Jeremias 30:21

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Jeremias 30:21. Who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me? saith the Lord.

THE history of the Jews is deserving of attention, not merely as unfolding to our view the gradual introduction of Christianity, but as shadowing forth all the most important parts of the Christian system. The passage before us primarily relates to the return of the Jews from Babylon. It foretells, that a terrible destruction should come upon their oppressors: that they, in consequence of it, should be restored to their own country, and live under governors of their own nation, and have the same access to God, in his worship, as they had enjoyed before the destruction of their city and temple. But, under these events, many others of a more sublime nature were typified. Their governors represented Christ, who should in due time arise to reign over them; and their enjoyment of Divine ordinances depicted the privileges which we were to possess under the Christian dispensation. To evince this, we will shew,

I. To whom this passage refers—

Besides referring to Zerubbabel and the Jewish people, it refers,

1. To Christ—

[Beyond all doubt he was the Governor who was to arise from among that people [Note: Compare ver. 9, with Salmos 22:28 and Mateus 2:6.], and to reign over the house of David for ever [Note: Lucas 1:32; Lucas 1:68. where the whole subject of the chapter before us is represented as verified in Christ.]— — —He “approached unto God” as our Surety and High Priest on earth, and as our Advocate and Intercessor in heaven — — — In this glorious work he “engaged his heart.” When first he entered into covenant with the Father respecting it, he shewed that his whole heart was engaged in it [Note: Salmos 40:7.]: and, from the moment that he entered upon his work, he persisted in it, notwithstanding all which he had to endure in the prosecution of it [Note: See while yet a child, Lucas 2:46. And during his ministry, he went into the wilderness that he might be tempted, Mateus 4:1.—he rebuked Peter for dissuading him from suffering, Mateus 16:22.—he longed for his bloody baptism, Lucas 12:50.—he resigned himself to suffer all that was necessary, João 12:27.—nor would he rescue himself (João 18:6.), or be rescued (Mateus 26:51.), or come down from the cross, till he could say, “It is finished,” Mateus 27:42.]— — —]

2. To his people—

[His followers are characterized as “a people near unto God [Note: Salmos 148:14.]:” and to them, as the words following the text evince, the words before us may be applied. They endeavour to “approach God” in the way that he has appointed: they “draw near to him with a true heart, in full assurance of faith.” They approach him in the public ordinances and in their private chambers. They “have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus:” they come even to the throne of God: they “stir up themselves to lay hold on him,” and “will not let him go, until he bless them.” In this work they “engage their hearts:” they know that “the drawing nigh to God with their lips only is a vain service:” they therefore labour to “worship him in spirit,” and to say with David, “My heart is fixed, my heart is fixed.” Whatever discouragements arise, they know that to yield to them must be productive of the most fatal consequences: and therefore they determine, if they are tempted at any time to say “I am cast out of the sight of thine eyes,” they will not despair; but will “cry unto God from the very belly of hell [Note: João 2:2; João 2:4.],” assured that “none shall ever seek his face in vain.”]

But to understand the passage aright, we must notice,


The peculiar force of the interrogation—

It is not to be supposed that God asks for information: the inquiry is rather expressive of his most cordial approbation.
God delighted in the mediation of his dear Son—
[In the prospect of this event, the Father delighted in him before man had fallen, or the world itself was formed [Note: Provérbios 8:22; Provérbios 8:30.]. And he commanded his prophet to announce, that he was “well pleased for his righteousness’ sake [Note: Isaías 42:21.], not only before he had wrought out that righteousness, but hundreds of years before he became incarnate. No sooner did the Lord Jesus enter on his work, than the Father, by an audible voice from heaven, attested that he was “well pleased with him.” The same testimony he bore, and in the same manner, on two other occasions: and in all his other dispensations towards him, he evinced that Jesus was “his elect, in whom his soul delighted [Note: Isaías 42:1.]” If at any time that approbation could be supposed to be withheld, it would be while the Father hid his face from him on the cross, or smote him with the sword of justice: but in reference to that very period we are told, that “it pleased the Father to bruise him [Note: Isaías 53:10. This passage marks the pleasure which God took, not indeed in inflicting punishment on his Son, but in making him a substitute for sinful man.]” and that “the sacrifice then offered was of a sweet-smelling savour [Note: Efésios 5:2.].”

He delights also in the approaches of a sinner to his footstool—
[“The prayer of the upright is his delight.” If in heaven “there is joy among the angels in the presence of God over one sinner that repenteth,” doubtless that God, in whose presence they are, approves and participates their joy, The representation given of him in the parable of the Prodigal Son, both countenances and confirms this sentiment; yea, to such a degree is he pleased with the supplications of a repenting sinner, that he would rather withdraw his eyes from every other object, whether in heaven or on earth, than not direct them especially towards him [Note: Isaías 66:2.]. See this exemplified in Saul of Tarsus: no sooner had that blood-thirsty persecutor begun to humble himself before his Maker, than God sent a special messenger to his relief, assigning this as the reason, “Behold, he prayeth [Note: Atos 9:10.]!” Thus at this time, if he see any of his rebellious creatures prostrating themselves before him, and earnestly imploring mercy, he will say, ‘Who is this? Is this the creature that I beheld so recently in arms against me? Is this he who seemed to hurl defiance in my face? is it he, who now so humbly engages his heart to approach unto me? He is my dear son; he is a pleasant child: my bowels are troubled fur him: I will surely have mercy upon him for evermore [Note: Jeremias 31:18.].’]


[Are there any amongst you that can answer to the inquiry, ‘Lord, it is I: I find my need of thee: I have engaged my heart in thy service; and am determined, through thy grace, that I will never go back?’ Let me congratulate you, my brethren: for “blessed is the man whom God chooses, and causes to approach unto him [Note: Salmos 65:4.].” Be thoroughly in earnest, and take care that you do not, after putting your hand to the plough, look back again.

Are there any who are constrained to say, ‘I would gladly make such a reply; but my rebellious heart revolts, and will not obey the dictates of my judgment?’ Then I would bid them to mark the works before the text; “I will cause him to draw near, and he shall approach unto me.” If any go unto him, it is not owing to their own superior goodness or strength, but to the attractive influences of God’s Spirit. Adopt then the petition of the Church of old, and then you may with confidence adopt her engagement also, “Draw me, and we will run after thee [Note: Cântico dos Cânticos 1:4.]:” “I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart [Note: Salmos 119:32.]”

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