Isaías 12:1-2

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 12:1. In that day thou shalt say, O Lord, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me. Behold. God is my salvation: I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.

GLORIOUS prospects are open to our poor benighted world. The time is coming, and we trust it is not far distant, when “all the kingdoms of the world, whether of Jews or Gentiles, shall become the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ.” “The Root of Jesse,” the Lord Jesus Christ, does already “stand as an ensign to the Gentiles;” and though but few, comparatively, have flocked to his standard yet, he shall “gather to him all nations” ere long, and “his rest shall be glorious [Note: Isaías 11:10.].” His ancient people, too, shall return to him, and experience at his hands mercies similar to those with which they were favoured in the day that they came forth put of the land of Egypt [Note: Isaías 11:11.]. For them all, and especially for the latter, is this song prepared; and it shall be sung by them with most exalted joy. But we need not wait till that day: for every redeemed soul is authorized to adopt it, as expressing his own feelings in the contemplation of the blessings vouchsafed unto him.

To assist you in the attainment of this heavenly frame, I will shew,

I. That praise is the proper employment of the whole intelligent creation—

[When God first called forth the universe into existence, he made every thing for the glory of his own great name: and to this hour “the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his handy-work.” Whilst these inferior works unconsciously proclaim his praise, his intelligent creatures more especially engage in this delightful work; and, so far as they are restored to their original state, account it their highest happiness to glorify their God [Note: Salmos 145:10.]. Conceive of our first parents in Paradise: how, may we suppose, were their minds occupied, whilst they retained their primeval innocency? No doubt they contemplated, with incessant admiration, the perfections of Him to whom they owed their existence, and the obligations conferred upon them above all the rest of the creation, the angels alone excepted. Now, what reason is there why our employment should not accord with theirs? Be it granted, that we have cares and labours, to which they, in their state of innocence, were strangers: after their fall, they were no strangers either to the one or to the other: yet we cannot doubt out that they endeavoured to blend these holy feelings with their daily occupations; and, instead of complaining of religion as a task, they found in the exercise of it their richest solace and support. In this, all the most eminent saints have resembled them. David, especially, was in the habit of praising God, as it were, “all the day long,” and of putting forth all the powers of his soul in that holy exercise [Note: Salmos 35:28; Salmos 103:1.]. Doubtless it is necessary for us to pour out also our supplications before the Most High: yea, we should “pray without ceasing:” but yet should we also “in every thing give thanks; for this also is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:17.].” The perfections of God are still the same as ever, and our obligations to him are the same; or rather, they are infinitely increased; inasmuch as the gift of his only dear Son to die for us, is, in comparison of all other gifts, as the radiance of the sun when compared with the twinkling of a star. I say not then too much, when I affirm, that “praise is comely for the upright [Note: Salmos 33:1.];” and that it is no less our happiness than our duty to abound in it, every day, and all the day long. In truth, this is the felicity of heaven: for all the hosts, whether of saints or angels, are engaged continually in this one employment of singing praises unto God: the one, for for all the wonders of redeeming love; and the other, for the blessed experience which they have of it in their own souls [Note: Apocalipse 5:8.]

That you may enter upon this blessed work without delay, I proceed to shew,


What abundant occasion for it there is to the redeemed soul— The mercies vouchsafed to every true convert are here set forth,

1. In a way of simple acknowledgment—

[With every soul of man has God been angry, seeing that there is not one of all the human race that has not violated his holy laws — — — But, when we seek for mercy at his hands in his Son’s name, “he turns away from us his anger,” and “sheds abroad in our hearts a sense of his love” — — —
Say now, whether one so “comforted” has not reason to bless and adore his God? See the soul when trembling through dread of his displeasure: see it when first the light of God’s reconciled countenance is lifted up upon it: see it when the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, is sent forth to dwell in it as his temple, and to manifest unto it all the riches of redeeming grace—Has such an one no ground for praise and joy? Verily, “if he should hold his peace, the very stones would cry out against him.”]

2. In a way of exultation and triumph—

[“Behold, God is my salvation!” says the believing soul. How wonderful a truth! Methinks, if it were not uttered by the voice of inspiration, one would be almost ready to call it blasphemy. What! Is God, even the Most High God, our salvation? Yes; and not our Saviour only, but salvation itself; inasmuch as He dwells in us, and abides in us, and “works all our works in us.” Hence the believing soul further adds, “The Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation.” This is blessing not future, but present; not hoped for, but actually possessed. The Lord God, Almighty himself has undertaken for us. Yes, our Saviour is no other than the Deity incarnate, “God with us,” “God manifest in the flesh,” and “purchasing the Church with his own blood.” Every thing that was necessary for our reconciliation with God, He wrought for us on the cross: and every thing that is necessary to make us meet for our inheritance He works in us, by his Holy Spirit: so that, whilst he is “our strength, he is also our song” from day to day.
I ask then, Is here no cause to praise our God? The wonder is, that any person, thus favoured, can find time for any other employment, or have any inclination to utter a word which has not a direct reference to these mercies.]
In our text, we further see,


What is that frame of mind with which our praise should ever be accompanied—

Many will be the trials of a Christian, notwithstanding all that he is privileged to enjoy—
[Still will he have many conflicts with his in-dwelling corruptions; and be constrained, at times, to cry, “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me?” — — — Satan, too, that meat and subtle adversary of God and man, will doubtless assault him with all manner of temptations; insomuch, that, if God were not to uphold him, he could never stand — — — Nor will he find light difficulties even from his fellow-creatures, who will exert themselves to the uttermost, both by fraud and violence, to obstruct his way — — —]
But, in the midst of all, his heart will be stayed upon the Lord—
[“I will trust, and not be afraid,” is the continued language of his soul. He knows in whom he has believed; and that his God is “able to keep that which he has committed to him;” yea, and pledged also, to “save to the uttermost all that come to him in his Son’s name.” Hence he says, “The Lord is my strength and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom then shall I be afraid [Note: Salmos 27:1.]?” “If God be for me, who can be against me?” Thus is “his heart fixed, trusting in the Lord;” and he goes forth to his daily conflicts assured of victory, yea, assured that he shall be “more than conqueror through him that loved him.”]

And now let me,

1. Take up a lamentation over those who have never yet seen this day—

[How many of us are there who are not even sensible that God is angry with them, or that, consequently, have never cried to him in earnest to turn away his displeasure? Let each consult the records of his own heart, and say whether this be not his unhappy condition? Yes, verily, there are many amongst us, it is to be feared, who have never, in their whole lives, shed one tear for their sins, nor ever uttered one cry to God for the remission of them. And what must I say to you? I have no wish to lay upon you more guilt than you have contracted: but you all are sinners before God, and as sinners, are obnoxious to his wrath. You all therefore need to repent of your sins, and to implore mercy at the hands of your offended God, in the name and through the mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ: and if you have not done this in sincerity and truth, you are at this moment “under condemnation, and the wrath of God abideth on you [Note: João 3:18; João 3:36.].” As to the consolations of God’s Spirit, you are as much strangers to them as if no such blessings ever were vouchsafed to mortal man. Were you to hear one speaking of the manifestations of God’s presence to his soul, and of a sense of God’s love shed abroad in his heart, you would account it all enthusiasm and delusion. Say, then, whether you be not in a most deplorable condition? For, if God’s anger be not turned away from you here, do you suppose it shall be in the eternal world? No, indeed: you will there have to endure his frowns to all eternity, and to “drink of the cup of his indignation for ever and ever.” The Lord avert from every one of you this fearful doom! But remember, that till your experience accord in good measure with that described in my text, you have not any scriptural hope of happiness in the realms of bliss. It is in vain to think that you shall spend eternity in songs of praise, when you have never had your hearts tuned to them in this present life.]

2. Offer my congratulations to those with whom this day has commenced—

[Though, as far as respects God’s ancient people and the world at large, this day is yet distant, to the real Christian it is already come; as many of you, I trust, can attest. And what terms can I find sufficient to express the congratulations due to you? Carnal friends will congratulate you on the acquisition of wealth and honour: but if crowns and kingdoms had been given you, I should account them of no value in comparison of the blessings which you enjoy. Pardon of sin, peace with God, the consolations of his Spirit, and the prospect of his glory—what on earth can be added to you? The things of this world, in comparison of all this, are but as the small dust upon the balance. I ask not, whether you possess any earthly comfort: if God be yours, what can you want? If “God be your strength, your song, and your salvation,” truly you have heaven already begun in your souls. Know, then, your blessedness, and estimate it aright: and not only “say, O Lord, I will praise thee,” but do it: do it with your whole hearts; do it with your whole souls; and do it, not only with your lips, but in your lives; by giving up yourselves to His service, and by walking before him in righteousness and holiness, without ceasing, and without reserve.]

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