ is the Head and Husband of his Church. Under this character he is described by the Prophet Isaiah [Note: Isaías 54:5.]: it is also given him in the Gospel [Note: João 3:29.]: and the Apostle Paul largely and repeatedly assigns it to him [Note: Romanos 7:4.Efésios 5:32.]. In the book of Revelation also the Church is expressly represented as “the Wife of the Lamb [Note: Apocalipse 19:7.].”

Truly, if it had not been so plainly revealed, we could not have dared to entertain such a thought in our minds. That sinners, so guilty, so polluted as we are, should be admitted into so near and so endearing a relation to our incarnate God: how wonderful! how surpassing all knowledge, and all conception! Yet so it is: and both the Church at large, and every member of the Church, is a partaker of this honour.]
Into this relation they are brought by the ministry of the Gospel—
[The Apostle says, “I have espoused you to one husband.” Ministers may not unfitly be compared to Abraham’s servant, who was sent forth to seek a wife for his master’s son. They have received a commission from their Lord and Master: they make known to the children of men the excellencies of him in whose name they come: they look to God for the success of their labours: and by their means he works, “making persons willing in the day of his power.” Sinners thus wrought upon agree to take the Lord Jesus Christ as their Husband; and by their union with him they hope henceforth to “bring forth fruit unto God.” In him they see all that they can possibly desire; and on him they rely for the communication of it to their souls: they take him as their “wisdom, their righteousness, their sanctification, and redemption;” and they glory in him, even in him alone. Having thus accepted Christ for their all, they make a covenant with him, “a perpetual covenant not to be forgotten [Note: Jeremias 50:5.];” and they consecrate to him all that they are, and all that they have, to be disposed of from henceforth as his property according to his sovereign will and pleasure. They pledge themselves henceforth through grace to be entirely “for the Lord, and not for another [Note: Oséias 3:3.];” and never more to yield their affections to any but him. This surrender the Lord Jesus Christ accepts; and to every one by whom it is made, he commissions his servants to proclaim in his name, “I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in loving kindness, and in mercies; I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the Lord [Note: Oséias 2:19.].”]

But whilst on the one hand we contemplate their privileges, we must on the other hand consider,


The danger to which they are exposed—

It is not to be supposed that he who ruined their first parents in Paradise, will leave them in the quiet possession of this high honour: No; as he envied the happiness of man in innocence, and never rested till he had robbed him of it, so he envies all who are brought into this near relation to the Lord Jesus, and never ceases from his efforts to deprive them of it.
The state which becomes those who are thus espoused to Christ, is that of perfect simplicity—
[A person, espoused to a fellow-creature only, ought to possess a simplicity of mind towards him: she should have no interest, no desire, no wish distinct from his. Thus there should be a singleness of eye in all who are united in these holy bonds to our Lord Jesus Christ. There should be no dependence on any thing but on him alone. The constant habit of the believer’s mind must be, “In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.” Nor must the betrothed person indulge a wish after any one but him to whom she is espoused: she must “forget her own people and her father’s house, if she would have her Lord to find pleasure in her beauty [Note: Salmos 45:10.].” She must possess also a modest, humble, child-like spirit, free from all pride, conceit, and vain-glory. In a word, she must be wholly his, in body, soul, and spirit; “an Israelite indeed, and without guile.”]

But from this state Satan is ever striving to divert us—
[Innumerable emissaries has he at his command ready to take advantage of us. Many even of our fellow-creatures are used by him as his instruments: many who are, in fact, no other than “false Apostles and deceitful workers,” under his influence transform themselves into “Apostles of Christ,” even as that wicked fiend himself assumes the semblance of an angel of light [Note: ver. 13–15.].” They will profess a great regard for truth, and under that garb will endeavour to commend their own erroneous principles. Under a profession of inculcating sublimer views of the Gospel, they will sap its very foundations, or build a superstructure altogether adverse to it, relaxing the obligations of the law, under a pretence of enhancing the excellency of the Gospel: and, as sure as any embrace their pernicious tenets, they are despoiled of all virgin modesty, and puffed up with pride and self-conceit. The same kind of artifices which Satan used in tempting Eve, he still makes use of by other serpents than he then inspired. He suggests the superior wisdom that will be acquired by embracing this or that dogma; and the gratification that will be derived from a compliance with such or such a temptation. He calls in question the import of such divine declarations as militate against his views, or at least the danger of acting in opposition to them: and by these devices he beguiles many to their everlasting ruin.]

Persons so tempted are generally unconscious of their danger; and hence arises,


The duty of those to whom God has committed the oversight of them—

The work of a minister is but just begun when he has been the means of bringing any soul to Christ: he has yet to watch over that soul, and to prepare it and make it ready for its destined honours.
At a period yet future is the servant to present the bride to her Lord and husband—
[Even the horrid and disgusting offices performed for the virgins who were to be presented to king Ahasuerus, may, when divested of the sensuality connected with them, serve to illustrate the purification necessary for every member of the Christian Church. In the great day of the Lord Jesus we are to present to him our every convert “as a chaste virgin.” Yea, the Lord Jesus Christ himself is now by his word and Spirit preparing the Church, “that he may then present it to himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it may be holy and without blemish [Note: Efésios 5:25.].” If she be not made ready for him, and “clothed in fine linen clean and white, which is the righteousness of the saints [Note: Apocalipse 19:8.],” she can never be acknowledged as his bride. Any fundamental error in faith, or any allowed deviation from his law in practice, will entirely make void the covenant entered into at the espousals, and will cut her off from any hope of that felicity after which she aspires: and thus will all the minister’s “labour prove in vain [Note: Gálatas 4:11.].”]

Till that period arrive, he must be jealous over her with a godly jealousy—
[If he see any declension from the simplicity that is in Christ, he must instantly raise his warning voice. If he see only a device of Satan whereby her piety may be endangered, and her mind may be in any respect corrupted, he must instantly put her on her guard. He is not to wink at any thing whether in doctrine or practice that is contrary to the mind of God. If there be only a secret leaning towards any thing that is wrong, he must with all the solicitude of the tenderest parent point out the snare that Satan is laying for her feet. Her Divine Husband is “a jealous God:” and a corresponding jealousy in his ministers must be ever awake to the discernment of incipient danger, and the correction of the slightest error. This is “a godly jealousy:” it is the highest possible expression of love: and the minister who with most fidelity and affection discharges this duty, most approves himself to God, and displays the most valuable friendship towards man: “he watches for souls, as one that must give account.”]


Those who have given occasion for jealousy—

[Is it asked, Who are they? I answer, Those who have either declined in their love to Christ, or have not made their profiting to appear. What would any of you feel towards an object, who, after having solemnly betrothed herself to you, and once professed towards you the most ardent affection, had ceased to delight in your society, or shewed, that her more intimate acquaintance with you produced no increase of attachment towards you? Would your mind be easy? Would you be satisfied with such equivocal professions of regard? What then must the Lord Jesus Christ feel, and what should your ministers feel, when your whole spirit and conduct give so much reason for doubt and fear? They must be jealous; they ought to be jealous: and towards all who come under this character we must “change our voice.” We do truly “stand in doubt of” such: and we are constrained to “travail in birth with them, as it were, a second time until Christ be formed in them [Note: Gálatas 4:19.].” “Look well to yourselves, my brethren, that ye lose not the things that ye have wrought, but that ye receive a full reward:” for if ye draw back from the Lord Jesus Christ, either in heart or life, “his soul shall have no pleasure in you [Note: Hebreus 10:38.].”]

2. Those in whom no visible occasion of jealousy exists—

[We bless our God who has kept you thus far faithful to your engagements. Truly, “he who hath established you in the midst of such manifold temptations is God” — — — But still, though we have no occasion to be jealous over you, it becomes you to be jealous over yourselves with a godly jealousy. For who can tell what a day or an hour may bring forth? David, when walking on the top of his house, little thought what a snare Satan had laid for him: and you little know how sorely he may thrust at you before another day has passed over your heads. “Be not high-minded, but fear.” “Let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall.” Take notice from time to time how your minds stand affected to the Lord Jesus Christ: mariners are often forced out of their track by currents, and never discover their deviations till they have made their observations afresh. Make your observations then: Do you delight more in secret communion with Christ? Do you think less of every sacrifice you are called to make for him? Is it more and more the one endeavour of your soul to please him? And are you looking forward with increasing desire for that day when you shall be intimately and indissolubly united to him, and spend an eternity in the fruition of his love? By such marks as these you may judge of your own state, and acquire a confidence in relation to his judgment also. Leave nothing in suspense. Give yourselves to him: walk with him: cleave to him with full purpose of heart: and “be diligent that ye may at last be found of him in peace, without spot and blameless [Note: 2 Pedro 3:14; 2 Pedro 3:17.].”

And now to his holy keeping we commend you; even to him, “who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To whom be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen [Note: Jude, ver. 24.].”]

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