2 Tessalonicenses 1:11-12

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Tessalonicenses 1:11. We pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

VARIOUS are the offices of Christian love; but none more valuable than that of intercession. In all its personal efforts, it communicates only such benefits as a creature can bestow: but in its applications to God in the behalf of any one, it brings down all the blessings of grace and glory. We say not indeed that intercession must of necessity prevail to the full extent of the blessings asked, or for every individual in whose behalf they are solicited: but they do prevail to a far greater extent than we are apt to imagine: and we know of nothing wherein love can exercise itself so profitably, as in frequent and fervent supplications to God for the object beloved. St. Paul’s love was of no common cast: in fact, it knew no bounds: the sacrifice of life itself was welcomed by him, if it might but subserve the interests of immortal souls. In his prayers for them, there is a richness and fulness which marked at once the ardour of his mind, the depth of his knowledge, and the enlargement of his heart. No petition he could offer seemed sufficient to express the full extent of his desires. This appears in many of his prayers: and it is abundantly evident in that which we have selected for our consideration at this time.
Three things we must distinctly notice;

I. The great object which he desired in their behalf—

This was, that they might find acceptance with God in the day of judgment—
[Of that day he is speaking in the preceding context: and he declares, that a sweet “rest” in the bosom of their God will be the portion of all who have approved themselves faithful to him under all their trials. This is the “calling” of which he speaks, and which he so designates, because it is the object to which believers are called: “They are called unto God’s eternal glory by Christ Jesus [Note: 1 Pedro 5:10.].”

Of this calling he prays that they may “be counted worthy.” What is the import of this expression, may be seen in the foregoing context, where it evidently refers, not to any merit in man, whereby he shall be justified before God, but to that meetness for heaven which shall serve to illustrate and display the equity of the Judge in his final decisions. The day of judgment is appointed not altogether for the purpose of awarding to men their proper doom; (for that, in reference to the soul at least, is adjudged to every one at the instant of his death:) it is rather appointed for the displaying before the whole assembled universe the righteousness of God in his dealings with the children of men; on which account it is called “the day of the revelation of the righteous judgment of God [Note: Romanos 2:5.]:” and the description given of that day in the preceding context particularly presents it to us in that view. We say then, that “the being accounted worthy” of that calling refers to the meetness of the soul for the participation of it; and the petition thus expressed, must be understood to this effect: ‘I pray, that in the last day you may be found to have possessed such a character, to have maintained such a conduct in this world, as shall “be an evident token of the righteous judgment of God” when he shall assign to you the everlasting possession of “his kingdom” and glory [Note: ver. 5.].’

We have dwelt the more carefully on this, that we might cut off all occasion for mistake respecting the Apostle’s meaning in the text, throughout every part of which he most determinately marks the whole of our salvation as altogether of grace.]
Taking the petition then in this sense, we ask, Is it not such a petition as we are all concerned to offer both for ourselves and others?
[Who can reflect on the solemnities of that day, who can think of the discoveries which will then be brought to light, and the unexpected sentences that will be then awarded, and not earnestly desire, both for himself and for all who are dear to him, that the sentence which God shall pass on them may be one of approbation, and not of condemnation? I pray you, brethren, lay to heart this infinitely important subject; and never cease to pour out your souls before God, that you and yours may find acceptance before him in that day — — —]
In his further petitions for this object, he specifics,


The means by which he expected it to be accomplished—

[He considers the work as altogether of grace, in its origin, its progress, its consummation. God, in his infinite “goodness,” has ordained that his people shall possess such a measure of piety, as shall render them fully meet for the enjoyment of his presence and glory in the eternal world: and in reference both to the persons who shall possess it, and the measure in which they shall partake of it, he has exercised “his good pleasure,” disposing of all according to his own inscrutable purposes, and the eternal counsel of his own will [Note: Efésios 1:5; Efésios 1:9; Efésios 1:11.]. This good pleasure the Apostle desired might “be fulfilled in them” by the mighty working of God’s power, calling forth into activity the faith he had bestowed, and giving it a more transforming efficacy upon their souls.

It is in this way, and this way alone, that the divine life is carried on and perfected. It is by the production of faith in the soul that the soul begins to live: it is by the exercise of that faith that the soul is enabled to do and suffer what God requires: and it is by the augmentation of that faith that the soul is perfected after the Divine image. It is faith which realizes the things that are invisible to mortal eyes, and gives to futurity a present existence [Note: Hebreus 11:1.]. It is the one principle in the soul, by which all its energies are called forth, and all its efforts are made effectual. The whole eleventh chapter to the Hebrews proves and illustrates this; and shews with what wisdom, as well as piety, the Apostle poured out his supplications before God.]

We shall not wonder at his desiring this great object, if we notice,


The end which he foresaw was to be accomplished by it—

Then “will the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified in them”—
[Even in this world he is glorified in and by his saints, as he himself has expressly declared [Note: João 17:10.]. But the Apostle has respect rather to that day, wherein Christ will “come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe [Note: ver. 10.].” Verily he will then be glorified in them. In what bright colours will then the whole assembled universe behold the virtue of his sacrifice, and the efficacy of his grace, and his fidelity to all his promises! Of those that have been given him by the Father, not one will be lost [Note: João 17:12.]: not one will be found to have been ever “plucked out of his hands [Note: João 10:28.].” What hosannahs will resound to him from all the hosts of the redeemed, all singing, “To Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and our Father, to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever; Amen!”

Then will the saints also be “glorified in him”—
[Already, as members, do they participate in the glory of their Head, “in and with whom they are already sitting, as it were, in heavenly places:” they may be considered also as already glorified in and with him, in that they are placed by him as a city set on a hill, and made both the salt of the earth, and the lights of a dark world. But in that day their glory will he complete: for they shall then be “like him,” even in his perfect image, and be acknowledged by him in the presence of his Father and his holy angels, as his peculiar people, the purchase of his blood, the fruit of his travail, the jewels of his crown. Then shall all that is his, be theirs: his crown, his throne, his kingdom, his glory, all will be theirs, their inalienable property, their everlasting possession.]
Then too will all the wonders of God’s covenant, and the purposes of his grace, be unvailed and complete—
[All will then be seen to have been “according to the grace of our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ;” between whom all was concerted from eternity: “The counsel of peace,” says the prophet, “was between them both [Note: Zacarias 6:13.].” What wonder will not the developement of these stupendous mysteries excite throughout all the regions of the blessed; and to what songs of praise will it not give rise, through the never-ending ages of eternity! — — —

Contemplate these things, the object desired, the means by which it was to be effected, and the wonderful ends to be attained by it; and this prayer will be found no less instructive to the mind, than it is reviving and refreshing to the soul.]


Those who have no experience of the things here prayed for—

[How many are at this moment ignorant of “the work of faith,” and of that “divine power” with which it operates in the soul! How many are altogether strangers to the idea of Christ being glorified in them, or their being glorified in him, or of the eternal purposes of God’s grace being displayed in them! Little have such persons known of true religion: they even “need to be taught the very first principles of the oracles of God.” O brethren, the Gospel is not such a meagre thing as you make it! it is a wonderful display of God’s mercy and grace in the redemption of a ruined world: and, wherever it is received aright, it will fill the soul with such views and such desires as are expressed in our text. Do not, I beseech you, continue ignorant of these things: for, if you know them not, or feel not their influence, how shall you stand accepted at the judgment-seat of Christ? It will be too late to commence your inquiries then: they must be begun now: yea, you must now glorify Christ by a life of faith in this world, if ever you are to be glorified with him in the world to come.]

2. Those whose prayers and intercessions accord with those of the holy Apostle—

[Doubtless there are many amongst you whose hearts go forth with the petitions in our text; and who shall ultimately experience all that our text unfolds. But, in order to this desirable end, we recommend to all to consider the strictness of the scrutiny at that day. Verily, the Judge, as he himself tells us, has “eyes like a flame of fire:” and he “tries the very hearts and reins, in order to give to every man according to his works [Note: Apocalipse 2:18; Apocalipse 2:23.].” It will be to little purpose to be “accounted worthy” by your fellow-creatures, if you he not so accounted by your God: and it must not be forgotten, that there are many who “have a name to live, whilst” yet, in reality, “they are dead.” O dread lest that should prove your state at the last: and be earnest with God in prayer, that he would “fulfil in you all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.” Be satisfied with nothing short of this. Aspire after the highest possible attainments, that the Lord Jesus Christ may even now be glorified in you, and that your meetness for his glory may be conspicuous in the eyes of all. So shall your intercessions prevail for others also; and in that great day, when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, you shall shine forth as the sun in the firmament for ever and ever.]

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