2 Crônicas 29:10-11

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Crônicas 29:10. Now it is in mine heart to make a covenant with the Lord God of Israel, that his fierce wrath may turn away from us. My sons, be not now negligent.

A TRULY pious man will not be satisfied with serving God in his closet. He will exert his influence to bring others also to a sense of their duty. The public exercise of the ministry indeed belongs to those only who are duly called to it [Note: Hebreus 5:4.]: but all who are possessed of authority (parents, masters, magistrates and kings) should use it for the promoting of virtue and religion. Christians of every rank and description should exhort one another [Note: Hebreus 3:13.]. We have a noble example set before us in the conduct of Hezekiah. As soon as he came to the throne, he set himself to restore the service of the temple, and called upon all, both ministers and people, to make a solemn covenant with their God.

The royal proclamation for the observance of this day [Note: Fast-day, March 1798.], speaks, in effect, the language of the text. From which I will take occasion to shew,

I. When we have reason to apprehend that God’s anger is waxed hot against us—

We cannot in all cases determine how far a dispensation may be sent in anger or in love: but in general we may say, that God is incensed against us,

1. When our sins are multiplied against him—

[Sin is invariably the object of God’s abhorrence [Note: Habacuque 1:13.Salmos 5:5.]. This truth is so evident that it needs not any confirmation. For, what lamentable depravity pervades every part of the nation! There is no iniquity, however heinous, which is not practised without remorse. If we look into our own bosoms, what reason for humiliation may we find! What ingratitude for mercies received, and what impenitence for sins committed! What rebellion against God, what contempt of his Son, what resistance of his Spirit, have we not occasion to deplore! And shall not God be avenged of such a nation as this? Yes, there is not one amongst us that does not deserve to be made a monument of his wrath.]

2. When his judgments are multiplied upon us—

[God often sends temporal afflictions to his people in love [Note: Hebreus 12:6.]. But spiritual judgments are a certain token of his wrath. Blindness of mind, obduracy of heart, and obstinacy in sin, are among his heaviest judgments [Note: Isaías 6:9.]. And have none of us reason to fear that these are now inflicted on us? But it is by temporal judgments chiefly that he punishes nations. It was from these that Hezekiah judged of God’s anger against the Jews [Note: ver. 8, 9.]. And are not these multiplied upon our land at this time? Surely the displeasure of God can scarcely ever be more strongly displayed, than it is in the calamities under which we now groan [Note: Of course, these strong expressions must be modified according to circumstances.]

But that none may yield to desponding fears we shall point out,


How it is to be averted—

Repentance towards God and faith in Christ are the means prescribed by God. But it is not a slight and superficial use of these means that will suffice; we should solemnly devote ourselves to God in a perpetual covenant—
[Not that we should attempt to renew the covenant of works. That would make void the Gospel, and seal our eternal condemnation [Note: Gálatas 3:10.]. Nor should we think to add any thing to the covenant of grace. That was once made with Christ, and is ordered in all things and sure [Note: Hebreus 8:6.]. But we should patiently and deliberately renounce all our former ways. We should seriously give up ourselves to God as his redeemed people; and entreat him to perfect us in any way which he shall see fit.]

Such covenants as these have often been made by the most eminent saints—
[Under the Old-Testament dispensation they were judged acceptable to God. Omitting many other instances, we may notice the solemn covenant of Asa [Note: 2 Crônicas 15:12.]. We may notice also that which was entered into by Josiah [Note: 2 Reis 23:3.]. Isaiah and Jeremiah speak of the making of such covenants as characteristic of the gospel times [Note: Isaías 44:5.Jeremias 50:4.]. St. Paul highly commends the conduct of the Macedonians on account of their having thus given themselves up to God [Note: 2 Coríntios 8:5.]; and recommends a similar practice to all Christians of every age and nation [Note: Romanos 12:1.]

Nor can we doubt of their acceptableness to God—
[Hezekiah manifestly supposed that God would accept him in this duty [Note: The text.]. It was recommended to Ezra in circumstances where there was but little hope remaining [Note: Esdras 10:3.]. And God himself expressly enjoined it as the means of averting his displeasure [Note: Jeremias 4:4.]: not that we are to suppose that there is any thing meritorious in such an act; but it tends, of itself, to the humiliation and confirmation of our souls, and will be both accepted and remembered by our covenant God and Father [Note: Deuteronômio 29:12.]

These means being at once so scriptural and so important, let me now in conclusion urge upon you the adoption of them—

We admire the tender and affectionate address of Hezekiah to the priests. And with similar concern would we now invite you to the performance of your duty. “Let this now be in all your hearts:” for,

I. There is no time for delay—

[Many are “negligent” at present in expectation of a more convenient season; but who can assure himself that he shall be alive on the morrow [Note: Tiago 4:14.]? or that, if he be, he shall have an inclination to that from which he is now averse? or that God will grant him the aids of his Spirit, which are now contemned? The voice of God to every one is, Seek me to-day, while it is called to-day [Note: Hebreus 3:13; Hebreus 3:15.]. With respect to the nation, who can tell how soon the cloud that hangs over us may burst, and overwhelm us utterly? Let us follow the example of the repenting Nine-vites [Note: João 3:5.]. If “it be in our hearts to make a covenant,” let it instantly be done [Note: Salmos 119:60.]. Let me address all of you as a father, and entreat all of you as “my sons” and daughters to “neglect your duty no longer;” but “now” while we are yet speaking, to surrender up yourselves to God with full purpose of heart.]

2. If we neglect this duty, we cannot hope to escape the wrath of God—

[Sodom was destroyed, because they laughed at God’s threatenings as idle tales: and the strongest empires, in succession, have fallen a sacrifice to their sins. Who then shall protect us, if we continue to provoke the Majesty of heaven? But, whatever be the fate of the nation, we must all appear at the judgment-seat of Christ: and there none will be acknowledged as his people, who have not voluntarily taken him for their Lord and Saviour. If then ye have any regard for your eternal welfare, neglect him no longer; but, in the penitent language of the prophet, devote yourselves to his service [Note: Isaías 26:13.]

3. If we heartily engage in this duty, we have nothing to fear

[Were such a covenant general through the nation, God would soon remove his judgments. But whatever come upon the land, God’s faithful people shall be objects of his favour. Though they may be involved in the general calamities, they shall be comforted with the divine presence [Note: Salmos 34:18.]. They need not therefore be agitated with fear on account of God’s displeasure in this world; nor have they any thing to dread in the eternal world [Note: Malaquias 3:17.]. Let us then enter into this matter with our whole hearts, and pray day and night for grace to perform our vows. Unfaithfulness to our engagements will incense God still more against us, and provoke him to inflict yet heavier judgments upon us [Note: Jeremias 34:18.]. It were even better never to have vowed, than to vow and not pay [Note: Eclesiastes 5:5. 2 Pedro 2:21.]. He however, who puts it into our heart to make, can enable us to keep, our covenant [Note: Jude, ver. 24.]. Let us then engage simply in dependence on the divine strength; but found all our hopes of acceptance on that better and unchangeable covenant, which Christ has entered into on our behalf.]

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