Isaías 35:3,4

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 35:3. Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you.

OUR blessed Lord, as the great Shepherd of the sheep, has set an example to all inferior pastors, how to watch over their flock [Note: Ezequiel 34:11; Isaías 40:11.]. And in the words before us he gives them special direction how to treat the weak and the diseased.

I. Consider the characters here described—

Among the people of God, all of whom are weak as sheep, there are many that, from their peculiar weakness and infirmities, are characterized rather as “lambs, or as sheep that are big with young.” These are described in the text,

1. As feeling their weakness—

[The “hands and feet” being those members of the body that are fitted for labour, they not improperly represent the active powers of the soul: and the feebleness which they experience through excessive fatigue, gives us a just idea of a soul weary with its labours, and heavy laden with its spiritual burthens. Many there are that are precisely in this state: they have been maintaining a conflict with sin and Satan; they have been enduring the pressure of many trials; and they scareely know how to support their difficulties any longer: their “hands are so weak and their knees so feeble,” that they are ready to give up in utter despair [Note: This may be illustrated by David’s case, Salmos 38:2; Salmos 38:17.] — — —]

2. As discouraged by reason of it—

[Many are the misgiving thoughts that arise in the minds of God’s tempted people. When they find their insufficiency to support their burthens, and to overcome their spiritual enemies, they have “great searchings of heart:” they begin to doubt whether they have not altogether deceived their own souls; and whether they may not as well cease from those contests which they have hitherto found so ineffectual. They fear that God has cast them off; that all their professions are mere hypocrisy; and that their renewed exertions will only issue in their greater disappointment [Note: Salmos 77:2.] — —]

If there be any present, whose experience accords with this description, we proceed to,


Deliver to them a message from the most high God—

God would not that his ministers should ever “break a bruised reed,” or “despise the day of small things:” on the contrary, he says, “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people.” “Strengthen the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.” But, because we should be at a loss to know what to say, and all that we could say would be to no purpose, if it were the mere offspring of our own imaginations, God himself has put words into our mouths; which therefore we may safely, and confidently, deliver.

[Let the drooping and disconsolate now listen as to the voice of God himself; for it is God, and not man, that thus audibly speaks unto them.
“Be strong, fear not.” This may appear a strange address to those who feel within themselves such reason for despondency: but it is God’s message to them; and therefore in God’s name we deliver it.
But in the text the grounds of this encouragement are stated: and, if duly applied to the soul, they are sufficient to comfort the most distressed, and to invigorate the weakest. “Behold then, your God will come:” yes, that God who, notwithstanding all your fears, is, and will be, your God. Think what is implied in this relation, and then say, whether you have not in this word alone an inexhaustible fund of consolation.

He will come “with vengeance” to your enemies, and “with a recompence” to you. He sees with indignation those evil spirits that assault you, and those ungodly men that despise and persecute you, and all those indwelling lusts that harass and defile you: and he has doomed them all to destruction; your lusts, by the operation of his grace, and your enemies, whether men or devils, by his avenging arm. But with respect to yourselves, there is not a tear, which he has not treasured up in his vial [Note: Salmos 56:8.]; nor a sigh, a groan [Note: Salmos 38:8.], a purpose [Note: 1 Reis 8:18.], a wish [Note: 1 Reis 14:13.], a thought [Note: Malaquias 3:16.], which he has not noted in the book of his remembrance, in order to recompense it at the resurrection of the just.

In short, “he will come and save you.” He is interested in your welfare; and suffers you to be thus tried, and tempted, only for your good [Note: 1 Pedro 1:6.]. He knows “when your strength is gone,” and will make your extremity the season of his effectual interposition [Note: Deuteronômio 32:36.].

Notice the repetitions in this message; for they surely were not inserted thus for nought. It is “God, even God,” that will come for your relief: it is not a man, or an angel, but Jehovah himself, to whom all things are alike possible, and alike easy. Moreover, it is said, “He will come, he will come;” you need not doubt it, for it is as certain as that he himself exists. He may tarry long: but wait his leisure; and he will come at last [Note: Habacuque 2:3. with 2 Crônicas 15:7.]


How anxious is God for the comfort of his people!

[He charges all his servants to exert themselves for the relief of his people’s minds: and expressly sends them a message of love and mercy under their multiplied afflictions. And, lest they should put away from them the word, as not applicable to themselves, he describes them, not by their attainments, but by their defects; not by their hopes, but by their fears, He describes them by the very terms which they themselves make use of to describe their own state. What marvellous condescension is this! Moreover, he sends them exactly such a message as they themselves would desire, if they were commissioned to declare beforehand what they would consider as an adequate ground of consolation. Can any thing exceed this kindness?

Let us then entertain worthy conceptions of our gracious God; and learn never to doubt his love, or to distrust his care. And, instead of distressing ourselves with fears on account of our own weakness, let us look unto our Almighty Saviour to “perfect his own strength by means of it [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:9.].”]

2. How differently must ministers conduct themselves towards the different objects of their care!

[That same divine Shepherd who says, “I will strengthen that which was sick,” adds, “But I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment [Note: Ezequiel 34:16. before cited.].” Now there are many who perhaps will bless themselves, that they are strangers to the faintings and fears which are so distressing to others. What message then have we from God to them? Shall we endeavour to “confirm and strengthen” them? They need not our assistance; they would despise our proffered help. Shall we say to them, “Be strong, fear not?” Alas! how “shall they be strong in the day that God shall deal with them [Note: Ezequiel 22:14 and Isaías 10:3.]?” They rather need to fear and tremble for the judgments that are coming upon them. “God is coming;” but he is not their God; for they have never chosen him for their God, nor given themselves up to him as his people. He is coming with awful “vengeance,” and with a just “recompence” for all their neglect of him. He is coming not to “save,” but to destroy them. Let them then hear the message of God to them [Note: 2 Tessalonicenses 1:7.], and tremble. They must be sick in order to know the value of a physician; and must feel themselves lost, if ever they would be interested in the salvation of Christ [Note: Marcos 2:17; Lucas 18:13.]

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