João 16:27

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


João 16:27. The Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came nut from God.

THE atonement and intercession of Christ are doubtless the grounds of a Christian’s hope, and the richest source of his comforts: but much consolation also may be derived from the consideration of the Father’s love; nor do we understand the Gospel aright, till we see that Christ himself was the gift of the Father’s love, and that every blessing which we receive through Christ was prepared for us in the eternal counsels of the Father. Our Lord, solicitous to comfort his Disciples previous to his departure from them, directed their views unto the Father, assuring them, that, while they prayed to the Father in his name, they should find acceptance and support; and this too, not merely in consequence of his intercession, but also in consequence of the love which the Father himself bore towards them, In discoursing upon his words, we shall speak of,

I. The objects of the Father’s love—

The description which our Lord gives of his own Disciples will characterize all his faithful followers to the end of time—
They love the Lord Jesus Christ—
[There is not a real Christian in the universe who does not esteem the Lord Jesus above every other being, desire him more than thousands of silver and gold, and delight in him as the only source of true happiness. To love him more, and to serve him better, is the daily labour of his soul, and the very summit of his ambition.]

They believe in him—
[True Christians do not merely assent to this proposition, That Jesus is the Messiah; but they most cordially acquiesce in his appointment to that office; they trust altogether in his mediatorial work; and they seek to receive out of his fulness the blessings which he was sent to communicate.]
All who are of this description are, for that very reason, objects of the Father’s love—

[By the exercise of faith and love, they honour the Lord Jesus Christ in the world; and in so doing they honour the Father also [Note: João 5:23.]: on this account the Father loves and honours them. We do not mean to intimate, that their graces merit the Divine favour (for “their best righteousnesses are as filthy rags [Note: Isaías 64:6.]”); or that their graces are the spring and source of the Father’s love (for God’s love was from everlasting [Note: Jeremias 31:3.], and was exercised by him in a perfectly free and sovereign manner): but we say, that their exercise of faith and love is the occasion of God’s manifesting his love to them. Abel’s offering of a lamb, in token of his dependence on that Lamb of God which was to be slain in due time, was the occasion of God’s testifying his acceptance in a visible manner; and God justified his apparent partiality, by declaring this act to have been the ground of the preference he had shewn to Abel [Note: Gênesis 4:4; Hebreus 11:4.]. When Abraham also had offered up his son, God made his faith and obedience the occasion and the ground of manifesting his love to Abraham [Note: Gênesis 22:16.]. The Scriptures uniformly speak the same language [Note: Salmos 91:14.]; nor are we in danger of erring, provided we discriminate between the meritorious ground on which God’s favours are secured, and the particular occasion on which his love may be manifested.]

If we believe that any are so distinguished by the Father we cannot but wish to know,


The manner in which he displays his love towards them—

We might easily trace this part of our subject in the experience of those to whom the words of the text were immediately addressed; but, as it is of general importance, we shall rather treat it in a way that is alike applicable to all:

1. He watches over them by his providence—

[The dearest of God’s children may appear to others, perhaps also to themselves, to be forsaken of God. But the Father’s eye is ever upon them for good, and “runneth to and fro throughout the whole earth, to interpose effectually in their behalf [Note: 2 Crônicas 16:9.].” They may be suffered to want for a season, in order that they may be stirred up to seek relief from him: but they shall assuredly be supplied with every thing that is needful for them [Note: Salmos 34:10.]. They may experience many deep and heavy afflictions, but not one which shall not ultimately “work fur their good [Note: Romanos 8:28].”]

2. He keeps them by his grace—

[God is not an unconcerned spectator of his people’s conflicts. He shields their heads in the day of battle. If they fall, he raises them up; if they be wounded, he heals them; if they faint, he renews their strength [Note: Salmos 146:7.]. He will not endue them with such a degree of grace as shall supersede the need of vigilance and exertion; nor will he commit to them a stock that shall suffice for months or days: but he will give them “grace to help in the time of need [Note: Hebreus 4:16.];” and that “grace shall be sufficient for them.” Thus will he secure them from the destruction which they fear, and make them “more than conquerors, through Him that loved them [Note: Romanos 8:37.].”]

3. He comforts them by his presence—

[Who can express the consolations which God sometimes pours into the souls of those who wait upon him? They have been weeping perhaps under a sense of sin, or lamenting a state of spiritual darkness; and behold, God reveals himself unto them: their “light rises in obscurity, and their darkness becomes as the noon-day.” Often will God “manifest himself to them as he does not unto the world;” he will give them “a spirit of adoption, whereby they shall cry with confidence, Abba, Father;” and will so “shed abroad his love in their hearts,” that they shall have “an earnest of their inheritance,” and a foretaste of the heavenly glory. This is promised by God himself to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity, and is actually experienced by many who can attest his fidelity [Note: João 14:21; João 14:23.]


Those who are destitute of love to Christ, and of faith in him—

[If a mere profession of Christianity be a sufficient proof of our faith and love, we may spare ourselves the trouble of addressing any as though they were destitute of those graces. But if none truly love Christ or believe in him, except they who are altogether devoted to him in heart and life, then the persons we are addressing will be found to constitute the greater part, we fear, of almost every congregation. And what shall we say to such persons? Shall we address them in the words of our text, “The Father himself loveth you?” Would to God we could! But there is not one amongst you so ignorant, as not to know, that such an assertion would be false. Let your own consciences judge: Can God love those who neglect and despise his dear Son? Let the Scriptures determine. Does not St. Paul say, “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maran-atha [Note: 1 Coríntios 16:22.]?” Be assured that God cannot be your Father: for our Lord says expressly, “If God were your Father, ye would love me [Note: João 8:42.].” Be assured too, that if you die as you are, you must perish for ever; for Christ says again, “If ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins [Note: João 8:24.].” Repent ye then of all your ingratitude and unbelief, and “turn to your strong-hold, as prisoners of hope;” begin to “live by faith in the Son of God;” and “delight yourselves in him” now, that ye may be meet to enjoy him in a better world.]

2. Those to whom Christ is precious—

[Thanks be to God! there is a little flock that hear the voice of the good Shepherd, and that follow his steps. Think then, ye who love the Lord, how greatly ye are honoured, how highly ye are privileged; the Father himself loveth you! To say that all good and holy men loved you, or that all the angels in heaven loved you, would be a rich blessing: but to be loved by the Creator of men and angels, to be loved by the Father himself, O! who can estimate this blessing? It is true, that the very thing which causes God to love you, will cause the blind and the wicked world to hate you [Note: João 15:19.]: but why should you regard the hatred and contempt of men, if you are owned and approved of your God? “Let them curse, provided your God condescend to bless.” And if your “love at any time be ready to wax cold through the abounding of iniquity” around you, remember that the very thing which heightens man’s resentment, will call forth the manifestations of God’s favour; and that when your enemies shall “want a drop of water to cool their tongue,” you shall “be drinking of those rivers of pleasure which are at God’s right hand for evermore.”

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